Technical Assistance DFPS may provide informal support, guidance, clarification, and other forms of technical assistance via phone, email, and virtual meeting to resolve Grant or performance compliance issues. Grantee will document all such instances of technical assistance by DFPS in writing, including any implementation work.
Mutual Assistance The Parties will do all things reasonably necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement and to aid and assist each other in carrying out such terms and provisions.
Tuition Assistance Bargaining unit employees can enroll in university or college, vocational technical school or extension courses. The course may be by correspondence or attendance at classes during non-working hours or during working hours with approval of the Agency Head and/or his/her Designee. Where practicable, in relation to work requirements, the Employer shall be liberal with the approval of requests for accrued/unused vacation leave, flex-time scheduling, compensatory time, or leave without pay for the purpose of enabling employees to attend classes conducted during an employee's regularly scheduled work hours.