PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. 6.1. With effect from the Commencement Date the Harbour Operator shall (or shall procure that its sub-contractors shall) undertake and perform the Harbour Operations and shall at all times ensure that the Harbour Operations are performed: 6.1.1. in accordance with and so as to comply in all respects with this Agreement; 6.1.2. in such a manner so as not to prevent, restrict or interfere with the CHFS Operator’s provision of the CHFS Services. 6.1.3. so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of the OSMS and PMSC in every respect; 6.1.4. so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety Plan in every respect to the satisfaction of CMAL. The Harbour Operator must review the Health and Safety Plan from time to time or when so required by any change of circumstance or when so requested by CMAL, and must update the Health and Safety Plan as appropriate; 6.1.5. so as to ensure compliance with Law; 6.1.6. so as to ensure compliance with the Environmental Management Plan; 6.1.7. in accordance with Good Industry Practice; 6.1.8. in accordance with the Customer Care Process; 6.1.9. in a manner consistent with the discharge by CMAL of its statutory duties as harbour authority; 6.1.10. in such a manner so as not to detract from the image and reputation of CMAL as a harbour authority; and 6.1.11. in such a manner as not to restrict or interfere with the lawful exercise of third party rights; and 6.1.12. to permit third party vessel operators and their passengers, servants, agents and contractors to use the Harbour Facilities (and such passenger waiting and other facilities within the Harbour Area generally used by passengers) for the shipping and unshipping of freight and the embarking and landing of passengers and vehicles and the taking on of fresh water where available subject to such third parties paying the applicable Harbour Dues and complying with all applicable by-laws, regulations and other requirements of CMAL provided that such third party usage will not interfere with the provision of the CHFS Services. Where the Harbour Operator is notified of any grievance or complaint concerning the level or nature of the access of any third party vessel operator to any of the Harbours, the Harbour Operator shall comply with the Access Complaints Procedure in relation to such grievance or complaint and implement any decision resulting from such procedure. 6.2. The Harbour Operator shall at all times ensure that: 6.2.1. the Harbour Operations...
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. AUTONOMY: THE CONTRACTOR shall have control over all the operations and activities it considers necessary for the technical, efficient and economic Exploration of the Contracted Area and for the Evaluation and Production of any Hydrocarbons found within that area. THE CONTRACTOR shall plan, prepare, carry out and control all the activities with its own means and with technical and managerial autonomy, ac- cording to the laws of Colombia and observing the Good Practices of the Petroleum Industry. THE CONTRACTOR shall carry out the activities directly or through subcontractors. Paragraph: The autonomy of THE CONTRACTOR referred to in this clause does not prevent that the xx- xxxxx constituted authorities, including the XXX, may fully exercise their legal and regulatory duties in all the matters of their competencies, which in no way are limited by this contract.
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. 8.1 The Operator shall undertake all necessary preparatory work and training prior to the Commencement Date in order to ensure commencement and continuity of the Operations. 8.2 During the Contract Period the Operator shall perform the Operations to the Contract Standard and in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule 1. 8.3 The Operator shall at all times during the provision of the Operations allow the Authorised Officer (and such persons as may from time to time be nominated by the Authorised Officer) access upon reasonable notice (except where it is deemed reasonably appropriate by the Authorised Officer to gain immediate access) to: 8.3.1 all sites or locations for the purpose of inspecting the provision of the Operations for the Facilities; 8.3.2 all work places of the Operator for the purpose of inspecting and copying records and documents in the possession, custody or control of the Operator in connection with the provision of the Operations; and 8.3.3 technology, resources, systems and procedures used or proposed to be used in connection with the provision of the Operations. 8.4 For the purposes of providing the Operations, the Operators may make use of computer systems and equipment of its own choice at its own expense and operate these from locations of its own choice. The Operator shall ensure that adequate and secure back up routines, anti-virus software, re-start procedures, checks for accuracy and security etc. are provided, and that up-to-date back up copies of all data relating to this Agreement are maintained. The Operator shall ensure that all information produced in the course of the Operations and or relating to the arrangement is retained for disclosure and shall permit the Council to inspect such records as reasonably requested from time to time. 8.5 Each party shall throughout the Contract Period (i) comply with all relevant professional requirements, statute and common law, statutory instruments, judicial decisions and European Community directives with respect to the performance of its obligations under this Agreement and (ii) perform its obligations under this Agreement in reasonable co-operation with the other party and its other relevant contractors. 8.6 In the event of the Operator being unable to perform the Operations or any part thereof, the Operator shall immediately inform the Authorised Officer giving details of the circumstances, reasons and likely duration. Nothing in this clause 8.6 shall in any way alter,...
