Rehearsals. I understand that during the fall and spring terms, all students participating in the performance will need to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons. A schedule of these rehearsals will be posted on the studio 204 doors and sent out via email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work with a dancer’s conflicts that were discussed and a hard copy given to staff in a timely manner. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed January through April. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possible. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during the full dress rehearsal or the performances, I will be asked to leave the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre staff. I understand that dancers and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior as representatives of the Dance Arts Conservatory. A positive and respectful attitude will be shown to all instructors, parent volunteers, and fellow dancers. No dancer leaves a performance before the final curtain. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the dressing rooms for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(s) for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Agreement
Rehearsals. I understand that during Company class and rehearsals for the fall 2018-2019 season will be held: Rehearsals may be called on Sunday when no other time can be arranged. Rehearsals may be called at other times when dancers are free. Dancers must attend all rehearsals for ballets in which they have been cast or cast as understudies. Additional rehearsal times will be announced at least 24 hours before any rehearsal. Dancers must attend all technical and spring terms, all students participating dress rehearsals for any ballet in the performance will need which they have been cast or cast as understudies. Any dancer who may be unable to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoonsa rehearsal for any reason should notify the Artistic Director at the earliest possible date. A schedule of these Absences from rehearsals will only be posted on the studio 204 doors and sent out via email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to excused for a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work required school function with a dancerteacher’s conflicts that were discussed note or for illness with a doctor’s note. Dancers must attend all photo calls and a hard copy given fittings required for the roles for which they have been cast. Female dancers should be prepared to staff appear in a timely mannerblack leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed January through April. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that Male dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possibleprepared to appear in a white tee shirt, black or gray tights, white ankle length socks and white shoes. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order Dancers may from time to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during the full dress rehearsal or the performances, I will be asked to leave appear as a group in special workshop classes, lecture demonstrations, publicity functions or company fundraisers. At such functions dancers should be prepared to appear in the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre staff. I understand that dancers dress outlined above and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior should conduct themselves as representatives of the Dance Arts Conservatorycompany at all times. A positive Dancers must provide their own rehearsal and respectful attitude performance tights, shoes and leotards. All costumes will be shown to all instructorsprovided by the company and must be handled with care by the dancers. Make-up is the responsibility of each individual dancer. Drinking, parent volunteerseating, and fellow dancerschewing gum or sitting is not permitted while in costume. No dancer leaves a performance before will leave the final curtainback stage area while in costume or stage make-up. The costumer, wardrobe mistress and their assistants must be treated with the utmost respect at all times. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the must always leave dressing rooms for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read clean and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(s) for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performanceneat.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Youth Ensemble Contract
Rehearsals. I understand that during will establish a rehearsal schedule for the fall and spring termssemester, all students participating reserve rehearsal space in the performance will need to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons. A schedule of these rehearsals will be posted on the studio 204 doors and sent out via email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work with a dancer’s conflicts that were discussed and a hard copy given to staff in a timely manner. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed January through April. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possible. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still heldDance office, and I feel that it is too dangerous will notify my DANC 400 Faculty Advisor and/or the Concert Director, and my dancers well in advance. • I will schedule sufficient rehearsal time (confirmed by the Concert Director) to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decisioncomplete and polish my piece. I understand that • I will be allowed to take photos from on time, warmed up and prepared at all scheduled rehearsal times. • If I anticipate being late,or missing a designated area during rehearsal, I will notify my dancers in advance. • I will arrive at scheduled photo shoots on time with necessary costumes. • I will arrive at the performance venue at the announced call time for all scheduled tech and dress rehearsals. • I will remain at tech and dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at until released by the Virginia TheatreConcert Director. • I understand will make sure that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at my dancers know the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during schedule for rehearsals, photo shoots, showings, tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performancesrehearsals, dress rehearsals, and edited/authored copies performances. • I will treat my dancers, Concert Director, Technical Director, and technical crew with respect. • I will be available on time for purchaseall scheduled auditions or showings of my piece. