Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host Sample Clauses

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server may be deployed in Atomic Host mode. Atomic Host mode is an optional delivery, deployment and updating mechanism designed to support container based environments. At installation, you may elect to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server via (a) the RPM package manager based methodology or (b) the Atomic Host layered image methodology for container based applications. Each deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, regardless of the method, constitutes a Unit.
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Der Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server kann im Atomic Host-Modus eingesetzt werden. Beim Atomic Host-Modus handelt es sich um einen optionalen Bereitstellungs-, Einsatz- und Aktualisierungsmechanismus, der auf die Unterstützung containerbasierter Umgebungen ausgelegt ist. Bei der Installation können Sie wählen, den Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (a) über das RPM-Paket mit managerbasierter Methodik oder (b) über die geschichtete Bildmethode des Atomic Host für containerbasierte Anwendungen zu installieren. Jeder Einsatz von Red Hat Enterprise Linux stellt , ohne Rücksicht auf die Methode, eine Einheit dar,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Serverª Atomic Host*—t½$㛤@£= ¥‰½€£@ࠋAtomic Host*—tª¸S?YuS4y”ࣂ” —¸$㛤¸7y?y—ࢺ4F9=EŁ½Øk¸*Sz7÷— ^4⎔ቃ€9࣏—ࢺ@££yタィ€¢€fi£@ࠋYS^ࢺ— 04àⒶᵝª¸Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server4YS^ࢺ —0€fif“G㑅ᢥ@£=¥‰½€£@ࠋ(a) RPM¾y9— s™fisÇ—÷—^4F“t¤s—¸£½ª (b)*Sz7÷ —^47?”9—YuS$ Atomic hostUYM—4YF—s 4F“t¤s—ࠋ Red Hat Enterprise Linux4ⓟ$㛤ª¸€ 4F‰‰Y4£y࡞¢4½Ø£“4““ðG¾¸~*4>= yࢺ€ᵓfi5£@ࠋ
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat Enterprise Linux ServerЫ Atomic Hostࣔ—ࢻ࡛$㛤ࡍࡿࡇ kࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ。Atomic Hostࣔ—ࢻЫ¸5?シࣙࣥのyࣜࣂࣜ —¸$㛤¸7ࢵ?y—ࢺのF࢝ࢽࢬ࣒࡛࠶N¸*ࣥz7࣋— ࢫの⎔ቃࢆ9࣏—ࢺࡍࡿࡼ࠺タィࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍ。Tࣥࢫࢺ— 0᫬࡟࠾ᐈᵝЫ¸Red Hat Enterprise Linux ServerのTࣥࢫࢺ —0ࢆ௨ୗ“ࡽ㑅ᢥࡍࡿࡇkࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍ。(a) RPMࣃࢵࢣ—ジ࣐ࢿジࣕ—࣋—ࢫのF“ࢻࣟジ—¸ࡲࡓЫ (b)*ࣥz7࣋ —ࢫの7?ࣜࢣ—シࣙࣥ⏝ Atomic hostUTM—のTF—ジ のF“ࢻࣟジ—。 Red Hat Enterprise Linuxのྛ$㛤Ы¸ࡑの᪉ἲࡀYのࡼ࠺࡞uの࡛࠶ࡿ“࡟““bࡽࡎ¸~ࡘのࣘࢽ ࢵࢺࢆᵓᡂbࡲࡍ。
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. ˚Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4൘ Atomic Host ⁑ᔿл䜘㖢 ˚Atomic Host ⁑ᔿᱟѪᇩಘ⧟ຳ䇮䇑Ⲵ4䘹ӔԈǃ䜘㖢4 ᴤᯠᵪ㜭˚z㻵ᰦ,䍥ᯩ4䙊䗷 (a) RPM྇Ԧ㇑⨶ᯩᔿᡆ
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server momet 6 ta pasbephyt b pemnme Atomic Host. Pemnm Atomic Host rburetcr Дomouhnteuah m mexahnsmom Дoctabkn, pasbept bahnr n o6hobuehnr, mpeДhasha¬ehh m Дur moДДepmkn cpeД ha ochobe kohtenhepob. Momho b 6pata yctahobky Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server ¬epes (a) metoД, ochobahh n ha Дncmet¬epe maketob RPM, nun (b) metoД mhofocuonhofo o6pasa Atomic Host Дur mpnuomehnn ha ochobe kohtenhepob. KamДoe pasbept bahne Red Hat Enterprise Linux (hesabncnmo ot metoДa) mpeДctaburet co6on otДeuahyd EДnhnyy.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat 4.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server may be deployed in Atomic Host mode. Atomic Host mode is an optional delivery, deployment and updating mechanism designed to support container based environments. At installation, you may elect to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server via (a) the RPM package manager based methodology or (b) the Atomic Host layered image methodology for container based applications. Each deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, regardless of the method, constitutes a Unit. Enterprise Linux Server peut être déployé en mode Atomic Host. Le mode Atomic Host est un mécanisme optionnel de provisionnement, de déploiement et de mise à jour conçu pour prendre en charge les environnements basés sur des conteneurs. Lors de l’installation, vous pouvez choisir d’installer Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server via (a) la méthodologie basée sur le gestionnaire de packages RPM ou
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Related to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server – Atomic Host

