Price Increase For purposes of this paragraph, “Contract Year” means a twelve
Price Increases This section applies to pricing not Benchmarked to GSA Supply Schedule. Additionally, where pricing submitted for Services is not benchmarked to an approved GSA Supply Schedule:
Price Increase/Decrease No price increases will be permitted during the first period of the price agreement. The County requires documented proof of cost increases on Contracts prior to any price adjustment. A minimum of 30-days advance notice in writing is required to secure such adjustment. No retroactive price adjustments will be considered. All price decreases will automatically be extended to the County of Orange. The County may enforce, negotiate, or cancel escalating price Contracts or take any other action it deems appropriate, as it sees fit. The net dollar amount of profit will remain firm during the period of the Contract. Adjustments increasing the Contractor’s profit will not be allowed.
Annual Increases On each anniversary of Employee's termination from employment, any remaining amounts to be paid during the next year pursuant to this Paragraph 9 shall be increased to an amount equal to one hundred ten percent (110%) of the amounts required to be paid by Employer hereunder under the provisions of this Paragraph 9 during the preceding year.
Price Adjustments for OGS Centralized Contracts Periodic price adjustments will occur no more than twice per year on a schedule to be established solely by OGS. Pricing offered shall be fixed for the first twelve (12) months of the Contract term. Such price increases will only apply to the OGS Centralized Contracts and shall not be applied retroactively to Authorized User Agreements or any Mini-bids already submitted to an Authorized User. Price decreases may be made at any time. Additionally, some price decreases shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix B, section 17, Pricing.
Fee Increases S&P reserves the right to increase its fees under this Order Schedule effective on the anniversary of the Commencement Date by providing at least sixty (60) days advance written notice to Licensee prior to the expiration of the Term then in effect.
Price Adjustments 17.1 Prices for Goods/Services supplied in terms of this Agreement shall be subject to review as indicated in the Schedule of Requirements/Works Order annexed hereto. 17.2 No less than 2 [two] months prior to any proposed Price adjustment, the Parties shall commence negotiations for Prices for the next period or as otherwise indicated in Schedule 1 hereto. The Parties shall have regard for market-related pricing of equivalent goods, continuous improvement initiatives, costs [including labour, raw materials and transport/delivery], order size and frequency and changes to the specification of the Goods/Services. 17.3 Pursuant to clause 17.2 above, the Supplier/Service Provider shall keep full and accurate records of all costs associated with the supply of the Goods/Services to Transnet, in a form to be approved in writing by Transnet. The Supplier/Service Provider shall produce such records to Transnet for inspection at all reasonable times on request and such records may, at Transnet's option, be audited by Transnet or its designated representatives. 17.4 Should Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider fail to reach an agreement on Price for the successive period, either Party shall be entitled to submit this matter to dispute resolution in accordance with clause 32 of the Master Agreement [Dispute Resolution]. 17.5 If during the period of this Agreement Transnet can purchase similar Goods/Services of a like quality from another supplier at a total delivered cost to a Transnet facility that is lower than the total delivered cost of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder from the Supplier/Service Provider, Transnet may notify the Supplier/Service Provider of such total delivered cost and the Supplier/Service Provider shall have an opportunity to adjust the Price of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder, on such a basis as to result in the same total delivered cost to Transnet, within 30 [thirty] calendar days of such notice. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from such other supplier in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; (ii) terminate this Agreement without any penalty, liability or further obligation; or (iii) continue purchases under this Agreement. 17.6 If during the period of this Agreement the Supplier/Service Provider sells any materials which are the same as, equivalent to, or substantially similar to the Goods/Services herein, at a total delivered cost to a third party lower than the total delivered cost to a Transnet facility, then the Supplier/Service Provider has an opportunity to adjust its Price for the Goods/Services purchased hereunder within 30 [thirty] calendar days so that the Price is the same or lower than the total delivered cost of such third party. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from any other such supplier, in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; or
