Scope of Professional Services 3.1 On the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, COUNTY hereby engages CONTRACTOR to provide all labor, materials and equipment to complete the Project/Service in accordance with the Scope of Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A, as modified or clarified by Addendum(s) # , dated , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment B. It is understood that the Scope of Services may be modified by change order as the Project/Service progresses, but to be effective and binding, any such change order must be in writing, executed by the parties, and in accordance with the COUNTY’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures. A copy of these policies and procedures shall be made available to the CONTRACTOR upon request. 3.2 The term of this Agreement shall be as follows (please check box): The parties acknowledge that this is a project specific agreement and that the single Project/Service shall be completed by the CONTRACTOR within ( ) calendar days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. The CONTRACTOR and COUNTY acknowledge that this Agreement is for a twelve (12) month term and that the CONTRACTOR shall complete the work as specified in the Scope of Services. The COUNTY has the option to renewal this Agreement for four (4) additional one (1) year period(s). The prices set forth in this Agreement shall prevail for the full duration of the initial contract term unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this document. Prior to completion of each exercised contract term, the COUNTY may consider an adjustment to price based on changes in the following pricing index: CPI. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to request any pricing adjustment in writing under this provision. The CONTRACTOR’s written request for adjustment should be submitted thirty (30) calendar days prior to expiration of the then current contract term and clearly substantiate the requested increase. The written request for adjustment should not be in excess of the relevant pricing index change. If no adjustment request is received from the CONTRACTOR, the COUNTY will assume that the CONTRACTOR has agreed that the optional term may be exercised without pricing adjustment. Any adjustment request received after the commencement of a new option period shall not be considered. The COUNTY reserves the right to reject any written price adjustments submitted by the CONTRACTOR and/or to not exercise any otherwise available option period based on such price adjustments. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period, and any option subsequently exercised, is a COUNTY’s prerogative, and not a right of the CONTRACTOR. This prerogative will be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the best interest of the COUNTY. All work shall be performed in accordance with good commercial practice. The work schedule and completion dates shall be adhered to by the CONTRACTOR except in such cases where the completion date will be delayed due to acts of God, strikes, or other causes beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR. In these cases, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the COUNTY of the delays in advance of the original completion so that a revised delivery schedule can be appropriately considered by the COUNTY. No additional days shall be granted for rain delays. 3.3 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and permits to complete the Project/Service. 3.4 The CONTRACTOR shall remain appropriately licensed and/or employ the services of a subcontractor who is appropriately licensed throughout the course of the Project/Service. Failure to maintain all required licenses shall entitle the COUNTY, at its option, to terminate this Agreement. 3.5 Although this Agreement identifies specific facilities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County department or agency facility may be added to this Agreement at the option of the County. When required by the pricing structure of the Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall be invited to submit price quotes for these additional facilities. The additional site(s) shall be added to this Agreement by formal modification. The COUNTY may obtain price quotes for the additional facilities from other vendors in the event that fair and reasonable pricing is not obtained from the CONTRACTOR or for other reasons at the County’s discretion. Although this Agreement identifies specific facilities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County department or agency may delete service for any facility when such service is no longer required, upon fourteen (14) calendar days written notice. 3.6 The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it has sufficient understanding of the nature and location of the work; the general and local conditions, including but not limited to, those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials; availability of labor, water, electric power, and roads; and uncertainties of weather or similar physical conditions at the site; the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the completion of the Project/Service. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR has satisfied itself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials, obstacles or conditions of the site. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint itself with any aspect of the work or with any of the applicable conditions shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for adequately evaluating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work required, nor shall it be considered a basis for any claim for additional time or compensation. The COUNTY assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the information made available by the COUNTY. The COUNTY also assumes no responsibility for any understanding or representations made by its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this contract, unless such understanding or interpretations are made in writing and incorporated herein by reference. 3.7 If required, the Contractors shall attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting. Whether or not there is a mandatory or non-mandatory pre-bid, the contractor shall be required to carefully examine any supplied drawings and/or specifications and be thoroughly aware regarding any and all conditions that may in any manner affect the work to be performed under the contract. If a pre-bid meeting is not required the Contractor shall visit the site to familiarize themselves with the Project/Service, see existing conditions, and take measurements. No additional allowances will be made for lack of knowledge of these conditions. 3.8 In the event of any conflict between the drawings and specifications contained within this Agreement, the following shall govern: A. Addenda shall supersede all other contract documents to the extent specified in the addenda. Subsequent addenda shall supersede prior to addenda only to the extent specified therein. B. Drawings and specifications are intended to agree and be mutually complete. Any item not contained within the drawings, but contained in the specifications, or vice-versa, shall be provided and/or executed as shown in either the drawing or specification at no extra costs to the COUNTY. Should anything not included in either the drawing and/or the specifications be necessary for the proper construction and/or operation of the Project/Service as herein specified, or should any error or disagreement between the specifications and drawings exist or appear to exist, the CONTRACTOR shall not derive unjust benefit thereby, or use such disagreement counter to the best interests of the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the COUNTY’s Project Manager of any discrepancy and await the Project Manager’s direction before proceeding with the work in question. 3.9 CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that CONTRACTOR shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system in accordance with the terms governing use of the system to confirm the employment eligibility of: A. All persons employed by the CONTRACTOR during the term of this Agreement to perform employment duties within Lake County; and B. All persons, including subcontractors, assigned by the CONTRACTOR to perform work pursuant to the contract. 3.10 CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that, in accordance with Section 255.099, Florida Statutes, if the Project/Service assigned to CONTRACTOR is being supported in whole or in part by State funding the CONTRACTOR shall give preference to the employment of state residents in the performance of the work on the Project/Service if state residents have substantially equal qualifications to those of non- residents. If the CONTRACTOR is required to employ state residents, the CONTRACTOR shall contact the Department of Economic Opportunity to post the employment needs in the State’s job bank system. However, in work involving the expenditure of federal aid funds, this section may not be enforced in such a manner as to conflict with or be contrary to federal law prescribing a labor preference to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines, or prohibiting as unlawful any other preference or discrimination among the citizens of the United States.
