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Procedures related to the card Sample Clauses

Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shall be open at the bank. 12.2.2 Customer/card owner is authorized to use the available amount at his/her card account with the deduction of the card service fees and minimum balance. In case if the amount is overspent, the customer/card owner will be obliged to pay the commission fees related to such overspending. 12.2.3 For risk reducing purposes further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishing additional limits by the bank. 12.2.4 Application to make additional card is signed by the person entitled by the customer from the one side and by the person in whose name the card is to be issued from the other (card owner). 12.2.5 The Bank is authorized to link different currency accounts to the single plastic card or different cards to the single bank account. Currency priority is determined by the client. Information about the remnants available on the account/accounts existing on the plastic card is shown in the plastic card system in the priority currency in accordance with the official exchange rate fixed by the National Bank of Georgia for the date of payment. 12.2.6 The client shall file a relevant application, pay minimum balance amount and the amount corresponding the annual service fee for the card as determined by the bank for the purposes of obtaining the card. 12.2.7 After transfer of the amount(s) mentioned in subparagraph 12.2.6 of this Agreement, to the card account, within the term fixed by the bank, bank will produce and issue the card to the card owner together with the pin-code or SMS code through which is possible to get the PIN code, accompanied by the relevant documentation and/or information material. 12.2.8 In case the client or the cardholder fails to collect the card within 90 (ninety) days from the date of issuance thereof, the bank will have the right to destroy such card and: Commissions paid by the client shall not be returned to him/her; The minimum balance and other amounts standing on the card shall be returned to the client as determined by the rule outlined in the subparagraph of this agreement. 12.2.9 In case when the representative entitled by the account owner (customer) and the card owner is not the same person: The Account owner (customer) is authorized to independently receive a new card, request change of priorities related to the currencies thereto, open card account(s), cancel the...
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For the performance of operations through the card relevant card account(s) will be opened by the Bank. 12.2.2 Customer/Card owner is authorized to use the amount available at his/her card account with the deduction of the card service fees and minimum balance (if any). In case the amount is overspent, the Customer/Card owner will be obliged to pay the bank the commission fees related to such overspending. 12.2.3 For the purposes of risk mitigation, the use of the card and the card account might be additionally limited through setting relevant limits by the bank. 12.2.4 Under the written consent/request of the Customer it is allowed to produce and issue additional cards related to the card account. The additional card shall be produced for the person (card owner) named by the customer and the request shall be signed by the customer as well as by such other person (card owner). 12.2.5 The Bank is authorized to link different currency accounts to the single plastic card or different cards to the single bank account. Currency priority is determined by the client. Information about the remnants available on the account/accounts existing on the plastic card is shown in the plastic card system in the priority currency in accordance with the official exchange rate fixed by the National Bank of Georgia for the date of payment. 12.2.6 In order to obtain the card (whether main or additional one), the card owner shall present the relevant application to the bank, pay in or transfer the minimum balance (if any) to the account and the annual service fee of the card, under the rates fixed by the bank. 12.2.7 After the amount(amounts) specified in subparagraph 12.2.6 of this Agreement is deposited on the card account, within the period determined by the Bank, the Bank shall produce and hand to the client or a card holder the card and the PIN - Code or SMS- code, which can be used to get the PIN - code, the relevant documentation and / or informational materials. 12.2.8 In case the customer or the card owner does not receive the card within 90 (ninety) calendar days after the date the card was produced, bank shall be entitled to destroy the card and in this case: The commission fees paid by the customer shall not be refunded; Minimum balance (if any) at the card and other amounts will be refunded to the customer under the rule stipulated by the subparagraph of this agreement. The rate package, together with all of its provisions ...
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shall be open at the bank. 12.2.2 Customer/card owner is authorized to use the available amount at his/her card account with the deduction of the card service fees and minimum balance. In case if the amount is overspent, the customer/card owner will be obliged to pay the commission fees related to such overspending. When the limit is overdrawn (“overdraft” – the Customer’s/Cardholder’s use of funds in excess of the limit agreed between the Bank and the Customer/Cardholder), including when the automatic overdraft stipulated herein and/or an unauthorized overdraft occurs, the Bank will notify the Customer/Cardholder thereof via an SMS text. The Bank will not be responsible for the Customer’s/Cardholder’s failure to receive information sent/to be sent by the Bank to the Customer/Cardholder or for any consequence(s) of third party access to the information if information delivery is prevented by the fault of the Customer/Cardholder and/or the Customer/Cardholder has changed his/her contact information/data (mobile number, address, email, etc.) and has not reported it to the Bank. 12.2.3 For risk reducing purposes further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishing additional limits by the bank. 12.2.4 Application to make additional card is signed by the person entitled by the customer from the one side and by the person in whose name the card is to be issued from the other (card owner). 12.2.5 The Bank is authorized to link different currency accounts to a single plastic card or different cards to a single bank account. Currency priority is defined by the Client. Information about balance/balances in the account/accounts is indicated in the priority currency at the commercial exchange rate set by the Bank on the given date.
