RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. Management of Company and the direction of the working forces are vested solely and exclusively in the Company, and shall not be abridged except by specific restrictions as set forth in this Agreement. The Management Rights, as set out herein, shall not be deemed to exclude the other rights of Management at common law.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 4.01 The Union agrees that all rights, prerogatives and authority the University had prior to signing the first Agreement are retained by the University except those specifically abridged, delegated, granted, or modified by this or any supplementary Agreements that may be made in the future, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the University to:
(a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency, and in connection therewith; to make, alter and enforce from time to time rules and regulations, policies and practices to be observed by its employees; relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons; discipline or discharge employees for cause provided that a claim by an employee who has acquired seniority that he has been unjustly disciplined or discharged may be the subject matter of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided;
(b) select, hire, transfer, promote, demote, classify, appoint, lay off, recall or retire employees and select employees for positions excluded from the bargaining unit;
(c) operate and manage the University in all respects in accordance with the University's commitments, obligations and responsibilities including the right to determine the number and location of the University's establishments and their expansion or curtailment; direction of the work force, subcontracting of work, schedules of operations, methods, techniques, work procedures, quality and quantity standards; determine job content, establishment of work or job assignments, change, combine or abolish job classifications, qualifications of an employee to perform any particular job; require employees to have medical examinations; decide the number and type of employees needed by the University at any time, number of hours to be worked, starting and quitting times, when overtime shall be worked and require employees to work overtime; determine financial policies, including general accounting procedures.
4.02 An employee who has not completed his probationary period may be discharged without cause and at the sole discretion of the University.
4.03 The University agrees that it will not exercise its functions in Article 4 – Reservation of Management Rights – in a manner inconsistent with the express provisions of this Agreement.
4.04 Failure to exercise any of its management rights at any time shall not be considered to be an abandonment of such rights.
4.05 No emplo...
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 3:01 The Union acknowledges that it is the right of the Employer to maintain order and efficiency; hire, classify, transfer, promote, demote, layoff, discipline, suspend, or discharge employees; establish and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, which govern the conduct of the employees; and generally to manage and operate the University of Toronto. The Employer agrees to exercise these rights in a manner which is fair, reasonable, equitable and consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Board, among others, and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to:
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 7.01 The Union acknowledges the exclusive function of the Employer generally to manage the enterprise in which it is engaged and particularly to:
(a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency;
(b) hire, transfer, promote, demote or retire and, with just cause, to suspend, discipline or discharge employees and to increase and decrease the working force in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
(c) the right to determine the direction of the working force, the schedules of work, methods, in order to perform any services that may be necessary to manage the enterprise and its business;
(d) it is agreed that the Employer may, at its discretion, issue and enforce from time to time reasonable rules and regulations in order to assure the successful operation of its business. Breaches of such rules by an employee may be cause for disciplinary action;
(e) limit, suspend or cease operations, subcontract, or make necessary arrangements due to a change in the Employer’s policies;
(f) it is understood and agreed that these rights shall not be exercised in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement and it is understood that a claim by an employee or employees that the Employer has so exercised these rights shall be proper subject matter for a grievance.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 2.01 The Institute acknowledges that it is the responsibility of the Company, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to:
(a) Maintain order, discipline and efficiency and, to this end, make and alter from time to time the rules and regulations to be observed by employees;
(b) Hire, discharge, transfer, promote, demote, suspend, lay off, or discipline employees;
(c) Generally manage the enterprise in which the Company is engaged and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, determine: the research, development and production programs and schedules; staffing and facilities; the methods, systems and processes to be used; and the control of all equipment, materials and facilities used.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. The enumeration of the rights and duties of the EMPLOYER in this Agreement shall not be deemed to exclude other inherent management rights and management functions not expressly reserved herein and all management rights and management functions not expressly delegated in this Agreement are reserved to the EMPLOYER.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 2.01 The Association acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Employer:
(a) Generally to manage and operate its establishments in all respects and, without in any way restricting the generality of the foregoing, to determine the kinds, location and number of the Employer's establishments, the services to be rendered, the methods, the work procedures, the kinds and locations of machines, instruments and equipment to be used; to select, control and direct the use of all materials and facilities required in the operation of the Employer's establishments; to schedule the work and services to be performed and provided, and to make, alter and enforce regulations governing the use of all materials, facilities and services as may be deemed necessary in the interests of the safety and well-being of the Macassa Lodge and Wentworth Lodge residents and the public.
(b) To maintain order, discipline and efficiency, and to make, alter and enforce reasonable rules and regulations to be observed by the nurses, provided such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
(c) To hire, retire, classify, direct, promote, demote, transfer, discipline, suspend and discharge nurses; to assign nurses to shifts, and to increase and decrease the working forces, provided that:
(i) a claim by any nurse of discriminatory retirement, transfer, demotion, discipline or suspension, or
(ii) a claim by any nurse that he or she has been discharged without just cause may become the subject of a grievance and be dealt with as hereinafter provided.
2.02 The Employer shall exercise these rights in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Company to:
RESERVATION OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. 2:01 The Union acknowledges that all managerial rights of the Employer hitherto exercised by the Employer shall be reserved to it, except to the extent herein limited, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Union acknowledges that it is the right of the Employer to:
(a) Manage, conduct and operate the University of Windsor;
(b) Maintain order, discipline and efficiency;
(c) Establish and enforce rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, governing the conduct of the employees;
(d) Hire, classify, direct, transfer, lay off, promote, demote and for just cause discipline and discharge employees, subject to the right of the employees to lodge a grievance as herein provided; and determine the requirements of jobs.
2:02 The Employer agrees that such rights shall be exercised in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement.