Proceedings of Arbitral Panel Sample Clauses

Proceedings of Arbitral Panel. The Arbitral Panel proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Subject to paragraph 1 of this Article, the Arbitral Panel shall regulate its own procedures in relation to the rights of the disputing Parties to be heard and its deliberations in consultation with the disputing Parties. The disputing Parties in consultation with the Arbitral Panel may agree to adopt additional rules and procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article. After consulting the disputing Parties, the Arbitral Panel shall as soon as practicable and whenever possible within 10 days after its establishment, fix the timetable for the Arbitral Panel process. The timetable shall include precise deadlines for written submissions by the disputing Parties. Modifications to such timetable may be made by mutual agreement of the disputing Parties in consultation with the Arbitral Panel. Upon request of a disputing Party or on its own initiative, the Arbitral Panel may, at its discretion, seek information and/or technical advice from any individual or body which it deems appropriate. However, before the Arbitral Panel seeks such information and/or advice, it shall inform the disputing Parties. Any information and/or technical advice so obtained shall be submitted to the disputing Parties for comment. Where the Arbitral Panel takes the information and/or technical advice into account in the preparation of its report, it shall also take into account any comment by the disputing Parties on the information and/or technical advice. The Arbitral Panel shall make its procedural decisions, findings and rulings by consensus, provided that where the Arbitral Panel is unable to reach consensus such procedural decisions, findings and rulings may be made by majority vote. The Arbitral Panel shall not disclose which arbitrators are associated with majority or minority opinions. The Arbitral Panel shall meet in closed session. The disputing Parties shall be present at the meetings only when invited by the Arbitral Panel to appear before it. The hearings of the Arbitral Panel shall be closed to the public, unless the disputing Parties agree otherwise. The disputing Parties shall be given the opportunity to attend any of the presentations, statements or rebuttals in the proceedings. Any information provided or written submission made by a disputing Party to the Arbitral Panel, including any comment on the descriptive part of the initial report and response t...
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Proceedings of Arbitral Panel. 1. The Arbitral Panel proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

Related to Proceedings of Arbitral Panel

  • Authority of Arbitration Board The Arbitration Board shall have the power to settle the terms of the question to be arbitrated.

  • Board of Arbitration (a) The Board of Arbitration shall be composed of three (3) members and shall be established as follows: Within ten (10) working days (excluding Sundays and holidays) following receipt of such notice, the Employer and the Union shall each select a representative to serve on the Board of Arbitration. The representative of the Employer and the representative of the Union shall, within five (5) days (excluding Sundays and holidays) after they have both been selected, choose an additional member to act as Chairman. In the event of failure of the nominees of the Union and the Employer to agree upon a Chairman within the five (5) day period specified, the Minister of Labour of British Columbia shall be immediately requested to name a third member who shall act as Chairman of the Board of Arbitration. Within five (5) days of the appointment of the impartial Chairman, the Board of Arbitration shall sit to consider the matter in dispute and shall render a decision within fourteen (14) days after its first session. It is understood and agreed that the time limits as set forth herein may be altered by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. No person shall serve on a Board of Arbitration who is involved or directly interested in the controversy under consideration. Grievances submitted to an Arbitration Board shall be in writing and shall clearly specify the nature of the issue. In reaching its decision, the Board of Arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement. The Board of Arbitration shall not be vested with the power to change, modify or alter this Agreement in any of its parts, but may, however, interpret its provisions. The expense of the impartial Chairman shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union unless otherwise provided by law. The findings and decision of the Board of Arbitration shall be binding and enforceable on all parties. A decision of a majority of the Board of Arbitration shall be deemed to be a decision of the Board.

  • COSTS OF ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS In an arbitration proceeding under Articles 25A to 25H, the fees and expenses of the members of the arbitration panel, as well as any costs incurred in connection with the arbitration proceedings by the Contracting States, shall be borne by the Contracting States in a manner to be settled by mutual agreement between the competent authorities of the Contracting States. In the absence of such agreement, each Contracting State shall bear its own expenses and those of its appointed panel member. The cost of the chair of the arbitration panel and other expenses associated with the conduct of the arbitration proceedings shall be borne by the Contracting States in equal shares.

  • Expenses of Arbitration Board Each party shall pay:

  • Powers of Arbitrator The Arbitrator may determine all questions of law and jurisdiction (including questions as to whether a dispute is arbitrable) and all matters of procedure relating to the arbitration. The Arbitrator shall have the right to grant legal and equitable relief (including injunctive relief) and to award costs (including legal fees and the costs of the arbitration) and interest.

  • Authority of Arbitrator The expedited arbitrator shall have the same powers and authority as an arbitration board established under the provisions under the Labour Relations Code.

  • Costs of Arbitration Each party shall bear one half the cost of the arbitration filing and hearing fees, and the cost of the arbitrator.

  • Expenses of Arbitrator Each Party shall pay one-half (½) of the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator.

  • Composition of the Board of Arbitration When a party has requested that a grievance be submitted to arbitration, it shall indicate to the other party to the Agreement within seven days:

  • Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings 1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the disputing Member State may make publicly available all awards, and decisions produced by the tribunal.

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