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during • My piece must be completed (a “first draft”) by the full dress rehearsal or date of the performancesfirst showing/audition. Incomplete pieces will not be considered for the Showcase. • The week after the showing, I will be asked notified as to leave whether my piece has been accepted into the theatre immediately by Dance Arts Showcase, ranked as “Provisional” for the Showcase, or Theatre staffaccepted into the First Works Concert. • If my piece is ranked “Provisional,” I understand that dancers and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior as representatives improve or re-work sections of the Dance Arts Conservatorypiece and re-submit the piece by showing it at a later date, to be announced by the Concert Director. A positive and respectful attitude • I will be shown submit all required music information to all instructors, parent volunteers, and fellow dancers. No dancer leaves a performance the Music Coordinator no later than seven weeks before the final curtainconcert. Dancers are allowed out in • I will submit all program information to the audience as a courtesy so they may watch Concert Director and Technical Director no later than four weeks before the performanceconcert. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they • I will remain in the dressing rooms arrange for the entire performanceConcert Director to attend one or two rehearsals in order to obtain feedback and critique on the progress of my piece. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. • I will be volunteering with crew(s) for at least 15 hours towards maintain a positive, open attitude and encourage my child’s performance. I will be paying dancers to do the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performancesame.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Choreography Agreement
Rehearsals. I understand that during To prepare a production, a theatre shall plan a sufficient number of rehearsals, considering the fall and spring termsdegree of complexity of the production. The number of rehearsals shall be agreed in advance with the director or choreographer; however, at the director’s request, at least 40 rehearsals (incl. at least 12 stage rehearsals with the stage scenery) shall be held for a full-scale performance in-house, engaging, if necessary, all students participating actors or dancers involved in the performance will need to attend performance. The stage rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons. A schedule of these rehearsals will be posted on the studio 204 doors and sent out via email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings shall include at least 10 minutes (or more 3 preparatory dress rehearsals and at least 3 scheduled dress rehearsals. The 3 scheduled dress rehearsals shall be conducted uninterruptedly. The dress rehearsal of a particularly long performance shall be agreed upon separately between the theatre and the working group. Among the 40 rehearsals mentioned above, the theatre shall conduct at least 1 set assembly rehearsal, 1 scene change rehearsal and 1 lighting rehearsal, unless otherwise agreed within the working group. Lighting, sound and scene change rehearsals shall be held when the stage set and costumes are ready. In these rehearsals, all technical employees and employees engaged in creative activities necessary for upper level dancers) ahead the smooth running of call timethe performance shall participate, as appropriate. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to Preliminary costume and makeup rehearsals shall be communicated to arranged by the Director costume designer and to my dancer’s teacher the make-up artist in agreement with the director sufficiently in advance of the beginning of dress rehearsals. Singing, dance, orchestra and other necessary special rehearsals shall be held as agreed in advance. In the cases where support staff participates in the performance, a sufficient number of rehearsals in which actors and the support staff are present at the same time shall be held before the first dress rehearsal. The director or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work with a dancer’s conflicts that were discussed may conduct additional preparatory and a hard copy given to staff in a timely manner. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed January through April. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possible. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday with the permission of the theatre and Thursday evenings) with the consent of the working group. As a rule, at least one performance of the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to new production shall take photos or video place during the full dress week that follows the premiere. Any unauthorised persons may attend a rehearsal or only in agreement with the performances, I will be asked to leave the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre staff. I understand that dancers and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior as representatives of the Dance Arts Conservatory. A positive and respectful attitude will be shown to all instructors, parent volunteers, and fellow dancers. No dancer leaves a performance before the final curtain. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the dressing rooms for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(s) for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performanceproduction group.