Adult Apprentices. 26.1 Adult apprentices are apprentices who commence their apprenticeship at the age of 21 years or older. Adult apprentices engaged under any of the classifications set out in Appendix 1 and will be paid a minimum rate equal to the rate of pay for a second-year apprentice, for the first two years of the apprenticeship, then on parity with other apprentices for the third and fourth years.
Adult Apprentices. People who are 21 years of age or over at the time of entering into an apprenticeship with the Employer will be paid as per the wage rates set out in the appropriate Appendix to this Agreement. Where special or unusual circumstances occur or apply and where the parties to this Agreement and the adult apprentice agree in writing, the adult apprentice may be paid at a lesser rate, provided that the lesser rate will not be less than the rate for a junior apprentice set out in the appropriate Appendix to this Agreement.
Adult Apprentices. (a) Apprentices who are 21 years of age and over at the time of entering into an apprenticeship with the Employer will be paid at a minimum the 2nd Year Apprentice rate in Appendix B of this Agreement.
Adult Apprentices. (a) People who are 25 years of age or over at the time of entering into an apprenticeship with the Employer, and who commence(d) their apprenticeship with the Employer on or after 1 January 2011, will be paid as per the adult apprentice rates set out in Appendix A to this Part.
(b) Apprentices who commenced employment with the Employer prior to 1 January 2011, and who were classed as adult apprentices under any previous collective agreement (i.e. apprentices aged over 21 years of age at the time they commence their apprenticeship) will also be paid per the adult apprentice rates set out in Appendix A to this Part.
(c) All other apprentices, including those under 25 who commenced employment on or after 1 January 2011, will be paid the apprentice rates set out in Appendix A to this Part.
Adult Apprentices. 19.16.1 Where an apprentice was employed by the employer in a classification covered by the Agreement immediately prior to becoming an adult apprentice with the employer, such apprentice will not suffer a reduction in the rate of pay by virtue of entering into a Training Contract under Clause 19.3.
19.16.2 For the purpose of fixing a rate of pay only, the adult apprentice will continue to receive the rate of pay (inclusive of the fares allowance and travel allowance [if applicable]) that is, from time to time, applicable to the classification in which the adult apprentice was engaged immediately prior to entering into the Training Contract specified in Clause 19.3, unless the applicable rate of pay payable to that apprentice under Appendix A is higher.
Adult Apprentices. Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, an apprentice, 21 years of age or older shall not be paid less than 75% of the tradesperson wage rate.
Adult Apprentices. An Employee who transfers from a classification with the Agreement to an adult apprenticeship will not, as a consequence, have his/her remuneration level reduced. Year % of Group A or Trade Equivalent on Entry % of Group A or Trade Equivalent on Entry (Year 11 Complete) % of Group A or Trade Equivalent on Entry (Year 12 Graduate) 1 40 47.4 50.7 2 55 55 58.8 3 75 75 75 4 90 90 90
Adult Apprentices a) Where a person was employed by an employer immediately prior to becoming an adult apprentice with that employer, such person will not suffer a reduction in the rate of pay by virtue of entering into a training agreement.
Adult Apprentices. (a) The minimum rate for an adult apprentice will be the rate prescribed for apprentices in this clause 30 or the rate provided in the Modern Award, whichever is greater.
(b) Where an adult apprentice was an Employee of the Employer for a period of at least six months immediately prior to becoming an apprentice, they will not suffer a reduction in their base rate of pay on entering into the training agreement.
Adult Apprentices. For the purpose of this Agreement an Adult Apprentice is defined as a person over the age of 21 at the time of commencing his/her Apprenticeship. Adult apprentices shall be paid at the rates specified in Schedule 1.