Payment to Contractor The TOWN agrees to pay at the rates specified for SERVICES satisfactorily performed in accordance with this contract. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall submit an itemized invoice to the TOWN by the end of the month during which SERVICES are performed. Payment will be processed promptly upon receipt and approval by the TOWN of the invoice.
Prompt Payment to Subcontractors (a) Within 7 days of receipt by the Contractor of each payment from the City under this contract, the Contractor shall pay all Subcontractors (which term includes subconsultants and suppliers) based on work completed or service provided under the subcontract. Should any payment to the Subcontractor be delayed by more than 7 days after receipt of payment by the Contractor from the City under this contract, the Contractor shall pay the Subcontractor interest, beginning on the 8th day, at the rate of 1% per month or fraction thereof on such unpaid balance as may be due. By appropriate litigation, Subcontractors shall have the right to enforce this subsection (a) directly against the Contractor, but not against the City of Durham. (b) If the individual assigned to administer this contract for the City (in this section, titled “Prompt Payment to Subcontractors,” he or she will be referred to as the “Project Manager”) determines that it is appropriate to enforce subsection (a) in this manner, the City may withhold from progress or final payments to the Contractor the sums estimated by the Project Manager to be (i) the amount of interest due to the Subcontractor under subsection (a), and/or (ii) the amounts past-due under subsection (a) to the Subcontractor but not exceeding 5% of the payment(s) due from the City to the Contractor. This subsection (b) does not limit any other rights to withhold payments that the City may have. (c) Nothing in this section (titled “Prompt Payment to Subcontractors”) shall prevent the Contractor at the time of invoicing, application, and certification to the City from withholding invoicing, application, and certification to the City for payment to the Subcontractor for unsatisfactory job progress; defective goods, services, or construction not remedied; disputed work; third-party claims filed or reasonable evidence that such a claim will be filed; failure of the subcontractor to make timely payments for labor, equipment, and materials; damage to the Contractor or another subcontractor; reasonable evidence that the subcontract cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the subcontract sum; or a reasonable amount for retainage not to exceed 10%. (d) The Project Manager may require, as a prerequisite to making progress or final payments, that the Contractor provide statements from any Subcontractors designated by the Project Manager regarding the status of their accounts with the Contractor. The statements shall be in such format as the Project Manager reasonably requires, including notarization if so specified.
Payment to Consultant Upon receipt of a properly prepared invoice and confirmation that the Required Services detailed in the invoice have been satisfactorily performed, City shall pay Consultant for the invoice amount within thirty (30) days. Payment shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit A and section 2.4, below. At City’s discretion, invoices not timely submitted may be subject to a penalty of up to five percent (5%) of the amount invoiced.
Payments to Contractor For and in consideration of the faithful performance of the work herein embraced as set forth in the Contract Documents, and in accordance with the directions of the TOWN, through its Engineer and to its satisfaction, the TOWN agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR the amount earned, computed from actual quantities of work performed and accepted or materials furnished at the unit bid price in the Bid Proposal and to make such payment in accordance with applicable Arizona Revised Statutes, after final inspection and acceptance of the work. The TOWN by mutual agreement may make progress payments on contracts of less than ninety days and shall make monthly progress payments on all other contracts as provided for in this paragraph. Payment to the CONTRACTOR on the basis of a duly certified and approved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month under such Contract may include payment for material and equipment, but to ensure the proper performance of such Contract, the TOWN shall retain ten per cent (10%) of the amount of each estimate until final completion and acceptance of all material, equipment and work covered by the Contract. An estimate of the work submitted shall be deemed approved and certified for payment after ten (10) days from the date of submission unless before that time the TOWN or TOWN’s agent prepares and issues a specific written finding setting forth those items in detail in the estimate of the work that are not approved for payment under the Contract. The TOWN may withhold any amount from the progress payment sufficient to pay the expenses the TOWN reasonably expects to incur in correcting the deficiency set forth in the written finding. The progress payments shall be paid on or before fourteen (14) days after the estimate of the work is certified and approved. The estimate of the work shall be deemed received by the TOWN on submission to any person designated by the TOWN for the submission, review or approval of the estimate of the work. When the Contract is fifty per cent (50%) completed, one-half (1/2) of the amount retained, including any securities substituted as set forth below, shall be paid to the CONTRACTOR upon the CONTRACTOR’s request, provided the CONTRACTOR is making satisfactory progress on the Contract and there is no specific cause or claim requiring a greater amount to be retained. After the Contract is fifty per cent (50%) completed, no more than five percent (5%) of the amount of any subsequent progress payments made under the Contract may be retained, providing the CONTRACTOR is making satisfactory progress on the project, except that if at any time the TOWN determines satisfactory progress is not being made, ten per cent (10%) retention shall be reinstated for all progress payments made under the Contract subsequent to the determination. Upon completion and acceptance of each separate building, public work or other division of the Contract on which the price is stated separately in the Contract, except as qualified below, payment may be made in full, including retained percentages thereon, less authorized deductions. In preparing estimates, the