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Rehearsals. I understand that during Company class and rehearsals for the fall 2017-2018 season will be held: Rehearsals may be called on Sunday when no other time can be arranged. Rehearsals may be called at other times when dancers are free. Dancers must attend all rehearsals for ballets in which they have been cast or cast as understudies. Additional rehearsal times will be announced at least 24 hours before any rehearsal. Dancers must attend all technical and spring terms, all students participating dress rehearsals for any ballet in the performance will need which they have been cast or cast as understudies. Any dancer who may be unable to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoonsa rehearsal for any reason should notify the Artistic Director at the earliest possible date. A schedule of these Absences from rehearsals will only be posted on the studio 204 doors and sent out via email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to excused for a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work required school function with a dancerteacher’s conflicts that were discussed note or for illness with a doctor’s note. Dancers must attend all photo calls and a hard copy given fittings required for the roles for which they have been cast. Female dancers should be prepared to staff appear in a timely mannerblack leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed January through April. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that Male dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possibleprepared to appear in a white tee shirt, black or gray tights, white ankle length socks and white shoes. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order Dancers may from time to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during the full dress rehearsal or the performances, I will be asked to leave appear as a group in special workshop classes, lecture demonstrations, publicity functions or company fundraisers. At such functions dancers should be prepared to appear in the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre staff. I understand that dancers dress outlined above and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior should conduct themselves as representatives of the Dance Arts Conservatorycompany at all times. A positive Dancers must provide their own rehearsal and respectful attitude performance tights, shoes and leotards. All costumes will be shown to all instructorsprovided by the company and must be handled with care by the dancers. Make-up is the responsibility of each individual dancer except when special make-up is required. The company will provide special make-up. Drinking, parent volunteerseating, and fellow dancerschewing gum or sitting is not permitted while in costume. No dancer leaves a performance before will leave the final curtainback stage area while in costume or stage make-up. The costumer, wardrobe mistress and their assistants must be treated with the utmost respect at all times. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the must always leave dressing rooms for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read clean and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(s) for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performanceneat.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Company Contract
Rehearsals. I understand that during the fall and spring terms, all students participating All rehearsals are closed. This means there should not be anyone in the performance will need to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons. A schedule of these rehearsals will be posted auditorium that is not working on the studio 204 doors and sent out via emailshow or a member of the cast. This includes Saturday mornings. Do not drop off students who are not members of the cast. Thank you for your help with this. Cell phones will NOT be visible during rehearsals. Rehearsals will vary from Saturday mornings, after school, or evenings. Please plan accordingly. I understand that attendance during the months of some students are in sports, but this activity is equally as important. You may need to share practice/rehearsal prior to a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. It is up to the students involved to make arrangements. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need students will receive a CD with the music they are responsible for. They are expected to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedulerehearsing at home between practices. Staff will do everything we can to A new schedule rehearsals that will work with a dancer’s conflicts that were discussed and a hard copy given to staff in a timely manner. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through Decemberput out well in advance of each month so you can make arrangements. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal Be flexible. We will be allowed January through Aprilin the winter months where storms can be a problem. I understand We will reschedule all rehearsals missed because of weather. If a show needs to be cancelled because of weather we will find the soonest acceptable date to reschedule, if possible. If a cast member is demonstrating inappropriate behaviors that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from are affecting the Director or their choreographer. I understand that dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is illshow, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possible. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails director will be sent whenever possible and ask the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updated. