Reformulation of Covered Products. After the Effective Date, BMB shall not manufacture, ship, sell, or offer for sale any Covered Products that will be sold or offered for sale in California that exceed the following acrylamide concentration limits, such concentration to be determined by use of a test performed by an accredited laboratory using either GC/MS (Gas Chromatrograph/Mass Spectrometry), LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry), or any other testing method agreed upon by the Parties:
2.1.1. The average acrylamide concentration shall not exceed 350 parts per billion (“ppb”) by weight (the “Average Level”). The Average Level is determined by randomly selecting at least 5 samples from 5 different lots of Covered Products (or the maximum number of lots available for testing if less than 5) during a testing period of at least 60 days.
2.1.2. The acrylamide concentration of any individual unit shall not exceed 490 ppb by weight (the “Unit Level”).
Reformulation of Covered Products. After the Effective Date, Settling Entities shall not manufacture, ship, sell, or offer for sale any Covered Products that Settling Entities know or reasonably should know will be sold or offered for sale in California that exceed the following acrylamide concentration limits, such concentration to be determined by use of a test performed by an accredited laboratory using either GC/MS (Gas Chromatrograph/Mass Spectrometry), LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry), or any other testing method agreed upon by the Parties:
2.1.1. The average acrylamide concentration shall not exceed 350 parts per billion (“ppb”) by weight (the “Average Level”). The Average Level is determined by randomly selecting at least 5 samples from 5 different lots of Covered Products (or the maximum number of lots available for testing if less than 5) during a testing period of at least 60 days.
2.1.2. The acrylamide concentration of any individual unit shall not exceed 490 ppb by weight (the “Unit Level”).
Reformulation of Covered Products. After the Effective Date, Mishima shall not manufacture, ship, sell or offer for sale any Covered Products that will be sold or offered for sale in California that exceed the following acrylamide concentration limits, such concentration to be determined by use of a test performed by an accredited laboratory using either GC/MS (Gas 1 These products are referred to as “Group C, Type 4” products in Exhibit A to the Snak King Consent Judgment, which is available on the Attorney General’s website, at Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometry), LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry), or any other testing method agreed upon by the Parties:
Reformulation of Covered Products. HKD shall comply with the following requirements to reformulate the Covered Products to eliminate exposures to TDCPP arising from the use of the Covered Products:
Reformulation of Covered Products. Except as provided in Section 3.2, commencing on the Effective Date, and continuing thereafter, IKEA Parties shall not ship, sell, or offer for sale in California any Covered Product that will be sold or offered for sale in California that exceeds the following acrylamide concentration limits (the “Reformulation Levels”), such concentration to be determined by use of a test performed by an accredited laboratory using either GC/MS (Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometry), LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry) or any other testing method agreed upon by the Parties:
3.1.1 The average acrylamide concentration of Covered Products as used per cooking instructions, shall not exceed, on average, 250 parts per billion (“ppb”) by weight (the “Average Level”). The Average Level is determined by randomly selecting at least 5 samples from 5 different lots of Covered Products (or the maximum number of lots available for testing if less than 5) during a testing period of at least 60 days.
3.1.2 The acrylamide concentration of any individual unit, as used per cooking instructions, shall not exceed 300 ppb by weight (the “Unit Level”). Compliance with the Reformulation Levels shall be determined after cooking each Covered Product as if prepared for consumption in accordance with the instructions on the packaging label of that Covered Product.
Reformulation of Covered Products. On or before the execution of this Agreement, IDC shall not manufacture, ship, sell or offer for sale in California or anywhere else any Covered Product that contains:
3.1.1 Any metal or other component that is not covered under Sections
3.1.2 Any polyvinyl chloride material, that is more than 0.02 percent Lead by weight (200 ppm); and
3.1.3 Any Surface Coating that is more than 0.009 percent Lead by weight (90 ppm). For purposes of this Agreement, “Surface Coating” shall carry the same meaning as “Paint or other similar surface coating” under 16 CFR §1303.2(b)(1) (“Paint and other similar surface-coating materials means a fluid, semi-fluid, or other material, with or without a suspension of finely divided coloring matter, which changes to a solid film when a thin layer is applied to a metal, wood, stone, paper, leather, cloth, plastic, or other surface. This term
Reformulation of Covered Products. Settling Entity shall comply with the following requirements to achieve expeditious reformulation of the Covered Products to reduce or eliminate exposures to cadmium arising from the Covered Products:
Reformulation of Covered Products. In the event Brandstorm sells or distributes either or both of the Covered Products without the Warning required by Paragraph 3.2, Brandstorm shall provide documentary proof that the latest batches of the Covered Product(s) do(es) not contain the Listed Substance, per label serving, in excess of the XXXX. Any documentary proof provided shall be based upon certified independent laboratory testing using inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and shall be based on the first “run” of the Covered Product(s) in any calendar year. This provision shall remain in effect for two (2) years beginning with calendar year 2016.
Reformulation of Covered Products. Commencing on November 1, 2012 (the “Effective Date”), Cumberland shall not manufacture, distribute, import, supply, sell or offer for sale in California or anywhere else any Covered Product unless such Covered Product complies with the following Lead Limits:
2.1.1 “Paint or other Surface Coatings” as that term is defined in 16 C.F.R.
2.1.2 All other materials: no more than .02 percent Lead by weight (200 ppm).
Reformulation of Covered Products. As of the Effective Date, Biolab International shall not manufacture, distribute, sell, or offer for sale any Covered Product that contains cocamide DEA and that will be sold or offered for sale to California consumers. For purposes of this Agreement, a product “contains cocamide DEA” if cocamide DEA is an intentionally added ingredient in the product and/or part of the product formulation.