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shall be open at the bank. 12.2.2 Customer/card owner is authorized to use the available amount at his/her card account with the deduction of the card service fees and minimum balance. In case if the amount is overspent, the customer/card owner will be obliged to pay the commission fees related to such overspending. 12.2.3 For risk reducing purposes further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishing additional limits by the bank. 12.2.4 Application to make additional card is signed by the person entitled by the customer from the one side and by the person in whose name the card is to be issued from the other (card owner).
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shallobpeen at the bank. 12.2.2 Customer/card owner is authorized to use the available amount at his/her card account with the deduction of the card service fees and minimum balance. In case if the amount is overspent, the customer/card owner will be obliged to pay thecommission fees related to such overspending. 12.2.3 For risk reducing purposes further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishing additional limits by the bank. 12.2.4 Application to make additional card is signed by the pseorn entitled by the customer from the one side and by the person in whose name the card is to be issued from the other (card owner).
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shall be open at the bank. 12.2.2 For risk reducing purposes the cardholder is authorized to use the funds standing to the card account except for the funds corresponding to fees payable for the use thereof and the minimum balance. In case of spending over such limit, additional fees payable in connection with such overspending shall further be deducted from the principal amount. 12.2.3 Further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishing additional limits by the bank. 12.2.4 The bank shall have the right to either link different currency accounts to the same card or several same or similar types of cards to the same account. The priority among such accounts shall be determined by the cardholder. 12.2.5 The cardholder shall file a relevant application, pay minimum balance amount and the amount corresponding the annual service fee for the card as determined by the bank for the purposes of obtaining the card. 12.2.6 From the date of transfer of the funds on card account as per paragraph 12.2.5 and within the term determined by the bank, it shall issue the card and shall transfer the card to the cardholder or to the client the PIN code for the card to be accompanied with the relevant documentation (with rules on using of the card). 12.2.7 In case the client or the cardholder fails to collect the card within 90 (ninety) days from the date of issuance thereof, the bank will have the right to destroy such card. The annual service shall be retained by the bank. The minimum balance and other amounts standing to the card shall be returned to the client as per paragraph of this agreement. 12.2.8 dƌĂŶƐĨĞƌ ŽĨ ĨƵŶĚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ĐĂƌĚ ĂĐĐŽƵŶƚ ŝƐ ƐŽůĞůLJ aƉnsĞfeƌr oŵf ŝƐƐŝďůĞ funds on the card account can be carried out through any kind of account.
Procedures related to the card. 12.2.1 For each type of card the relevant bank account(s) shall be open at the bank. 12.2.2 Customer/card owner is authorized to use the available amount at his/her card account with the deduction of the card seferveisceand minimum balance. In case if the amount is overspent, the customer/card owner will be obliged to pay the commission fleaetesdreto such overspending. KHQ WKH OLPLW LV ±RWYKHHU G&UXDVZWQR P H³UR¶YVH U&GDUUDGIKWR´O GHU¶V XVH RI IXQGV LQ H[FHV Customer/Cardholder), including when the automatic overdraft stipulated herein and/or an unauthorized overdraft orsc,cuthe Bank will notify WKH &XVWRPHU &DUGKROGHU WKHUHRI YLD DQ 606 WH[W 7KH re%ceDiveQinNfo rmZatLioOn O QRW E sent/to be sent by the Bank to the Customer/Cardholder or for any consequence(sh)irodf tparty access to the information if information delivery is prevented by the fault of the Customer/Cardholder and/or the Customer/Cardholder has changed his/her contact informaatitoan/(dmobile number, address, email, etc.) and has not reported it htoe tBank. 12.2.3 For risk reducing purposes further restrictions may be imposed on using of card and card account by way of establishinigonaadldlitmits by the bank. 12.2.4 Application to make additional card is signed by the person entitled by the customer from othnee side and by the person in whose name the card is to be issued from the other (card owner). 12.2.5 The Bank is authorized to link different currency accounts taosingle plastic card or different cards tao single bank account. Currency priority is definedby the Client. Information aboutbalance/balanceisn the account/accounts iisndicated in the priority currency at the commercialexchange rate set by the Bank on thegiven date. 12.2.6 The client shall file a relevant application, pay minimum balance amount anthde amount corresponding the annual service fee for the card as determined by the bank for the purposes of obtaining the card. 12.2.7 After transfer of the amount(s) mentioned in subparagraph 12.2.6 of this Agreement, to the card account, within the termd fbixyethe bank, bank will produce and issue the card to the card owner together with the p-icnode or SMS code through which is possible to get the PIN code, accompanied by the relevant documentation and/or information material. 12.2.8 In case the client or the cradholder fails to collect the card within 90 (ninety) days from the date of issuance thereof, the bank will have the right to destroy such card and:

Related to Procedures related to the card

  • Disputes Not Related to Contract Services The Engineer shall be responsible for the settlement of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of any procurement made by the Engineer in support of the services authorized herein.

