Proposed New Residential Development. Any application for new residential development, or any amendment/modification to a previously approved residential development, which results in an increase in the total number of dwelling units. Public Facilities – Major capital improvements including, but not limited to, transportation, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, education, parks and recreation facilities. Public School – A facility owned and maintained by the Polk County School District. Relocatable Classroom - A movable, temporary classroom facility also known as a portable.
Proposed New Residential Development. Any application for new residential development, or any amendment to a previously approved residential development, which results in an increase in the total number of housing units.
Proposed New Residential Development. Any application for new residential development or any amendment to a previously approved residential development, which results in an increase in the total number of housing units. Public Facilities: Civic capital assets including, but not limited to, transit, sanitary sewer, solid waste, potable water, schools, parks, libraries and community buildings. Reserved Capacity: FISH Capacity held in reserve (vested) by the School Board for a specific residential development when the local government has issued a CEFoN or equivalent. The reserved capacity is held by the School Board as long as the local government’s CEFoN or equivalent has not expired. Relocatable Classroom: A movable classroom facility containing non-permanent satisfactory student stations in FISH, purchased after 1998 and meeting the standards for long-term use pursuant to 1013.20, F.S.