PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. RiverSource Service Corporation shall enter into agreements with third party administrators to provide the services specified in Exhibit B, and such other services as are reflected in future amendments to Exhibit B from time to time (the "Plan Administration Services").
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. CMIS shall enter into agreements with third party administrators, who shall agree to provide the services specified in Exhibit B, and such other services as are reflected in future amendments to Exhibit B from time to time (the “Plan Administration Services”).
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. (A) Monitoring the receipt of Plan contributions made by the Agency to the Custodian, based upon information received from the Agency and the Custodian;
(B) Performing periodic accounting of custodial assets, including the allocation of employer contributions, payments to the Insurance Company, investment activity and expenses (if applicable), based upon information received from the Agency and/or Custodian;
(C) Acting as ongoing liaison between the Participant and the Agency in regard to the Plan, which shall include use by the Participants of toll-free telephone communication to PARS;
(D) Producing benefit illustrations and processing enrollments upon direction by Agency;
(E) Coordinating the processing of contribution payments to the Insurance Company pursuant to authorized written Agency certification of eligibility, authorized direction by the Agency, and the provisions of the Plan, and, to the extent possible, based upon Agency-provided Data;
(F) Coordinating actions with the Custodian as directed by the Plan Administrator within the scope of this Agreement.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. Upon the request of Sunburst, Choice shall ---------------------------- provide the Plan Administration Services, as set forth in Exhibit D, to assist in the administration of its Plans.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. AFS will provide Plan Administration Services to sponsors of Plans that are funded with the Insurer Product and each other insurance policy or product that may be loaded or supported on the System. Such services shall be provided pursuant to a separate agreement between AFS and the Plan sponsor and containing terms and conditions acceptable to such parties. A copy of AFS’ current Plan Administration Services Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 2.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. The Administrator shall render, directly or indirectly through third parties, some or all of the services specified in Exhibit B hereto, and such other services as reflected in future amendments to Exhibit B from time to time (the "Administration Services"). These Administration Services include recordkeeping, tax reporting, account and communication/educational services for retirement plans and retirement plan participants which invest in Class R1, Class R2, Class R3, Class R4 and Class R5 shares.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. (A) Monitoring the receipt of Plan contributions made by the Agency to the trustee of the PARS Public Agencies Post-Employment Benefits Trust (“Trustee”), based upon information received from the Agency and the Trustee;
(B) Performing periodic accounting of Plan assets, reimbursements/distributions, and investment activity, based upon information received from the Agency and/or Trustee;
(C) Coordinating the processing of distribution payments pursuant to authorized direction by the Agency, and the provisions of the Plan, and, to the extent possible, based upon Agency-provided Data;
(D) Coordinating actions with the Trustee as directed by the Plan Administrator within the scope this Agreement;
(E) Preparing and submitting a monthly report of Plan activity to the Agency, unless directed by the Agency otherwise;
(F) Preparing and submitting an annual report of Plan activity to the Agency;
(G) Facilitating actuarial valuation updates and funding modifications for compliance with GASB 45/75, if prefunding OPEB obligations;
(H) Coordinating periodic audits of the Trust;
(I) Monitoring Plan and Trust compliance with federal and state laws.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. (A) Monitoring the receipt of Plan contributions made by the CITY to the trustee of the PARS Public Agencies Post-Employment Benefits Trust (“Trustee”), based upon information received from the CITY and the Trustee;
(B) Performing periodic accounting of Plan assets, reimbursements/distributions, and investment activity, based upon information received from the CITY and/or Trustee;
(C) Coordinating the processing of distribution payments pursuant to authorized direction by the CITY, and the provisions of the Plan, and, to the extent possible, based upon CITY-provided Data;
(D) Coordinating actions with the Trustee as directed by the Plan Administrator within the scope of this Agreement;
(E) Preparing and submitting a monthly report of Plan activity to the CITY, unless directed by the CITY otherwise;
(F) Preparing and submitting an annual report of Plan activity to the CITY;
(G) Facilitating actuarial valuation updates and funding modifications for compliance with the applicable GASB pronouncements and/or statements, if prefunding OPEB obligations;
(H) Coordinating periodic audits of the Trust;
(I) Monitoring Plan and Trust compliance with federal and state laws.
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. 2 1.08 Policies................................................................2 1.09 Products................................................................2 1.10 Participants............................................................3 SECTION 2 TERM..............................................................3
PLAN ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. Upon the request of Choice, Manor shall provide the Plan Administration Services, as set forth in Exhibit D, to assist in the administration of its Plans.