a) When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created for a regular position which the Employer has decided to fill it shall be posted on all bulletin boards for five (5) working days and filled within forty (40) working days of the posting closing. Positions may be advertised in the media only after the Employer has determined an internal applicant is not the successful applicant. Where the Employer decides not to fill a vacant position, the Employer will provide an explanation to the Union if so requested.
b) The Employer, on a temporary basis, may fill a posted position during the posting and selection period.
c) For temporary positions of up to forty-two (42) days, a posting is not required. Positions of longer than forty-two (42) days (seventy-eight (78) days only in the case of temporary aquatic program positions) shall be posted except where the vacancy is created by the absence of an Employee due to vacation.
d) If a temporary position is made into a regular position, the new regular position shall be posted at least 14 days prior to the end of the temporary position.
(i) A posting shall include the following information: Nature of position, qualifications, skills, required knowledge and education, current shift hours and days, number of hours of work per week, and wage rate.
(ii) Such qualifications may not be established in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner, and shall reflect the contents of the Job Description.
11.02 Role of Seniority in Appointments, Promotions, Demotions and Transfers
a) Both parties recognize the principle of promotion within the service of the Employer in the bargaining unit
(i) For classifications required by their job description to supervise other employees in the bargaining unit listed in XXX#4, appointments, promotions, demotions, and transfers shall be based on the ability, knowledge, qualifications and seniority of the Regular Employees considered. Where the ability, qualifications and knowledge of the applicants are relatively equal, the senior applicant will be the successful candidate.
(ii) For all other classifications, where the ability, qualifications and knowledge are sufficient to perform the functions of the posted position, the senior applicant shall be appointed.
c) If the position is not filled by a Regular Employee in (i) or (ii) above, the ability and qualifications of Casual, Temporary and Seasonal Employees shall be considered, and if relatively equal, the senior applicant as det...
15.01 Job Posting
a) Where the Employer determines that a vacancy exists within the bargaining unit, or where a temporary vacancy arises as a result of the necessity to replace an employee on a leave of absence expected to be for six (6) weeks or longer, the Employer shall post a notice of vacancy for a period of seven (7) calendar days. It is understood and agreed that the subsequent vacancies arising from the filling of an initial vacancy will likewise be posted for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Postings for subsequent vacancies will identify the area, line or assignment if applicable, but will not be numbered. Staff members who are interested in applying for posted positions will indicate their interest by signing the posting notice prior to the indicated posting deadline. Employees who are on a leave of absence of more than one (1) week or vacation, will complete a form provided by the Employer if they wish to be considered for any position for which they qualify during their period of absence. Where the posting is for a position considered to be a permanent position, and the successful applicant is on an approved leave of absence, they shall be awarded the position in accordance with seniority should they possess the necessary qualifications. The Employer shall temporarily fill the position until the successful applicant returns from their approved leave of absence.
b) An employee shall not be entitled to post for any vacancy after having been successful in two permanent postings in the calendar year. Furthermore, an employee in a temporary position shall not be entitled to apply for another temporary position until the position occupied is completed. If an employee resigns from a temporary position before the position is completed, they are not entitled to another temporary position until the position resigned from is completed. Where there are two concurrent postings, and where one is permanent and the other is temporary, the employee may only have one of the positions, (the permanent or the temporary). There will be no holding of these positions. A part-time employee who is in a temporary part-time or a reduced full-time position may apply for a temporary full-time position. A reduced full-time employee in a temporary reduced full-time position may apply for a temporary full-time position.
PROMOTIONS AND STAFF CHANGES. Job Postings (Regular Positions)
a) When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created inside the bargaining unit, the Employer shall notify the Union in writing and post notice of the position on all designated Bulletin Boards for a minimum of five (5) working days so that all members will know about the vacancy or new position. In the event that five (5) hours or more are added to a position the following shall apply:
i) If the employee has been in the position less than eighteen (18) months, the position shall be posted.
ii) If the employee has been in the position eighteen (18) months or more, the employee shall have the option to accept the additional hours. If the hours are not accepted, the position shall be posted.
b) A temporary vacancy specified as three (3) months or less is not subject to posting, however the Employer shall notify the Union in writing and seniority factors as outlined in Section 24.05 shall apply. If such vacancy is extended, it shall be posted except by mutual agreement.
c) Pursuant to Article 1.05 (b) temporary positions will normally be converted to regular status and posted if continued beyond ten (10) months in an eighteen (18) month period. If the temporary employee is successful in that job competition, on completion of the probation period, seniority will be backdated to include time in that particular job as a temporary.
PROMOTIONS AND STAFF CHANGES. (a) Employer Shall Notify Union
20.1 (a) Job Postings
PROMOTIONS AND STAFF CHANGES. Role of Seniority in Appointments, Promotions, Demotions and Transfers See Article 11.02 (b) (ii) in main body of the Collective Agreement
PROMOTIONS AND STAFF CHANGES. 9.01 1) Where a position within the scope of this Agreement is established or where the Division determines a position is vacant for a known duration of six months or more, the Division agrees to post a notice of position in all schools and shops for a period of not less than five (5) working days. Such notice shall state the nature of the position, the location, the required knowledge, education, abilities and skills required and the rate of pay for that position. Present employees shall have five (5) working days from the initial posted date to apply for the bulletined position.