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  • Indiana Veteran Owned Small Business Enterprise Compliance Award of this Contract was based, in part, on the Indiana Veteran Owned Small Business Enterprise (“IVOSB”) participation plan, as detailed in the IVOSB Subcontractor Commitment Form, commonly referred to as “Attachment A-1” in the procurement documentation and incorporated by reference herein. Therefore, any changes to this information during the Contract term must be approved by IDOA’s IVOSB Division (“IVOSB Division”) and may require an amendment. It is the State’s expectation that the Contractor will meet the subcontractor commitments during the Contract term. The following certified IVOSB subcontractor(s) will be participating in this Contract: [Add additional IVOSBs using the same format.] IVOSB COMPANY NAME PHONE EMAIL OF CONTACT PERSON PERCENT Briefly describe the IVOSB service(s)/product(s) to be provided under this Contract and include the estimated date(s) for utilization during the Contract term: A copy of each subcontractor agreement must be submitted to the IVOSB Division within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Contract. The subcontractor agreements may be uploaded into Pay Audit (Indiana’s subcontractor payment auditing system), emailed to, or mailed to IDOA, 000 X. Xxxxxxxxxx Street, Room W-478, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Failure to provide a copy of any subcontractor agreement may be deemed a violation of the rules governing IVOSB procurement and may result in sanctions allowable under 25 IAC 9-5-2. Requests for changes must be submitted to for review and approval before changing the participation plan submitted in connection with this Contract. The Contractor shall report payments made to certified IVOSB subcontractors under this Contract on a monthly basis using Pay Audit. The Contractor shall notify subcontractors that they must confirm payments received from the Contractor in Pay Audit. The Pay Audit system can be accessed on the IDOA webpage at: The Contractor may also be required to report IVOSB certified subcontractor payments directly to the IVOSB Division, as reasonably requested and in the format required by the IVOSB Division. The Contractor’s failure to comply with the provisions in this clause may be considered a material breach of the Contract.

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  • Indiana Veteran’s Business Enterprise Compliance Award of this Contract was based, in part, on the Indiana Veteran’s Business Enterprise (“IVBE”) participation plan. The following IVBE subcontractors will be participating in this Contract: VBE PHONE COMPANY NAME SCOPE OF PRODUCTS and/or SERVICES UTILIZATION DATE PERCENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ A copy of each subcontractor agreement shall be submitted to IDOA within thirty (30) days of the request. Failure to provide any subcontractor agreement may also be considered a material breach of this Contract. The Contractor must obtain approval from IDOA before changing the IVBE participation plan submitted in connection with this Contract. The Contractor shall report payments made to IVBE subcontractors under this Contract on a monthly basis. Monthly reports shall be made using the online audit tool, commonly referred to as “Pay Audit.” IVBE subcontractor payments shall also be reported to IDOA as reasonably requested and in a format to be determined by IDOA.

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  • Independent Contractor; No Partnership; No Agency; No Utility Services 15.1 Company and Developer shall be independent contractors. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture, agency relationship, or partnership between the Parties or to impose any partnership obligation or partnership liability upon any Party. No Party shall have any right, power or authority to enter into any agreement or undertaking for, or act on behalf of, or to act as or be an agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind, the other Party. This Agreement is not an agreement to provide or take utility services of any kind, including, without limitation, interconnection or other electric transmission services.

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