Capital Equipment Collaborator’s commitment, if any, to provide ICD with capital equipment to enable the research and development activities under the Research Plan appears in Appendix B. If Collaborator transfers to ICD the capital equipment or provides funds for ICD to purchase it, then ICD will own the equipment. If Collaborator loans capital equipment to ICD for use during the CRADA, Collaborator will be responsible for paying all costs and fees associated with the transport, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or disposal of the equipment, and ICD will not be liable for any damage to the equipment.
Equipment The Fund shall obtain and maintain at its own cost and expense all equipment and services, including but not limited to communications services, necessary for it to utilize the Software and obtain access to the System, and Custodian shall not be responsible for the reliability or availability of any such equipment or services.
Vehicles If an employee is required to use their own automobile in the performance of their duties, the Employer shall ensure that the position posting or advertisement shall include this requirement.
Leased Equipment The risk of loss or damage to leased equipment, goods or property shall not transfer to the University except as provided in §680.219, Florida Statutes. Any security interest in the leased equipment, goods or property granted to the Contractor contrary to AGO 79-72 and AGO 80-9 is null and void. Limitations of remedies provisions, which are unconscionable under applicable Florida law, are void. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS). In compliance with Florida Statutes, Ch. 442, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany any applicable item delivered under this Agreement.
Property and Equipment All property and equipment purchased by CONTRACTOR with funds received under this Agreement, or purchased on behalf of CONTRACTOR for the program site(s) covered under this Agreement, shall be insured by CONTRACTOR at replacement value against fire, theft, and destruction equal to the full replacement cost.
Property Locations (a) Provide to Administrative Agent at least 10 days’ prior written notice before adding any new offices or business or Collateral locations, including warehouses (unless such new offices or business or Collateral locations qualify as Excluded Locations). (b) With respect to any property or assets of a Loan Party located with a third party, including a bailee, datacenter or warehouse (other than Excluded Locations), Borrowers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause such third party to execute and deliver a Collateral Access Agreement for such location, including an acknowledgment from each of the third parties that it is holding or will hold such property, subject to Collateral Trustee’s security interest. (c) With respect to any property or assets of a Loan Party located on leased premises (other than Excluded Locations), Borrowers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause such third party to execute and deliver a Collateral Access Agreement for such location.
Inventories All of the Assets constituting inventory are owned or used by Company, are in good, current, standard and merchantable condition and are not obsolete or defective.
Equipment and Property A. The Grantee must ensure equipment with a per-unit cost of $5,000 or greater purchased with grant funds under this award is used solely for the purpose of this Grant or is properly pro-rated for use under this Grant. Grantee must have control systems to prevent loss, damage, or theft of property funded under this Grant. Grantee shall maintain equipment management and inventory procedures for equipment, whether acquired in part or whole with grant funds, until disposition occurs. B. When equipment acquired by Grantee under this Grant Agreement is no longer needed for the original project or for other activities currently supported by System Agency, the Grantee must properly dispose of the equipment pursuant to 2 CFR and/or TxGMS, as applicable. Upon termination of this Grant Agreement, use and disposal of equipment by the Grantee shall conform with TxGMS requirements. C. Grantee shall initiate the purchase of all equipment approved in writing by the System Agency in accordance with the schedule approved by System Agency, as applicable. Failure to timely initiate the purchase of equipment may result in the loss of availability of funds for the purchase of equipment. Requests to purchase previously approved equipment after the first quarter in the Grant Agreement must be submitted to the assigned System Agency contract manager. D. Controlled Assets include firearms, regardless of the acquisition cost, and the following assets with an acquisition cost of $500 or more, but less than $5,000: desktop and laptop computers (including notebooks, tablets and similar devices), non-portable printers and copiers, emergency management equipment, communication devices and systems, medical and laboratory equipment, and media equipment. Controlled Assets are considered supplies. E. System Agency funds must not be used to purchase buildings or real property without prior written approval from System Agency. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without written pre-approval.
Commingling Assets The assets of your IRA cannot be commingled with other property except in a common trust fund or common investment fund.
Inventory To the extent Inventory held for sale or lease has been produced by any Borrower, it has been and will be produced by such Borrower in accordance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and all rules, regulations and orders thereunder.