Play. To insert a play, use the list command keys to move the ">" pointer to the play you want to insert a play before and press "I". The Play Editor window showing the play you will be inserting before is shown in the upper right of the display. Key in the new play you want to insert in the Play Input window. The new play is inserted before the selected play. The game statistics are automatically recalculated after you insert the play.
Play. To insert a play (or game control command) that was omitted earlier in the game, use the list command keys to move the ">" pointer to the point in the Play List where you want to insert a play and press "I". Then press either "B" or "A" to indicate whether to in- sert the play before or after the indicated line in the Play List. A window showing the play you will be inserting before is shown in the upper right of the display to remind you of the context for inserting the new play. Key in the new play you want to insert in the Play Input window. Press the SPACEBAR to accept the play. The new play is inserted before or after the selected play as you indicated earlier. The game statistics are automatically recalculated after you insert the play.
Play. Parks, recreation programs, community-based approaches, youth programs, and 30 sites participating in Safe Routes to School projects.
Play. You can play DukeMatch against one to seven computer controlled Xxxxx. Start the game as follows. “DUKE3D /a /q# /v# /l# /m /a: Tells computer to use the computer controlled Xxxxx /q#: enter (1-7) in place of # for the number of Xxxxx /v#: enter (1-4) in place of # for the mission number /l#: enter the level number in place of # /m: Turns monsters off
Play. A Play is an area that contains a broad geologically defined concept with one or more geological horizons that are thought to be commercially productive of oil and/or natural gas. A play consists of multiple Projects.
Play a leading role in the development of the European Security Agenda, and enhance capabilities to undertake timely and effective security operations, by successfully encouraging a more efficient and effective NATO, a more coherent and effective European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) operating in strategic partnership with NATO, and enhanced European defence capabilities.
Play. A. Playing time will be at the sole discretion of the coaches.
1. Players are not guaranteed equal playing time, but coaches are expected to help develop everybody on their roster.
2. Players are not guaranteed equal time in the infield and outfield.
3. During league games, coaches are required to bat all of their players and have every player in the field for at least 2 innings.
4. During pool games, coaches are encouraged to bat all of their players and have every player in the field at least one inning.
5. During bracket games, coaches are encouraged to get all of their players at least one at bat and have every player in the field at least one inning.
Play. In role-play, students are invited to explore situations as if they were someone else. When in role, students respond as that person would think, feel, and speak, expressing attitudes and points of view in response to questions, situations, relationships and problems to be solved. Role Play builds student understanding of an empathy for people throughout history, scientist, math thinkers, and characters in literature. Students should be encouraged to fully research characters prior to the role-play. Below is an example of a Doral student prepping for their performance as Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, the students had to write an in depth report and then “act” it out. Students practice the skills of careful observation and detailed description. RBOT can be adapted for use with visual content (photographs, charts, illustrations, artworks) as well as with performing arts (audio and video). Students are encouraged to delay inference in order to consider multiple possible meanings. • Step 1: Observe-Share the image or sample, asking students to observe in silence for one minute (or the length of the sample). • Step 2: Students describe what they see or notice in the image or sample, using the sentence stem “my eyes see…”, “my ears hear…” • Step 3: Wonder-Students wonder about multiple meanings, possible inferences or content. Students represent, ideas, feelings, and content through movement. They come to understand that dance and movement can be tools of expression. They will use the basic elements of Best to explore, and to create, and finally to abstract movement. (Examples include demonstrating beats and patterns). Body – Parts of the body plus Loco motor and Non-Loco motor Movements Energy – How is the body moving Space/Shape – Big, small, Levels 1-10 Time – Tempo, Rhythm, Speeds Through the Doral affiliation agreement, DAI will work extensively with artists from the Xxxxxxx Center to develop additional content modules based on our particular context and needs that are beyond those that the Xxxxxxx Center has previously created and disseminated through its ArtsEdge program. The following are two examples of collaborations that the Doral system has engaged in the past and will seek to build upon in the development of Doral Academy of Idaho:
Play. When turned on, causes machines controlled by MIDI Machine Control to automatically go into play after they have arrived at a locate point. (Important: For MMC autolocation to work correctly, both the MIDI In and the MIDI Out of the machine must be connected to your Windows MIDI interface. Remember, your DA7 MIDI interface is in use by MAX, so it is inoperative for this purpose.)
Play. Bet Payout-The Play Bet receives no action. The house dealer shall immediately refund these xxxxxx to players.