PROJECT NARRATIVE AND TECHNICAL APPROACH. Sharon1, a mother of two and grandmother of four, is from the west side of Detroit and has lived in the Xxxxxx neighborhood for the past 20 years. She loves her neighborhood, is a regular at the Northwest Activities Center, and enjoys volunteering with her block club. However, as Xxxxxx has gotten older, it has gotten more difficult for her to get to community meetings, doctors’ appointments, and the grocery store. When Xxxxxx retired two years ago, she decided to get rid of her car because car insurance rates were too expensive, and she could not afford to maintain a car with a fixed income. While Xxxxxx has gotten used to riding the bus, she is limited in the amount of groceries she can purchase at one time, struggles using the bus in extreme weather conditions, and cannot always use the bus to get to her doctor. Sometimes Sharon’s children will pick her up and drive her, but Xxxxxx hates feeling like she’s a burden on her family. She’s noticed that she sees her friends and family less than she used to because she does not like burdening others for a ride, and often does not go to extra events because she hates the hassle of getting around. Two months ago, she skipped a doctor’s appointment because she couldn’t get a ride and stopped taking her blood pressure medicine because she couldn’t get to the pharmacy. Lack of easy to use transportation has inhibited Sharon’s ability to live a full and healthy life. Autonomous driving systems (ADS) hold the promise to vastly improve Sharon’s quality of life. From taking Xxxxxx directly to the bus stop, to delivering groceries and medicine, to connecting her to friends at the Northwest Activities Center; ADS will allow Xxxxxx to feel connected and access the basics she needs to maintain her health and happiness. However, Xxxxxx has concerns; Xxxxxx xxxxx about the ADS vehicle that crashed in Phoenix and is very skeptical of the technology. She would love to have another transportation option to help her get around, but safety is her number one priority and she needs to know that the technology is safe and easy to use. The safety of Xxxxxx, and the millions of other Americans who could benefit from ADS, is our priority with this proposal.
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  • For Product Development Projects and Project Demonstrations  Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name.  Estimated or actual energy and cost savings, and estimated statewide energy savings once market potential has been realized. Identify all assumptions used in the estimates.  Greenhouse gas and criteria emissions reductions.  Other non-energy benefits such as reliability, public safety, lower operational cost, environmental improvement, indoor environmental quality, and societal benefits.  Data on potential job creation, market potential, economic development, and increased state revenue as a result of the project.  A discussion of project product downloads from websites, and publications in technical journals.  A comparison of project expectations and performance. Discuss whether the goals and objectives of the Agreement have been met and what improvements are needed, if any.

  • TECHNICAL TASKS Products that require a draft version are indicated by marking “(draft and final)” after the product name in the “Products” section of the task/subtask. If “(draft and final)” does not appear after the product name, only a final version of the product is required. Subtask 1.1 (Products) describes the procedure for submitting products to the CAM.

  • Project Plan Development of Project Plan Upon the Authorized User’s request, the Contractor must develop a Project Plan. This Project Plan may include Implementation personnel, installation timeframes, escalation procedures and an acceptance plan as appropriate for the Services requested. Specific requirements of the plan will be defined in the RFQ. In response to the RFQ, the Contractor must agree to furnish all labor and supervision necessary to successfully perform Services procured from this Lot. Project Plan Document The Contractor will provide to the Authorized User, a Project Plan that may contain the following items: • Name of the Project Manager, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • Names of the Project Team Members, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • A list of Implementation milestones based on the Authorized User’s desired installation date; • A list of responsibilities of the Authorized User during system Implementation; • A list of designated Contractor Authorized Personnel; • Escalation procedures including management personnel contact numbers; • Full and complete documentation of all Implementation work; • Samples of knowledge transfer documentation; and • When applicable, a list of all materials and supplies required to complete the Implementation described in the RFQ. Materials and Supplies Required to Complete Implementation In the event that there are items required to complete an Implementation, the Contractor may request the items be added to its Contract if the items meet the scope of the Contract. Negotiation of Final Project Plan If the Authorized User chooses to require a full Project Plan, the State further reserves the right for Authorized Users to negotiate the final Project Plan with the apparent RFQ awardee. Such negotiation must not substantively change the scope of the RFQ plan, but can alter timeframes or other incidental factors of the final Project Plan. The Authorized User will provide the Contractor a minimum of five (5) business days’ notice of the final negotiation date. The Authorized User reserves the right to move to the next responsible and responsive bidder if Contractor negotiations are unsuccessful.

  • Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.

  • Development Activities The Development activities referred to in item “b” of paragraph 3.1 include: studies and projects of implementation of the Production facilities; drilling and completion of the Producing and injection xxxxx; and installation of equipment and vessels for extraction, collection, Treatment, storage, and transfer of Oil and Gas. The installation referred to in item “c” includes, but is not limited to, offshore platforms, pipelines, Oil and Gas Treatment plants, equipment and facilities for measurement of the inspected Production, wellhead equipment, production pipes, flow lines, tanks, and other facilities exclusively intended for extraction, as well as oil and gas pipelines for Production Outflow and their respective compressor and pumping stations.

  • Design Development Phase Services 3.3.1 Based on the Owner’s approval of the Schematic Design Documents, and on the Owner’s authorization of any adjustments in the Project requirements and the budget for the Cost of the Work, the Architect shall prepare Design Development Documents for the Owner’s approval. The Design Development Documents shall illustrate and describe the development of the approved Schematic Design Documents and shall consist of drawings and other documents including plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details, and diagrammatic layouts of building systems to fix and describe the size and character of the Project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, and other appropriate elements. The Design Development Documents shall also include outline specifications that identify major materials and systems and establish, in general, their quality levels.

  • Project Implementation 2. The Borrower shall:

  • TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE If technical support and maintenance is a part of the Goods that Contractor provides under the Contract, Contractor will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to the Department in a reasonable time when the Department makes technical support or maintenance requests regarding the Goods.

  • General Approach The parties will strive to achieve on-going performance improvement. They will follow a proactive, collaborative and responsive approach to performance management and improvement. Either party may request a meeting at any time. The parties will use their best efforts to meet as soon as possible following a request.

  • Vendor Development Rights To the extent not inconsistent with Customer’s rights in the Work Product or as set forth herein, nothing in this Contract shall preclude Vendor from developing for itself, or for others, materials which are competitive with those produced as a result of the Services provided hereunder, provided that no Work Product is utilized, and no Intellectual Property Rights of Customer therein are infringed by such competitive materials. To the extent that Vendor wishes to use the Work Product, or acquire licensed rights in certain Intellectual Property Rights of Customer therein in order to offer competitive goods or services to third parties, Vendor and Customer agree to negotiate in good faith regarding an appropriate license and royalty agreement to allow for such.

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