PRICE ESCALATION/DE-ESCALATION (CPI) The County may allow a price escalation provision within this award. The original contract prices shall be firm for an initial one (1) year period. A price escalation/de-escalation will be considered at one (1) year intervals thereafter, provided the Contractor notifies the County, in writing, of the pending price escalation/de-escalation a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the effective date. Price adjustments shall be based on the latest version of the Consumers Price Index (CPI-U) for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S. City Average, non-seasonal, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This information is available at Price adjustment shall be calculated by applying the simple percentage model to the CPI data. This method is defined as subtracting the base period index value (at the time of initial award) from the index value at time of calculation (latest version of the CPI published as of the date of request for price adjustment), divided by the base period index value to identify percentage of change, then multiplying the percentage of change by 100 to identify the percentage change. Formula is as follows: Current Index – Base Index / Base Index = % of Change CPI for current period 232.945 Less CPI for base period 229.815 Equals index point change 3.130 Divided by base period CPI 229.815 Equals 0.0136 Result multiplied by 100 0.0136 x 100 Equals percent change 1.4% % of Change x 100 = Percentage Change CPI-U Calculation Example: A price increase may be requested only at each time interval specified above, using the methodology outlined in this section. To request a price increase, Contractor shall submit a letter stating the percentage amount of the requested increase and adjusted price to the Orange County Procurement Division. The letter shall include the complete calculation utilizing the formula above, and a copy of the CPI-U index table used in the calculation. The maximum allowable increase shall not exceed 4%, unless authorized by the Manager, Procurement Division. All price adjustments must be accepted by the Manager, Procurement Division and shall be memorialized by written amendment to this contract. No retroactive contract price adjustments will be allowed. Should the CPI-U for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S City Average, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics decrease during the term of the contract, or any renewals, the Contractor shall notify the Orange County Procurement Division of price decreases in the method outlined above. If approved, the price adjustment shall become effective on the contract renewal date. If the Contractor fails to pass the decrease on to the County, the County reserves the right to place the Contractor in default, cancel the award, and remove the Contractor from the County Vendor List for a period of time deemed suitable by the County. In the event of this occurrence, the County further reserves the right to utilize any options as stated herein.
Annual Increments 12.1 Employees will proceed to the maximum of their salary range by annual increments, after 12 months’ continuous service at each increment point, unless there is an adverse report on the Employee's performance or conduct which recommends the non-payment of an annual increment. 12.2 The following process will apply where a report on an Employee’s performance or conduct recommends the non-payment of an annual increment: (a) The Employee will be shown the report prior to completing 12 months’ continuous service since their last incremental advance; (b) The Employee will be provided with an opportunity to comment in writing; (c) The Employee’s comments will be considered immediately by the Employer and a decision made as to whether to approve the payment of the increment or withhold payment for a specific period; and (d) Where the increment is withheld, the Employer before the expiry of the specified period will complete a further report and the above provisions will apply. 12.3 The non-payment of an increment will not change the normal anniversary date of any further increment payments. 12.4 For the purposes of this clause "continuous service", except where an increment is payable according to age, will not include any period: (a) exceeding 14 calendar days during which an Employee is absent on Leave Without Pay. In the case of leave without pay which exceeds 14 calendar days the entire period of such Leave Without Pay is excised in full; (b) which exceeds six (6) months in one continuous period during which an Employee is absent on workers' compensation. Provided that only that portion of such continuous absence which exceeds six (6) months will not count as "continuous service"; and (c) which exceeds three (3) months in one (1) continuous period during which an Employee is absent on Personal Leave without pay. Provided that only that portion of such continuous absence which exceeds three (3) months will not count as "continuous service".
Step Increases (a) The following is the method used to determine service credit, since the last date of hire, for purposes of positioning on the salary range: i) all continuous service shall be retained and transferred with the employee if she/he changes her/his status from full-time to part- time and vice versa. ii) a part-time employee who changes status to full-time will be given credit on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) paid hours of part- time being equivalent to one (1) year of full-time service and vice versa. iii) in addition, an employee who is so transferred will be given credit for paid hours accumulated since the date of last advancement. (b) Annual increments for full-time employees shall be paid on their anniversary date. (c) Annual increments for part-time employees shall be paid on the completion of each fifteen hundred (1500) hours worked.