Generators Temporary installation of generators, and permanent installation of generators that are placed inside existing buildings or that occupy an area under 50 square feet behind the building they serve.
Generator Subject to the provisions of this Section 29.36, Tenant shall be entitled to install, operate and maintain a generator and any other equipment related thereto, including, without limitation, a fuel system, wiring and shaft space (“Generator”) next to the Building at Tenant’s sole cost and expense (without paying any additional fee or rental to Landlord for the use thereof). Prior to the installation of the Generator, Tenant shall inspect the proposed location to determine a suitable location for the Generator, and Tenant shall submit written plans and specifications relative to the type, size and proposed location (including any proposed screening) of the Generator to Landlord for its review and written approval. Tenant shall be solely responsible for the cost of acquisition, installation, operation, and maintenance of the Generator; and Tenant shall install, maintain and operate the Generator in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, including without limitation, obtaining and maintaining any and all permits, approvals and licenses required to install and operate the Generator by any governmental authority having jurisdiction. Landlord and Tenant agree that, upon the expiration of earlier termination of the Lease Term, Tenant shall not be required to remove the Generator, any associated cabling, wiring and screening or other improvements. Tenant shall not be entitled to grant or assign to any third party (other than a permitted assignee of Tenant’s rights under the Lease or a permitted subtenant relative to the Premises (or a portion thereof)) the right to use the Generator without Landlord’s prior written consent (which consent may be granted or withheld in Landlord’s discretion). Upon reasonable advance notice to Tenant (and provided Landlord reasonably coordinates with Tenant and provides an alternate source of backup generator capacity during said transition), Landlord shall be entitled to cause the Generator to be moved to another location near the Building, at Landlord’s cost and expense. Tenant shall pay all personal property taxes on the Generator. Tenant shall also pay any increases in the real property taxes of the Building due to the installation of the Generator within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice from Landlord which includes proof of such increase in taxes. Tenant’s indemnity obligations under Section of the Lease, relating to the use of Hazardous Materials, shall apply to the use and operation of the Generator. Finally, Tenant’s insurance obligations under Section 10.3 of the Lease shall apply to the Generator.
Emergency Generator 1) During the Term as it applies to the 9449 Expansion Space, as extended from time to time, Tenant shall have the right to install a supplemental emergency generator (the “Generator”) to provide emergency additional electrical capacity to the 9449 Building. The Generator shall be placed at a location at the 9449 Building designated by Tenant and reasonably approved by Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant’s right to install the Generator shall be subject to: (i) Landlord’s reasonable approval of the manner in which the Generator is installed, the manner in which any cables are run to and from the Generator to the Premises and the measures that will be taken to eliminate any vibrations or sound disturbances from the operation of the Generator; and (ii) the covenants, conditions and restrictions of record applicable to the Project, architectural review and any necessary approval by the local municipality and county governments or agencies having authority and jurisdiction over such matters. Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to provide a reasonably acceptable enclosure (e.g. wood fencing and landscaping) to hide or disguise the existence of the Generator and to minimize any adverse effect that the installation of the Generator may have on the appearance of the 9449 Building and Project. Tenant shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary governmental and regulatory permits and approvals and for the cost of installing, operating, maintaining, repairing and removing the Generator. Tenant shall also be responsible for the cost of all utilities consumed and utility connections required in the operation of the Generator. 2) Tenant shall be responsible for assuring that the installation, maintenance, repair, operation and removal of the Generator does not damage the 9449 Building or Project and Tenant shall be responsible for any damages caused thereby. For avoidance of doubt, the installation, maintenance, operation, repair or removal of the Generator shall be subject to the indemnity provisions set forth in Section 10.3 of the Lease. 3) Tenant shall be responsible for the installation, operation, repair, cleanliness, maintenance and removal of the Generator and appurtenances, all of which shall remain the personal property of Tenant and shall be removed by Tenant at its own expense as of the 9449 Extended Expiration Date or any earlier expiration or termination of Tenant’s right to possession of the 9449 Expansion Space in accordance with the Lease and this Amendment. Tenant shall repair any damage caused by such removal, including the patching of any holes to match, as closely as possible, the color surrounding the area where the Generator and appurtenances were attached. Such maintenance and operation shall be performed in a manner to avoid any unreasonable interference with any other tenants or Landlord. Tenant agrees to maintain the Generator, including without limitation, any enclosure installed around the Generator, in good condition and repair. Tenant shall be responsible for performing any maintenance and improvements to any enclosure surrounding the Generator so as to keep such enclosure in good condition. 4) Tenant, subject to the reasonable rules and regulations enacted by Landlord, shall have unlimited access to the Generator and its surrounding area for the purpose of installing, operating, repairing, maintaining, using and removing the Generator. 5) Tenant shall only test the Generator before or after normal business hours. 6) Notwithstanding anything in this Amendment or the Lease to the contrary, Tenant may use the Generator for its intended purpose as and when needed (as reasonably determined by Tenant), without any restriction or hindrance from Landlord or any other tenant, subject only to applicable Laws and unreasonable disturbances to other tenants in the Project.
Radiation Therapy/Chemotherapy Services This plan covers chemotherapy and radiation services. This plan covers respiratory therapy services. When respiratory services are provided in your home, as part of a home care program, durable medical equipment, supplies, and oxygen are covered as a durable medical equipment service.
Vaccination and Inoculation (a) The Employer agrees to take all reasonable precautions to limit the spread of infectious diseases among employees, including in-service seminars for employees. Where the Employer or Occupational Health and Safety Committee identifies high risk areas which expose employees to infectious or communicable diseases for which there are protective immunizations available, such immunizations shall be provided at no cost to the employee. The Committee may consult with the Medical Health Officer. Where the Medical Health Officer identifies such a risk, the immunization shall also be provided at no cost. The Employer shall provide Hepatitis B vaccine, free of charge, to those employees who may be exposed to bodily fluids or other sources of infection. (b) An employee may be required by the Employer, at the request of and at the expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a physician of the employee's choice. Employees may be required to take skin tests, x-ray examination, vaccination, and other immunization (with the exception of a rubella vaccination when the employee is of the opinion that a pregnancy is possible), unless the employee's physician has advised in writing that such a procedure may have an adverse effect on the employee's health.
Probes Network hosts used to perform (DNS, EPP, etc.) tests (see below) that are located at various global locations.
Equipment Cleaning (a) Areas, known by Forest Service prior to timber sale advertisement, that are infested with invasive species of concern are shown on Sale Area Map. A current list of invasive species of concern and a map showing the extent of known infestations is available at the Forest Supervisor’s Office. For purposes of this provision, “Off-Road Equipment” includes all logging and construction machinery, except for log trucks, chip vans, service vehicles, water trucks, pickup trucks, cars, and similar vehicles.
Illumination Normal & emergency AC & DC illumination shall be provided adequately in the control room & other buildings of the substation. The switchyard shall also be provided with adequate illumination. Lighting of the entire control room building, fire-fighting pump house, other building (if any) and switchyard shall be done by LED based low power consumption luminaires.
Smoke Detectors At Owner's expense, smoke detectors will be installed on the Property in working condition in accordance with the law prior to the tenant's occupancy. During the occupancy, it shall be the tenant's responsibility to maintain all smoke detectors. Owner will replace smoke detector equipment as needed.
Metering The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for the Connecting Transmission Owner’s reasonable and necessary cost for the purchase, installation, operation, maintenance, testing, repair, and replacement of metering and data acquisition equipment specified in Attachments 2 and 3 of this Agreement. The Interconnection Customer’s metering (and data acquisition, as required) equipment shall conform to applicable industry rules and Operating Requirements.