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during the full dress rehearsal or the performances, I will be asked student to leave the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre stage and phone home for a ride. Any behavior that keeps the group from progressing will not be tolerated. The show will be performed Thursday February 2, Friday February 3, and Saturday February 4 at 7:30 PM. The last month of rehearsal is very important. You must be there. If for any reason you are not available for the final month of rehearsal, I need to know about it when you hand in this contract. Your cooperation is expected. You are to treat all staff, cast members, crew, parents, choreographers, and student directors with respect at all times. I understand that dancers Together, we have the potential to make this an outstanding show! All cast members will be expected to provide/pay for parts of their own costume. Please follow all costume deadlines and parents must maintain recommendations. Please think carefully before making the highest standards of behavior as representatives decision to be part of the Dance Arts Conservatoryshow and once you make that decision follow through. Students who drop out create difficulties with staging and choreography and items purchased for those students to use go to waste. Please consider helping with the show. A positive and respectful attitude will be shown production like this takes a huge amount of work to all instructorsmake happen. A few parents cannot do it all. Please sign up for costumes even if you cannot sew. We need people to hem, parent volunteersmake thrift store runs to search for items, and fellow dancerseven just pinning and cutting out material helps. No dancer leaves Please sign up to build even if you are not a performance before the final curtain. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned areabuilder. If you can use an electric drill, you can help build! If you can paint a plain wall you can help. YOU WILL NEED CLEARANCES AND NEED TO BE AN APPROVED VOLUNTEER. I, ________________________________________, have read this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the dressing rooms for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquettecontract and (student’s name) understand it. I have read and agree to act as described above, abide by all conditions outlined deadlines that are established, and do everything that I can to make this show the best it can be. Parent ________________________________________ Date ___________________ Phone number (s) _____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________ Please include this! FOR PARENTS: (please check any areas that might apply) I am able to help with: _______ Costumes _______ building/painting sets _______ selling tickets _______ Make-up/Hair _______ Back Stage Parent I can chair a committee:____________________________ (please fill in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(swhich one.) for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 Dance Arts Performance.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Contract
Rehearsals. I understand that during the fall and spring terms, all students participating in the performance will need to attend rehearsals outside of class time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoons. A schedule of these rehearsals will be posted on the studio 204 doors doors, on the Dance Arts Website, and sent out via in a weekly email. I understand that attendance during the months of rehearsal prior to a performance is crucial, and am willing and able to deliver my child to these rehearsals and/or costume fittings at least 10 minutes (or more for upper level dancers) ahead of call time. All prior commitments that have fallen on rehearsal days need to be communicated to the Director and to my dancer’s teacher or choreographer within a week of receiving a rehearsal schedule. Staff will do everything we can to schedule rehearsals that will work with a dancer’s conflicts that were discussed and a hard copy given to staff in a timely manner. Staff will work with a dancer to create excused absences that will not impair our current production in any way. I understand that only 1 unexcused absence from a rehearsal will be allowed October through December. I understand that only 1 NO unexcused absence absences from a rehearsal will be allowed January through AprilFebruary. I understand that no dancer leaves a rehearsal early without permission from the Director or their choreographer. I understand that dancers who have multiple unexcused absences may lose their part. Please do not send a sick child to classes or rehearsals! I understand that if a dancer is ill, the Director and/or dancer’s instructor/choreographer should be notified as soon as possible. Participants must be free of fever for 24 hours without medication in order to participate. I understand that if bad weather occurs, rehearsals could be cancelled. Mass e-mails will be sent whenever possible and the Champaign Park District rainout Line will be updatedpossible. If rehearsals are still held, and I feel that it is too dangerous to drive to rehearsals, the Conservatory school will support that decision. I understand that I will be allowed to take photos from a designated area during dress rehearsals only (Wednesday and Thursday evenings) at the Virginia Theatre. I understand that these days/times are not negotiable. Flash photos are never permitted at the theatre. I understand that at no time will I be allowed to film anything during tech week and performances at the Virginia Theatre. A professional video company will film the performances, and edited/authored copies will be available for purchase. I understand that if I try to take photos or video during the full dress rehearsal or the performances, I will be asked to leave the theatre immediately by Dance Arts or Theatre theatre staff. I understand that dancers and parents must maintain the highest standards of behavior as representatives of the Dance Arts ConservatorySchool. A positive and respectful attitude will be shown to all instructors, parent volunteers, and fellow dancers. No dancer leaves a performance before the final curtain. Dancers are allowed out in the audience as a courtesy so they may watch the performance. Dancers are expected to remain with their class supervisor and sit in their assigned area. If this is abused by dancers, they will remain in the dressing rooms green room for the entire performance. This is an opportunity to instruct our students on theatre etiquette. I have read and agree to all conditions outlined in the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL be performing in the April 2020 February 2019 Dance Arts Performance. I will be volunteering with crew(s) as crew for at least 15 hours towards my child’s performance. I will be paying the $150.00 100.00 fee to cover the cost of my volunteer hours. I have read the Parent Agreement for Performances and am acknowledging that my son/daughter WILL NOT be performing in the April 2020 February 2019 Dance Arts Performance.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Agreement