PRESERVATION OF MARKINGS. The receiving Party will maintain and reproduce on all copies (including electronic documents), the proprietary markings and other legends contained on the Proprietary Information, and the receiving Party will not add any further markings to such Proprietary Information without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party.
PRESERVATION OF MARKINGS. Recipient shall not alter or delete any markings on any Information or Item restricting its disclosure, use or reproduction or indicating its proprietary or private status. Recipient shall include all such markings in all copies of any Information which it makes.
PRESERVATION OF MARKINGS. Dealer agrees that it will in no way alter, deface, remove, cover up or mutilate in any manner whatsoever, any trademark, serial or model number, the word "patent" and/or the patent number, copyright symbol, brand or name which Excelsior-Xxxxxxxxx may attach or affix to or make a part of any of the Products, spare parts, components and/or assemblies of the Products, or any packaging or sales literature relating thereto.
PRESERVATION OF MARKINGS. Responible: Arve Viggen Approved by: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Version: 1 Last revised date: 23.01.2025 Process: The receiving Party shall ensure that all copies of Proprietary Information, including electronic versions, retain the original proprietary markings. The receiving Party shall not add any new markings without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌


  • RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Management of Company and the direction of the working forces are vested solely and exclusively in the Company, and shall not be abridged except by specific restrictions as set forth in this Agreement. The Management Rights, as set out herein, shall not be deemed to exclude the other rights of Management at common law.

  • Preservation of Records The Assuming Bank agrees that it will preserve and maintain for the joint benefit of the Receiver, the Corporation and the Assuming Bank, all Records of which it has custody for such period as either the Receiver or the Corporation in its discretion may require, until directed otherwise, in writing, by the Receiver or Corporation. The Assuming Bank shall have the primary responsibility to respond to subpoenas, discovery requests, and other similar official inquiries with respect to the Records of which it has custody.