Public Contract Code Sample Clauses
Public Contract Code. The Contractor is advised that provisions of Public Contract Code Sections 10335 through 10381 pertaining to the duties, obligations and rights of a consultant service contractor are applicable to this Agreement.
Public Contract Code. CONSULTANT hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and the United States that neither CONSULTANT nor any subconsultant and/or subcontractor hereunder, nor any firm affiliated with CONSULTANT or any subconsultant and/or subcontractor hereunder, is (i) potentially subject to rejection of any bid pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code (“PCC”) section 10162; (ii) unable to truthfully sign a statement in the form required by PCC section 10232; (iii) suspended or potentially subject to suspension pursuant to PCC section 10285.1; (iv) ineligible to bid on a contract with a public entity for goods and services of $1 million or more pursuant to PCC sections 2202-2208; or (v) not in compliance with any federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work. CONSULTANT further represents and warrants that no portion of the work under this AGREEMENT shall be subcontracted to or otherwise performed by any subconsultant and/or subcontractor that meets any of the criteria set forth in subsections (i)-(v) above.
Public Contract Code. Part 2.5 of the California Public Contract Code (§§ 19201 – 19210), cited as the California Judicial Branch Contract Law, requires the Judicial Branch (including the Court) to comply with provisions in the Public Contract Code that apply to state agencies and departments regarding the procurement of goods and/or services. The California Judicial Branch Contract Law applies to all contracts initially entered into or amended by Judicial Branch entities (including the Court) on or after October 1, 2011.
Public Contract Code. Public Contract Code references may create duties of Contractor under this Agreement; however, the references do not imply that the JBE is subject to the Public Contract Code.
Public Contract Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any claim or dispute involves a Claim as defined in Public Contract Code Section 9204, then such Claim shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 9204, as may be amended from time to time. The provisions of Public Contract Code Section 9204, as in effect on the Commencement Date hereof, are set forth in Exhibit 5.
Public Contract Code. Section 9204
Public Contract Code. The Contractor is advised that he/she has certain duties, obligations, and rights under the Public Contract Code §§ 10335 – 10381 and 10410 - 10412, with which the Contractor should be familiar. These Public Contract Code sections can be viewed at: xxxx:// displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PCC§ionNum= 10335 xxxx:// displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PCC§ionNum= 10381 xxxx:// displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PCC§ionNum= 10410
Public Contract Code. The Contractor is advised that he/she has certain duties, obligations, and rights under the Public Contract Code §§ 10335 – 10381 and 10410 - 10412, with which the Contractor should be familiar. These Public Contract Code sections can be viewed at:
Public Contract Code. This Agreement incorporates requirements of the California Public Contract Code applicable to the District’s contracting program.
Public Contract Code. The following provisions are required by the Public Contract Code.
(i) Contractor recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and fully complies with (and will continue to comply with during the term of this Agreement) all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment orders, as provided in Family Code section 5200 et seq. Contractor provides the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry maintained by the California Employment Development Department.
(ii) Contractor certifies, under penalty of perjury, that no more than one, final unappealable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has been issued against it within the immediately preceding two-year period because of its failure to comply with an order of a federal court requiring it to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board.