RELATIONSHIP WITH DIRECTORS Directors, officers and employees of the Advisor or an Affiliate of the Advisor may serve as Directors, officers or employees of the Company, except that no director, officer or employee of the Advisor or its Affiliates who also is a Director shall receive any compensation from the Company for serving as a Director other than reasonable reimbursement for travel and related expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board.
Services to Other Clients; Certain Affiliated Activities (a) The relationship between the Asset Manager and the Series is as described in this Agreement and nothing in this Agreement, none of the services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement, nor any other matter, shall oblige the Asset Manager to accept responsibilities that are more extensive than those set forth in this Agreement. (b) The Asset Manager’s services to the Series are not exclusive. The Asset Manager may engage in other activities on behalf of itself, any other Managing Party and other clients (which, for the avoidance of doubt, may include other series of the Company). The Series acknowledges and agrees that the Asset Manager may, without prior notice to the Series, give advice to such other clients. The Asset Manager shall not be liable to account to the Series for any profits, commission or remuneration made or received in respect of transactions effected pursuant to the Asset Manager’s advice to another client and nor will the Asset Manager’s fees be abated as a result.
Relationship to Other Agreements You agree that when you use Mobile Banking, you will remain subject to the terms and conditions of all your existing agreements with us or any service providers of yours; including service carrier or provider and that this Agreement does not amend or supersede any of those agreements. You understand that those agreements may provide for fees, limitations and restrictions which might impact your use of Mobile Banking (for example, your mobile service carrier or provider may impose data usage or text message charges for your use of or interaction with Mobile Banking, including while downloading the Software, receiving or sending Mobile Banking text messages, or other use of your Wireless device when using the Software or other products and services provided by Mobile Banking), and you agree to be solely responsible for all such fees, limitations and restrictions. You agree that only your mobile service carrier or provider is responsible for its products and services. Accordingly, you agree to resolve any problems with your carrier or provider directly with your carrier or provider without involving us. You also agree that if you have any problems with Mobile Banking, you will contact us directly.
Services to Other Clients Nothing herein contained shall limit the freedom of the Adviser or any affiliated person of the Adviser to render investment management and administrative services to other investment companies, to act as investment adviser or investment counselor to other persons, firms or corporations, or to engage in other business activities.
Services to Others Clients Nothing contained in this Agreement shall limit or restrict (i) the freedom of the Sub-adviser, or any affiliated person thereof, to render investment management and corporate administrative services to other investment companies, to act as investment manager or investment counselor to other persons, firms, or corporations, or to engage in any other business activities, or (ii) the right of any director, officer, or employee of the Sub-adviser, who may also be a director, officer, or employee of the Fund, to engage in any other business or to devote his or her time and attention in part to the management or other aspects of any other business, whether of a similar nature or a dissimilar nature.
Relationship to Other Disclosures The information in these Disclosures applies only to the Services described herein. Provisions in other disclosure documents, as may be revised from time to time, remain effective for all other aspects of the Account.
Customer Relationships The Executive understands and acknowledges that the Company has expended significant resources over many years to identify, develop, and maintain its clients. The Executive additionally acknowledges that the Company’s clients have had continuous and long-standing relationships with the Company and that, as a result of these close, long-term relationships, the Company possesses significant knowledge of and confidential information about its clients and their needs. Finally, the Executive acknowledges the Executive’s association and contact with these clients is derived solely from Executive’s employment with the Company. The Executive further acknowledges that the Company does business throughout the United States and that the Executive personally has significant contact with the Company’s clients and customers solely as a result of Executive’s relationship with the Company.
File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied. a. Contents of File: Each file must contain sufficient and legible documentation. Documents must be secured within the file and must be organized systematically.
INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION 8.1 You are entitled under the General Data Protection Regulation to access personal data we hold on you in our housing files. We will provide you with a copy of any such information we hold within one calendar month of your request. You may have other rights under the General Data Protection Regulation in relation to your personal data, which we will honour. You are entitled to check information you have provided in connection with your housing application free of charge. 8.2 We will publish an annual report on our housing management performance which you may obtain from us on request. We will give you information about our complaints procedure. 8.3 On request, we will provide you with information relating to: • the terms of your tenancy; • our policy and procedures on setting rent charges; • our policy and rules about: - admission to the housing lists; - allocations; - transfers of tenants between houses; - exchanges of houses between our tenants, and tenants of other landlords; - repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy; • our arrangements for taking decisions about housing management and services. 8.4 We will consult you about making or changing: • policies regarding housing management, repairs and maintenance if the proposal is likely to significantly affect you; • proposals for changes in rent and service charges where they affect all or a class of tenants (and you are to be affected); • proposals for the sale or transfer of your house to another landlord; • decisions about the information to be provided relating to our standards of housing management and performance; • performance standards or targets in relation to housing management repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy. We will take into account any views that you have before making a final decision. Any consultation with you will include giving you comprehensive information in an accessible form and reasonable time to express views.