  • Vendor’s Resellers as Related to This Agreement Vendor’s Named Resellers (“Resellers”) under this Agreement shall comply with all terms and conditions of this agreement and all addenda or incorporated documents. All actions related to sales by Authorized Vendor’s Resellers under this Agreement are the responsibility of the awarded Vendor. If Resellers fail to report sales to TIPS under your Agreement, the awarded Vendor is responsible for their contractual failures and shall be billed for the fees. The awarded Vendor may then recover the fees from their named reseller. If there is a dispute between the awarded Vendor and TIPS Member, TIPS or its representatives may, at TIPS sole discretion, assist in conflict resolution if requested by either party. TIPS, or its representatives, reserves the right to inspect any project and audit the awarded Vendor’s TIPS project files, documentation and correspondence related to the requesting TIPS Member’s order. If there are confidentiality requirements by either party, TIPS shall comply to the extent permitted by law. The TIPS Solicitation which resulted in this Vendor Agreement, whether a Request for Proposals, the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals or Request for Qualifications solicitation, or other, the Vendor’s response to same and all associated documents and forms made part of the solicitation process, including any addenda, are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement as if copied verbatim. THE SECTON HEADERS OR TITLES WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT ARE MERELY GUIDES FOR CONVENIENCE AND ARE NOT FOR CLASSIFICATION OR LIMITING OF THE RESPONSIBILITES OF THE PARTIES TO THIS DOCUMENT. Texas governmental entities are prohibited from doing business with companies that fail to certify to this condition as required by Texas Government Code Sec. 2270. By executing this agreement, you certify that you are authorized to bind the undersigned Vendor and that your company (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the Agreement. You certify that your company is not listed on and does not and will not do business with companies that are on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign-terrorist.pdf You certify that if the certified statements above become untrue at any time during the life of this Agreement that the Vendor will notify TIPS within three (3) business day of the change by a letter on Vendor’s letterhead from and signed by an authorized representative of the Vendor stating the non-compliance decision and the TIPS Agreement number and description at: Attention: General Counsel ESC Region 8/The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) 0000 Xxxxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX,00000 And by an email sent to xxxx@xxxx-xxx.xxx The undersigned Vendor agrees to maintain the below minimum insurance requirements for TIPS Contract Holders: When the Vendor or its subcontractors are liable for any damages or claims, the Vendor’s policy, when the Vendor is responsible for the claim, must be primary over any other valid and collectible insurance carried by the Member. Any immunity available to TIPS or TIPS Members shall not be used as a defense by the contractor's insurance policy. The coverages and limits are to be considered minimum requirements and in no way limit the liability of the Vendor(s). Insurance shall be written by a carrier with an A-; VII or better rating in accordance with current A.M. Best Key Rating Guide. Only deductibles applicable to property damage are acceptable, unless proof of retention funds to cover said deductibles is provided. "Claims made" policies will not be accepted. Vendor’s required minimum coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, non-renewed or reduced in coverage or in limits unless replaced by a policy that provides the minimum required coverage except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested has been given to TIPS or the TIPS Member if a project or pending delivery of an order is ongoing. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to the TIPS or the TIPS Member. • Orders: All Vendor orders received from TIPS Members must be emailed to TIPS at tipspo@tips- xxx.xxx. Should a TIPS Member send an order directly to the Vendor, it is the Vendor’s responsibility to forward a copy of the order to TIPS at the email above within 3 business days and confirm its receipt with TIPS. • Vendor Encouraging Members to bypass TIPS agreement: Encouraging TIPS Members to purchase directly from the Vendor or through another agreement, when the Member has requested using the TIPS cooperative Agreement or price, and thereby bypassing the TIPS Agreement is a violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and will result in removal of the Vendor from the TIPS Program. • Order Confirmation: All TIPS Member Agreement orders are approved daily by TIPS and sent to the Vendor. The Vendor should confirm receipt of orders to the TIPS Member (customer) within 3 business days. • Vendor custom website for TIPS: If Vendor is hosting a custom TIPS website, updated pricing when effective. TIPS shall be notified when prices change in accordance with the award.

