CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. CPARS: The Government will use the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) web-enabled application or appropriate replacement system to collect and manage a library of automated Contractor performance evaluations. The Government will be responsible for the automated Contractor performance evaluations to be completed in accordance with FAR Part 42. FAR Part 42 identifies requirements for documenting Contractor performance for systems and non-systems acquisitions. The CPARS applications are designed for UNCLASSIFIED use only. Classified information is not to be entered into these systems. In general, Contractor performance assessments or evaluations provide a record, both positive and negative, for a given contract during a specified period of time. When evaluating Contractor performance each assessment or evaluation is based on objective facts and is supported by program and contract management data, such as cost performance reports, customer comments, quality reviews, technical interchange meetings, financial solvency assessments, production management reviews, Contractor operations reviews, functional performance evaluations, and earned contract incentives.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The A/E will, at the completion of construction and as requested by the CDB Project Manager (PM), prepare an evaluation of each contractor’s performance.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Arlington County will perform written evaluations of the Contractor’s performance at various intervals throughout the term of this Contract. The evaluations will address, at a minimum, the Contractor’s work/performance, quality, cost controls, schedule, timeliness and sub-contractor management. The Project Officer shall be responsible for completing the evaluations and providing a copy to the Contractor and County Procurement Officer.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Arlington County will perform written evaluations of the Contractor’s performance at various intervals throughout the term of this Contract. The evaluations will address, at a minimum, the Contractor’s work/performance, quality, cost controls, schedule, timeliness and sub-contractor management. The Project Officer shall be responsible for completing the evaluations and providing a copy to the Contractor and County Procurement Officer. WITNESS these signatures: THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON ARLINGTON SOCCER ASSOCIATION, INC. COUNTY, VIRGINIA AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: NAME: XXXXXX X. XXXXX NAME: TITLE: PROCUREMENT OFFICER TITLE: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Director of Operations DATE: 11/30/2023 DATE: 11/21/2023 The Contractor will work with the DPR Program Specialist to provide summer and/or break camp programs for the residents of Arlington County. The Contractor will provide camps at Arlington County locations, the Contractor’s place of business, or other County-approved off-site location(s), and camps may be held indoors or outdoors. The Contractor must obtain prior approval for any off-site locations. The Contractor must adhere to all state and local guidelines relating to licensed camp programs and communicate all licensing needs directly through the County Project Officer. The County Project officer will support obtaining any necessary documentation in support of licensing requirements. The Contractor must adhere to the Arlington Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Summer Camp Manual for Contracted Camps. The Contractor must adhere to the Virginia State Code’s requirements regarding Barrier Crimes for working with children and must not provide a staff member at any program under this Contract any person who has been convicted of or whom the Contractor knows to be under investigation for one or more of the following offenses::
i. Sex Offenses: All sex offenses regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. This evaluation form is to be completed by County Department after each moving project completed by Contractor. Evaluations will be utilized to monitor performance issues.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The Contractor's performance will be evaluated by the City upon the occurrence of the vouchering of fifty percent (50%) of the Contract price and substantial completion. A copy of the evaluation will be sent to the Contractor after the occurrence of these events, and the Contractor may respond in writing to the performance report. Such responses shall be submitted to the Engineer not later than fifteen (15) calendar days after a copy of the evaluation is sent to the Contractor. The response will be affixed to the evaluation. Failure to respond may result in review of the Contractor's performance when a future bid is evaluated without the benefit of the Contractor's response to the report.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION a) The Information Technology Department will be responsible for performing and documenting Contractor’s performance evaluation during the term of this Contract.
b) Contractor performance will be evaluated based on:
i) Quality of services provided.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. 2.5.1 The Contracting Authority shall may evaluate the Contractor’s performance during the progress of the Work, at completion of a phase of the Project, completion of the Project, or any of the foregoing. The Contracting Authority shall retain the evaluation(s). The Contractor may request a copy of the completed evaluation(s). If the Contractor wishes to comment or take exception to any rating or remark, the Contractor shallmust send a response in writing to the Contracting Authority within 30 days of receiving the evaluation(s). The Contracting Authority may use the evaluation(s) in determining the responsibility of the Contractor for award of future contracts. The Contracting Authority may request information from the Contractor for use in evaluating the A/E’s performance. If information is requested, the Contractor shallmust comply in a timely and responsive manner. If a breach of the Contract is committed by the Contractor or is attributable to a Subcontractor, that breach shallwill be used in the responsibility analysis of the Contractor and the Subcontractor (where applicable) for future contracts with the State or subcontracts on State projects for 5 years after the date of the breach. Version Control Document If the Project is administered using OAKS CIthe State’s web-based project management software, the Contractor shall receive and review the Contracting Authority’s evaluation of the Contractor’s performance and respond with its comments, using the “Contractor Evaluation” business process.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The Airports Authority may conduct periodic written evaluations of the Contractor’s performance throughout the term of this Contract. The Airports Authority will provide performance evaluations to the Contractor and may use them when considering whether to exercise an option or as past performance information if the Contractor responds to a future solicitation.
CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The LADWP will evaluate and record the Contractor's overall performance to determine whether the Contractor is fulfilling its obligations on the current contract and to assess the Contractor's suitability to perform work for the LADWP in the future. Contractors are required to meet critical contract provisions including, but not limited to, timely shipment and delivery of goods, completeness of delivered goods, quality of delivered goods, accuracy of billing, and conformance to the terms and conditions ofthe contract. If such conditions are breached, consistent with the terms ofthe contract, the Director of Supply Chain Services may terminate the contract for poor performance and may also debar the Contractor from doing business with the LADWP for a period up to five years. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - MWH Americas, Inc. Professional and Technical Engineering and Architectural Design Services Agreement/Activity/Operation: Reference/Agreement: Term of Agreement: Contract Administrator and Phone: Buyer and Phone Number: Reg. # 110891 Professional & Technical Services - Various CERTIFICATE ACCEPTABLE Contract-required types and amounts of insurance as indicated below by checkmark are the minimum which must be maintained. Ail limits are Combined Single Limit (Bodily Injury/Property Damage) unless otherwise indicated. Firm 30 day Notice of Cancei- iation required by Receipted Delivery. {/) WORKERS’ CQ!VIPENSAT!ON(Stat. Limits)/Employer's Liability: ( $1,000,000.00 ) (/) Broad Form All States Endorsement ( ) Xxxxx Act {Maritime Employment) (/) Waiver of Subrogation { ) US L&H (Xxxxxxxxx and Harbor Workers) ( ) Outer Continental Shelf