PROGRAM MARKETING. The County will promote the programs in applicable ma rketing materials dependent upon the camp season. The Arlington County Summer Camp Catalog is posted on the County website and the camp registration site and also is distributed in hard copy. All other break camp offerings are posted on the County website and the camp registration site. Supplemental marketing flyers and materials will be distributed through relevant County and APS divisions.
PROGRAM MARKETING. 2.1 PROGRAM NAME. Equifax will have the exclusive right to determine when and how Program Name(s) will be used in conjunction with Program marketing. Equifax will own all right, title and interest in and to each Program Name and web site domain name that Equifax selects.
PROGRAM MARKETING. The products and/or services provided by Company through this Partnership Agreement shall be marketed and promoted in accordance with Mutual Marketing Plan in “Exhibit C” attached hereto.
PROGRAM MARKETING. The Program is marketed through one or more of the following media outlets: news advertisement, City's website newsletter, social media sites, as well as on-site fliers.
PROGRAM MARKETING. The Y has designed the YYS afterschool and summer programs to be in targeted communities with need for educational enrichment to address disparities. Our programs will be marketed in English and in Spanish in the schools that have been mentioned. Our staff will attend school open-houses and events to reach out to families with need. We will also ask our school contacts to help identify students for our programs. The Y is known as a trusted partner in these communities, and we do not anticipate any problems reaching our program capacity at each site and ensuring that those families and children with need will be among our participants.
PROGRAM MARKETING. Licensor shall include information concerning Licensee’s aquatics program in the City of Corona Connection, which is distributed three times per year. Licensee shall provide its aquatics program schedule to Licensor by June 1st for Fall, October 1st for Winter/Spring, and February 1st for Summer of each year to ensure inclusion of general program information in the City of Corona Connection. Upon request of Licensee and approval of Licensor’s Community Services Director or his/her designee, Licensor shall also include marketing and advertisement of Licensee’s aquatics program in its social media posts. Licensor and Licensee shall mutually agree upon any advertisements, newsletters, promotional materials, and other marketing materials related to Licensee’s aquatics program at the Auburndale Community Center Pool.
PROGRAM MARKETING. TOSHIBA will be responsible for all Program marketing. However, from time to time, DAC may provide some marketing services, including database consulting, catalog design, and catalog printing, at TOSHIBA's request. 31
PROGRAM MARKETING. MIC will provide MSC with PDQ program options that offer or provide tailored solutions to its varied and diverse prospect and client base.
PROGRAM MARKETING. MIC will provide RA with PDQ program options that offer or provide tailored solutions to its varied and diverse prospect and client base.
PROGRAM MARKETING. Greenwood Hall shall provide comprehensive lead generation services and support to market the Programs. Concordia University also agrees to market and promote the Programs through usual and customary channels. Such customary channels shall include, but not be limited to, adding a description of the programs in Concordia University’s curriculum descriptions, websites, student literature, admissions collateral and similar materials prepared by and published by Concordia University in whatever format.