Recurring Charges You or a supplementary cardmember may authorize a merchant to bill your account at regular intervals for goods or services (called recurring charges). Here are some important things that you need to know about recurring charges and your account.
Trunk Nonrecurring charges Installation nonrecurring charges may be assessed by the provider for each LIS trunk ordered. Qwest rates are specified in Exhibit A.
Nonrecurring Charges The resale discount, as shown in the Resale attachment of this Agreement, does not apply to non-recurring charges (NRCs), whether such NRCs are contained in this Agreement, in CenturyLink’s applicable retail Tariffs or as otherwise offered on a retail basis.
Monthly Charges Purchaser shall pay Seller monthly for the electric energy generated by the System and delivered to the Delivery Point at the $/kWh rate shown in Exhibit 1 (the “Contract Price”). The monthly payment for such energy will be equal to the applicable $/kWh rate multiplied by the number of kWh of energy generated during the applicable month, as measured by the System meter.
Service Charges No service charge shall be made for any exchange or registration of transfer of Warrants.
Monthly Billing The electric service charge shall be computed in accordance with the monthly billing in the applicable standard service tariff. Customers receiving electric service under residential and small nonresidential schedules 1, 2, 3, 15, 23 or 23B shall be financially credited for such net energy with a cumulative kilowatt-hour credit. The credit will be deducted from the customer’s kilowatt-hour usage on the customer’s next monthly bill thus offsetting the customer’s next monthly bill at the full retail rate of the customer’s rate schedule. Customers receiving electric service under large nonresidential schedules 6, 6A, 6B, 8 or 10 must elect a compensation method to receive cumulative credits for the upcoming annualized billing period from one of the following options (large nonresidential customers must initial desired credit election): an average energy price, a seasonally differentiated energy price, or an average retail rate.