Promotion and visibility. 9.1 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit / disseminate the results of the project.
9.2 Any notice or publication by the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being co-financed by EU funds within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in Articles I.10.8 and I.10.9 of the Grant Agreement, as well as in section 1.6 of the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant.
Promotion and visibility. 10.1 The beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit / disseminate the results of the project.
10.2 Any notice or publication by the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being co-financed by EU funds within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in Articles I.10.8 and I.10.9 of the Grant Agreement, as well as in section 1.6 of the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant.
10.3 Furthermore, any communication, publication or output resulting from the project, made by beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate that the project has received European Union funding. All material produced for project activities, training material, projects websites, special events, posters, leaflets, press releases, CD ROMs, etc. must carry the Erasmus+ logo and mention: “Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union”. Logo to be used is available at: xxxx://xxxxx.xx.xxxxxx.xx/img/logos/erasmus_plus/eu_flag_co_funded_pos_%5Brgb%5D_right.jpg.
10.4 Any publication should mention the following sentence: “This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.
Promotion and visibility. 10.1 The coordinator and the beneficiary shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in all activities organised with the purpose of exploiting and disseminating the results of the project.
10.2 Any notice or publication within the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being co-financed by EU funds and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in the Grant Agreement.
10.3 Furthermore, any communication, publication or output resulting from the project, made by beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate that the project has received European Union funding. All material produced for project activities, training material, projects websites, special events, posters, leaflets, press releases, CD ROMs, etc. must carry the EU logo, available at: xxxx://xxxxx.xx.xxxxxx.xx/about-eacea/visual-identity_en
10.4 Any publication or video should mention the following sentence: “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
10.5 According to the Grant Agreement, the beneficiaries must engage in the following additional communication and dissemination activities: present the project (including project summary, coordinator contact details, list of participants, European flag and funding statement and project results) on the beneficiaries’ websites or social media accounts; for actions involving public events, display signs and posters mentioning the action and the European flag and funding statement; upload the public project results to the Erasmus+ Project Results platform, available through the Funding & Tenders Portal.
Promotion and visibility. 7.1 The beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any activities organised to capitalise on, exploit/disseminate the results of the project, according to the Promotion strategy defined in Annex [IX].
7.2 Any notice or publication by the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being co-financed by EU funds within the framework of the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in Articles I.10.8 and I.10.9 of the Grant Agreement, as well as in section 5 of the Guidance for contractual project management.
Promotion and visibility. 7.1 The coordinator and the partners shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit/disseminate the results of the project.
Promotion and visibility. 8.1 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit/disseminate the results of the project.
8.2 Any notice or publication by the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being financed by EU funds within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in the Grant Agreement.
8.3 Furthermore, any communication, publication or output resulting from the project, made by beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate that the project has received European Union funding. All material produced for project activities, training material, projects websites, special events, posters, leaflets, press releases, CD ROMs, etc. must carry the Erasmus+ logo.
Promotion and visibility. 9.1 The Coordinator and the Beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the Project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit / disseminate the results of the Project.
9.2 Any notice or publication by the Project, including at an event, must specify that the Project is being co-financed by funds within the Contract.
Promotion and visibility. 9.1 The Recipient and the Sub-recipient will guarantee an adequate promotion of the project and commit to actively participate in the actions that are organized to capitalize, exploit / disseminate the results of the project.
9.2 The Sub-recipient must ensure that the following text is included in all project products, publications or other project products that refer to the financial support provided by the Centre:
9.3 Any notice or publication of the project, even in a conference or seminar, must acknowledge the support of the Centre by including in all publications the following acknowledgment established in the Grant Agreement:
Promotion and visibility. 9.1 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised disseminate the results of the project.
9.2 An y notice or publication by the project, including at a conference or a seminar, must specify that the project is being cofinanced by E U funds within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in Articles 1.10.4 and 1.10.5 of the Grant Agreement. Visibly indicate "with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"
9.3 The coordinator wil l use VALO R the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform to disseminate project results and deliverables. The approval of the final report wil l be subject to the upload of the project results/deliverables in VALO R by the time of its submission.
Promotion and visibility. 9.1 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall ensure adequate promotion of the project and commit to playing an active role in any actions organised to capitalise on, exploit or disseminate the results of the project.
9.2 Any notice or publication which are result of the project, including participation at conferences or seminars, must specify that the project is being co-financed by EU funds within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, and must comply with the visibility rules laid down in the Grant Agreement and in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.
9.3 Furthermore, any communication, publication or output resulting from the project, made by beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate that the project has received European Union funding. All material produced for project activities, training material, projects websites, special events, posters, leaflets, press releases, CD ROMs, etc. must carry the EU logo, available at: xxxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/regional_policy/information-sources/logo-download-center_en
9.4 Any publication or video should mention the following sentence: “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
9.5 According to the Grant Agreement, the beneficiaries must engage in the following additional communication and dissemination activities: present the project (including project summary, coordinator contact details, list of participants, European flag and funding statement and project results) on the beneficiaries’ websites or social media accounts; for actions involving public events, display signs and posters mentioning the action and the European flag and funding statement; upload the public project results to the Erasmus+ Project Results platform, available through the Funding & Tenders Portal.