PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an inseparable part hereof.
1.2 The following appendices, which are attached to this Agreement, constitute inseparable parts hereof:
a) Appendix A – Technical Specification;
b) Appendix B - Consideration
c) Appendix C - Supplier's Bank Account Form d) Appendix D - Acceptance Certificate
e) Appendix E - Form of Performance and Warranty Guarantee
1.3 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and are not a material part hereof and shall not be used for purposes of interpretation.
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and are not a material part of and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement.
1.2 This Agreement shall consist of the following documents each of which is attached hereto and is an integral and inseparable part hereof:
1.1.1 The general terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1.1.2 The following appendices:
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, are not a material part of and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement.
1.2 This Agreement shall consist of the following documents each of which is attached hereto and is an integral and inseparable part hereof:
1.2.1. Annex A – Technical Specifications
1.2.2. Annex A1 – Supplier's Proposal in response to the Tender
1.2.3. Annex B – Consideration Annex
1.2.4. Annex C – Supplier's Bank Account Form
1.2.5. Annex D – Certificate of Completion of Foreign Tests
1.2.6. Annex E – Final Acceptance Certificate
1.2.7. Annex F – Spare Parts for Preventive Maintenance and Calibration.
1.2.8. Annex G1 – Down Payment / Payment Guarantee
1.2.9. Annex G2 – Performance and Warranty Guarantee
1.2.10. Annex H – Change Order Form 1.2.11. Annex I – Training plan 1.2.12. Annex J – DDP 1.2.13. Annex K – QAP
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, are not a material part of and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement.
1.2 This Agreement shall consist of the following documents each of which is attached hereto and is an integral and inseparable part hereof:
1.2.1. Annex A1 Technical Specifications
1.2.2. Annex A2 Supplier's Proposal in response to the Tender
1.2.3. Annex B Consideration Annex
1.2.4. Annex C Supplier's Bank Account Form
1.2.5. Annex D Certificate of Completion of Factory Acceptance Tests
1.2.6. Annex E Final Acceptance Certificate
1.2.7. Annex F Spare Parts for Preventive Maintenance List
1.2.8. Annex G1 Down Payment / Payment Guarantee
1.2.9. Annex G2 Performance and Warranty Guarantee
1.2.10. Annex H Change Order Form 1.2.11. Annex I Training plan
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an inseparable part hereof.
1.2 The following appendices, which are attached to this Agreement, constitute inseparable parts hereof:
a) Appendix A1 + A2 – Technical Specification;
b) Appendix B - Consideration
c) Appendix C- Spare parts & Price List
d) Appendix D - Form of Performance and Warranty Guarantee
e) Appendix E - Form of Payment Guarantee
f) Appendix F - Supplier's Bank Account Form g) Appendix G - Acceptance Certificate
h) Appendix H - ISR Safety Regulations
1.3 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and are not a material part hereof and shall not be used for purposes of interpretation.
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, are not a material part of and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement.
1.2 The Agreement shall consist of the following documents each of which is attached hereto and is an integral and inseparable part hereof:
1.2.1. Annex A - – Technical Specifications
1.2.2. Annex A1- – Supplier's proposal in response to the Tender
1.2.3. Annex B- – Consideration Annex
1.2.4. Annex C- – Supplier's Bank Account Form
1.2.5. Annex D- – Certificate of Completion of Foreign Tests
1.2.6. Annex E- –Acceptance Certificate
1.2.7. Annex F- – Spare Parts
1.2.8. Annex G1- – Down Payment / Payment Guarantee
1.2.9. Annex G2- – Performance and Warranty Guarantee
1.2.10. Annex H- – Change Order Form
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. The preamble, declarations therein contained and the appendices to this Contract constitute an integral part hereof.
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an inseparable part hereof.
1.2 The following appendices, which are attached to this Agreement, constitute inseparable parts hereof:
a) Appendix A – Technical Specification;
b) Appendix B - Consideration
c) Appendix C - Supplier's Bank Account Form d) Appendix D - Acceptance Certificate e) Appendix E- Training Plan g) Appendix G- Kits Components list and Prices.
h) Appendix H - Form of Performance and Warranty Guarantee
1.3 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and are not a material part hereof and shall not be used for purposes of interpretation.
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, are not a material part of and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement.
1.2 This Agreement shall consist of the following documents each of which is attached hereto and is an integral and inseparable part hereof:
1.2.1. Annex A1 – Technical Specifications for RSDEV;
1.2.2. Annex A2 – Grinding/Milling Services Specifications;
1.2.3. Annex A3 – Supplier's Proposal in response to the Tender;
1.2.4. Annex B – Consideration Annex;
1.2.5. Annex C – Supplier's Bank Account Information Form;
1.2.6. Annex D – Certificate of Completion of Foreign Tests;
1.2.7. Annex E – Form of Final Acceptance Certificate;
1.2.8. Annex F – Spare Parts for Preventive Maintenance and Calibration;
1.2.9. Annex G1 – Form of Down Payment / Payment Guarantee;
1.2.10. Annex G2 – Form of Performance and Warranty Guarantee;
1.2.11. Annex H – Change Order Form;
1.2.12. Annex I – Training Plan;
1.2.13. Annex J – DDP;
1.2.14. Annex K – QAP;
PREAMBLE, APPENDICES AND HEADINGS. 1.1. The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an integral part thereof.
1.2. The appendices attached to this Agreement constitute and integral part thereof.
1.3. The section headings in this Agreement are provided for convenience only. They do not constitute part of this Agreement and shall not be used in its interpretation. Appendix A – Leased Property Plan. Appendix B – Technical Specifications for the Offices (hereinafter: the “Specifications”) + plans. Appendix C – Electricity Supply Rules. Appendix D – Management Agreement Terms. Appendix E – Removed. Appendix F – Parent Company Guarantee. Appendix G – Bank Guarantee. Appendix H – Form Insurance Authorizations. Appendix I – Removed. Appendix J – Collection of Special Terms. Appendix K – Confirmation of Lessee Authorized Signatories. Appendix L – Amounts Form.