material and equipment delivered on the site to be incorporated in the job shall be taken into consideration in determining the estimated value by the Architect or Engineer. Ten percent (10%) (or five percent (5%) the CONTRACTOR is making satisfactory progress) if of all estimates shall be retained by the TOWN as a guarantee for complete performance of the Contract, to be paid to the CONTRACTOR within sixty (60) days after completion or filing notice of completion of the Contract. Retention of payments by the TOWN longer than sixty (60) days after final completion and acceptance requires a specific written finding by the TOWN of the reasons justifying the delay in payment. The TOWN may not retain any moneys after sixty (60) days which are in excess of the amount necessary to pay the expenses the purchasing agency reasonably expects to incur in order to pay or discharge the expenses determined by the TOWN in the finding justifying the retention of moneys. In lieu of the retention provided in this section, the TOWN shall, at the option of the CONTRACTOR, accept as a substitute an assignment of time certificates of deposit of banks licensed by this State, securities of or guaranteed by the United States of America, securities of this State, securities of counties, municipalities and schools within this State, or shares of savings and loan institutions authorized to transact business in this State, in an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) (or five percent (5%) the CONTRACTOR is making satisfactory progress) of all estimates which shall be retained by the agent as a guarantee for complete performance of the Contract. In the event the TOWN accepts substitute security as described in this paragraph for the ten percent (10%) (or five percent (5%) the CONTRACTOR is making satisfactory progress) retention, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive all interest or income earned by such security as it accrues and all such security in lieu of retention shall be returned to the CONTRACTOR by the TOWN within sixty (60) days after final completion and acceptance of all material, equipment and work covered by the Contract if the CONTRACTOR has furnished the TOWN satisfactory receipts for all labor and material billed and waivers of liens from any and all persons holding claims against the work. In no event shall the agent accept a time certificate of deposit of a bank or shares of a savings and loan institution in lieu of the retention specified unless accompanied by a signed and acknowledged waiver of the bank or savings and loan association of any right or power to set off against either the TOWN or the CONTRACTOR in relationship to the certificates or shares assigned. In any instance where the TOWN has accepted substitute security as provided above, any Subcontractor undertaking to perform any part of such public work shall be entitled to provide substitute security to the CONTRACTOR upon terms and conditions similar to those described above, and such security shall be in lieu of any retention under the Subcontract.
Compensation to Contractor The terms related to the price of the goods and/or services to be provided under this Agreement and the terms of payment to the Contractor are described in more detail in Attachment “B” to this Agreement: Price and Payment Information.
Payment to Subcontractors (If applicable) As required by Minnesota Statute § 16A.1245, the prime Contractor must pay all subContractors, less any retainage, within 10 calendar days of the prime Contractor’s receipt of payment from the State for undisputed services provided by the subContractor(s) and must pay interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month or any part of a month to the subContractor(s) on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subContractor(s).
PAYMENT TO SUB-CONTRACTORS 12.1 Transnet reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make payment directly to the sub-contractor of the Supplier/Service Provider, subject to the following conditions: a) Receipt of an undisputed invoice from the sub-contractor; and b) Receipt of written confirmation from the Supplier/Service Provider that the amounts claimed by the sub-contractor are correct and that the services for which the sub- contractor has requested payment were rendered to the satisfaction of the Supplier/Service Provider, against the required standards. 12.2 Nothing contained in this clause must be interpreted as bestowing on any sub-contractor a right or legitimate expectation to be paid directly by Transnet. Furthermore, this clause does not bestow any right or legitimate expectation on the Supplier/Service provider to demand that Transnet pay its sub-contractor directly. The decision to pay any sub-contractor directly, remains that of Transnet alone.
Freedom to Contract The Executive represents that he is free to enter into this Agreement and carry out his obligations hereunder without any conflict with any prior agreements, and that he has not made and will not make any agreement in conflict with this Agreement.
Notice to Contractor The Contractor is required to submit Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the State as evidence of insurance coverage requirements prior to commencing work under this Contract. Contractor shall not commence work under the contract until they have obtained all the insurance described below and the State has approved such insurance. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in force and effect throughout the term of this Contract, unless otherwise specified in this Contract The failure of the Contractor to provide a Certificate of Insurance, for the policies required under this Contract or renewals thereof, or failure of the insurance company to notify the State of the cancellation of policies required under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver by the State to the Contractor to provide such insurance. The State reserves the right to immediately terminate this Contract if the Contractor is not in compliance with the insurance requirements and retains all rights to pursue any legal remedies against the Contractor. All insurance policies must be open to inspection by the State, and copies of policies must be submitted to the State’s Authorized Representative upon written request.
Condition to Contract As a condition to this Agreement, Contractor shall execute the “Chapter 12B Declaration: Nondiscrimination in Contracts and Benefits” form (form HRC-12B-101) with supporting documentation and secure the approval of the form by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.