  • Communications Relating to Portfolio Securities Subject to the provisions of Section 2.3, the Custodian shall transmit promptly to the Fund for each Portfolio all written information (including, without limitation, pendency of calls and maturities of domestic securities and expirations of rights in connection therewith and notices of exercise of call and put options written by the Fund on behalf of the Portfolio and the maturity of futures contracts purchased or sold by the Portfolio) received by the Custodian from issuers of the securities being held for the Portfolio. With respect to tender or exchange offers, the Custodian shall transmit promptly to the Portfolio all written information received by the Custodian from issuers of the securities whose tender or exchange is sought and from the party (or his agents) making the tender or exchange offer. If the Portfolio desires to take action with respect to any tender offer, exchange offer or any other similar transaction, the Portfolio shall notify the Custodian at least three business days prior to the date on which the Custodian is to take such action.

  • Procedures Related to Indemnification In the event that an indemnity obligation arises, Vendor shall pay all amounts set forth in Section 14 and 15 above (including any settlements) and – if it has accepted its indemnity obligation without qualification – control the legal defense to such claim or cause of action, including without limitation attorney selection, strategy, discovery, trial, appeal, and settlement, and TIPS shall, at Vendor’s cost and expense (with respect to reasonable out of pocket costs and expenses incurred by TIPS which shall be reimbursed to TIPS by Vendor), provide all commercially reasonable assistance requested by Vendor. In controlling any defense, Vendor shall ensure that all assertions of governmental immunity and all applicable pleas and defenses shall be promptly asserted.

  • ERRORS AND OMISSIONS RELATED TO DATA Board errors and retroactive adjustments shall be the responsibility of the Board.

  • Information Relating to the Portfolios (a) No person is authorized to make any representations concerning shares of a Portfolio other than those contained in the Portfolio's Prospectus. In buying Portfolio shares from us under this Agreement, you will rely only on the representations contained in the Prospectus. Upon your request, we will furnish you with a reasonable number of copies of the Portfolios' current prospectuses or statements of additional information or both (including any stickers thereto).

  • Cooperation With Regard to Litigation Executive agrees to cooperate with the Company, during the term and thereafter (including following Executive’s termination of employment for any reason), by making himself available to testify on behalf of the Company or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, in any action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, and to assist the Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, in any such action, suit, or proceeding, by providing information and meeting and consulting with the Board or its representatives or counsel, or representatives or counsel to the Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, as may be reasonably requested and after taking into account Executive’s post-termination responsibilities and obligations. The Company agrees to reimburse Executive, on an after-tax basis, for all reasonable expenses actually incurred in connection with his provision of testimony or assistance.

  • General Expenses Related to the Offering The Company hereby agrees to pay on each of the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date, if any, to the extent not paid at Closing Date, all expenses incident to the performance of the obligations of the Company under this Agreement, including but not limited to (i) the preparation, printing, filing and mailing (including the payment of postage with respect to such mailing) of the Registration Statement, the Preliminary and Final Prospectuses and the printing and mailing of this Agreement and related documents, including the cost of all copies thereof and any amendments thereof or supplements thereto supplied to the Underwriters in quantities as may be required by the Underwriters, (ii) the printing, engraving, issuance and delivery of the Units, the shares of Common Stock and the Warrants included in the Units and the Representative's Purchase Option, including any transfer or other taxes payable thereon, (iii) the qualification of the Public Securities under state or foreign securities or Blue Sky laws, including the costs of printing and mailing "Preliminary Blue Sky Memorandum," and all amendments and supplements thereto, fees and disbursements of GM retained for such purpose (such fees shall be capped at $35,000 in the aggregate (of which $15,000 has previously been paid)), and a one-time fee of $5,000 payable to GM for the preparation of the Secondary Market Trading Survey, (iv) filing fees, costs and expenses (including disbursements for the Representative's counsel) incurred in registering the Offering with the NASD, (v) costs of placing "tombstone" advertisements in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and a third publication to be selected by the Representative, (vi) fees and disbursements of the transfer and warrant agent, (vii) the Company's expenses associated with "due diligence" meetings arranged by the Representative, (viii) the preparation, binding and delivery of transaction "bibles," in form and style reasonably satisfactory to the Representative and transaction lucite cubes or similar commemorative items in a style and quantity as reasonably requested by the Representative and (ix) all other costs and expenses incident to the performance of its obligations hereunder which are not otherwise specifically provided for in this Section 3.13.


  • Other Matters Relating to the Servicer 34 Section 8.1 Liability of the Servicer....................................34 Section 8.2 Merger or Consolidation of, or Assumption of the Obligations of, the Servicer.................................34 Section 8.3 Limitation on Liability of the Servicer and Others........