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS and Maintenance of the Project Railway and in particular shall cover Hassan Station (identified by the Indian Railways as chainage point Kilometer 0) to Kankanadi Station (identified by the Indian Railways as chainage point Kilometer 183.19), a total distance of 183 kilometers. This shall comprise of the following sections: x. Xxxxxx to Sakleshpur measuring approximately 42 kilometeres;
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. 4.1 The Client shall adhere to the terms and conditions agreed in the Contract and any annexes thereto, the general terms and conditions of the Bank, the Current Account Contract and the Corporate Client Internet Bank Contract when using the Service. The Bank has the right to not fulfil the Client’s Instruction if the Client fails to perform the Bank’s requirements. 4.2 The Client shall perform the Operations through the authorised representative determined in the Corporate Client Internet Bank Contract when using the service. The Client’s authorised representative has the right to perform Operations through the Service pursuant to the terms and conditions agreed in the Contract. 4.3 The Bank has the right to establish limits on the Operations performed through the Service. If the Bank establishes such limits, the Client has the right to establish Instruction limits within the limits established by the Bank pursuant to the procedure established by the Bank. 4.4 The Bank shall only accept such Instructions of the Client submitted through the Service for performance that has been signed with the digital signature of the Client’s authorised representative. 4.5 The Bank has the right to verify the Client’s Instruction by telephone before its performance. 4.6 The Bank performs the Instruction of the Bank pursuant to the procedure effective in the Bank not later than within 6 hours from the moment the Software has received it and sent it to the Bank for performance. 4.7 If the Client does not have sufficient funds it its accounts for performance of the Client’s Instruction, the Bank checks whether any funds are received during the banking day. The Bank shall perform the Client’s Instruction when sufficient funds are received. 4.8 The Bank has the right to not perform the Client’s Instruction in the following cases: the funds held in the account are insufficient for performance of the Instruction and deduction of the service charge; the Instruction exceeds the established limit; the Bank is unable to contact the Client to verify the Instruction or if the Client does not confirm the content of the Instruction during verification; if the account is blocked or arrested; or on other bases arising from legislation. 4.9 The Bank shall not be obliged to inform the Client separately if an Instruction was not performed due to the reasons listed above. 4.10 The Client has the right to receive information through the Service about the Operations performed through the Servic...
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. During Stage 1 APAC shall: o Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and shall carry out operations in a good, workmanlike and efficient manner in accordance with generally accepted international mining practice. o No later than 5 days after the end of every second calendar month, provide Rio Tinto with reports showing in reasonable detail the work performed, the expenditures incurred and the results obtained in the preceding two months; expenditure reports shall be in such form and of such detail as is reasonably requested by Rio Tinto. o Maintain accounts of expenditures in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, any legislative and regulatory requirements. o Immediately inform Rio Tinto of any occurrence or non occurrence that may affect the validity or good standing of the mineral rights comprising the Property. o Immediately inform Rio Tinto of any adverse environmental, health, safety or community relations event or issue. If any such communication is verbal it shall as soon as possible thereafter, with time of the essence, be followed by a detailed written report of a standard acceptable to Rio Tinto. No later than 45 days after the end of Stage 1, Rio Tinto shall have the exclusive right to elect to enter separate exclusive option agreements in respect of one or more target areas. Rio Tinto may exercise this right by giving written notice to APAC. In its notice Rio Tinto shall defined the geographic boundaries of the target area; if APAC disputes these boundaries the parties shall discuss in good faith to mutually agree the boundaries taking into consideration Rio Tinto's probable ability to operate a unitary mining and processing operation within the target area defined. The option arrangements shall be according to the terms set out below under the heading "Option Terms".
PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. 40.2.1 General performance of the system is to be conducted in alignment with criteria as outlined in the proposal and this contract. 40.2.2 The Board, on the basis of consultation with the LPM industry, shall determine additional performance guidelines from time to time. The NCEMS-operator is to be aware that the Board, prior to the completion of the acceptance phase shall conduct a review of the performance characteristics of the NCEMS.