Production qualification. 9.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the Technical Service, which conducted the type approval tests, shall carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraph 9.2. below.
9.2. Qualifying the production of Enhanced Child Restraint Systems The production of each new approved type of Enhanced Child Restraint System shall be subjected to production qualification tests. Additional qualifications of production may be prescribed following paragraph 11.4. For this purpose, a random sample of 5 Enhanced Child Restraint Systems will be taken from the first production batch. The first production batch is considered to be the production of the first block containing a minimum of 50 Enhanced Child Restraint Systems and a maximum of 5,000 Enhanced Child Restraint Systems.
9.2.1. Dynamic tests for frontal and rear impact Five Enhanced Child Restraint Systems shall be subjected to the dynamic test described in paragraph 7.
Production qualification. 9.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the Technical Service, which conducted the type approval tests, shall carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraph 9.2. below.
Production qualification. 9.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the technical service which conducted the approval tests must carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraphs 9.2. and 9.3.
9.2. Qualifying the production of helmets The production of each new approved type of helmet must be subjected to production qualification tests. For this purpose, a random sample from the first batch will be taken of 40 helmets of the largest size (50 helmets if the test on the S point is involved) and 10 helmets of the smallest size. The first batch is considered to be the production of the first tranche containing a minimum of 200 helmets and a maximum of 3,200 helmets.
9.2.1. Test on the system of retention The 10 helmets of the smallest size are subjected to the test of the retention system described in paragraph 7.6.2.
Production qualification. 9.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the Technical Service, which conducted the type approval tests, shall carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraph 9.2. below.
9.2. Qualifying the production of Child Restraint Systems The production of each new approved type of Child Restraint System shall be subjected to production qualification tests. For this purpose, a random sample of five Child Restraint Systems will be taken from the first production batch. The first production batch is considered to be the production of the first block containing a minimum of 50 Child Restraint Systems and a maximum of 5,000 Child Restraint Systems.
9.2.1. Dynamic tests for frontal and rear impact Five Child Restraint Systems shall be subjected to the dynamic test described in paragraph 7.
Production qualification. 11.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the Technical Service, which conducted the type approval tests, shall carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraph 11.2.
11.2. Qualifying the production of child restraint systems The production of each new approved type of child restraint system of categories "universal", "semi-universal" and "restricted" shall be subjected to production qualification tests. Additional qualification of production may be prescribed following paragraph 10.1.3.
Production qualification. 9.1 In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the technical service which conducted the approval tests must carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3.
9.2 Qualifying the production of helmets The production of each new approved type of helmet must be subjected to production qualification tests. For this purpose, a random sample from the first batch will be taken of 40 helmets of the largest size (50 helmets if the test on the S point is involved) and 10 helmets of the smallest size. The first batch is considered to be the production of the first tranche containing a minimum of 200 helmets and a maximum of 3,200 helmets.
9.2.1 Test on the system of retention The 10 helmets of the smallest size are subjected to the test of the retention system described in paragraph 7.6.2.
9.2.2 Shock absorption test – From the 40 helmets (50 if the S point test is involved) take 4 (5 if the S point test is involved) groups each with 10 helmets.
Production qualification. 9.1. In order to make sure that the manufacturer's production system is satisfactory, the technical service which conducted the approval tests must carry out tests to qualify production in accordance with paragraphs 9.2. and 9.3.
9.2. Qualifying the production of helmets The production of each new approved type of helmet must be subjected to production qualification tests. For this purpose, a random sample from the first batch will be taken of 40 helmets of the largest size (50 helmets if the test on the S point is involved) and 10 helmets of the smallest size. E/ECE/324 Rev.1/Add.21/Rev.4 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 22 page 44 The first batch is considered to be the production of the first tranche containing a minimum of 200 helmets and a maximum of 3,200 helmets.
9.2.1. Test on the system of retention The 10 helmets of the smallest size are subjected to the test of the retention system described in paragraph 7.6.2.
Production qualification. Configuration Changes The vehicles produced and delivered under this contract shall be the same configuration as vehicles produced and tested under contract DAAE07-98-C-M018. Changes that result from testing performed under Contract DAAE07-98-C-M018 shall be incorporated into all vehicles produced under this contract.