16. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
17. The Department of Social Services (DSS) has policy responsibility for this Agreement, while the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) will assist with the management of associated data. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a financial contribution to the States to support the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) coordinating the development of Project Plans, including any exemption arrangements to participate in the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC) as per clause 30 of this Agreement, in partnership with the States;
(c) monitoring and assessing performance in the delivery of services and projects under this Agreement to ensure that outputs are delivered and outcomes are achieved within the agreed timeframe; and
(d) monitoring homelessness service delivery expenditure and participation in the SHSC through confirming quarterly that all in-scope initiatives and services are participating in the SHSC, or have been provided with an exemption as negotiated.
18. The States agree to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a matching financial contribution to support the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) delivering on outcomes and outputs assigned to the States for implementation;
(c) complying with relevant standards and guidelines and statutory requirements in delivering outcomes and outputs under this Agreement;
(d) developing Project Plans to demonstrate how priority and additional outputs will be delivered on, in accordance with the template at Schedule A to this Agreement, and in consultation with the Commonwealth;
(e) ensuring funded services and initiatives that are in-scope for the SHSC participate in the SHSC, or have an exemption from participation agreed by the Commonwealth;
(f) monitoring and assessing progress against Project Plans under this Agreement;
(g) reporting on the delivery of outcomes and outputs as set out in Part 4 – Performance Monitoring and Reporting; and
(h) conducting any evaluations and reviews of services and outputs delivered under this Agreement.
19. The Commonwealth and the States share the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) participating in consultations as appropriate regarding the implementation of this Agreement; and
(b) negotiating new or revi...
14. To realise the objectives and commitments outlined in this Agreement, the Commonwealth and the State have specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
15. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a financial contribution to South Australia to support the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) monitoring and assessing the performance in the delivery of milestones under this Agreement to ensure that outputs are delivered and outcomes are achieved within the agreed timeframe;
(c) if it becomes necessary during the life of the program, facilitating a suitable transfer of funding from the South Australian River Xxxxxx Irrigation Industry Assistance Element to the South Australian River Xxxxxx Irrigation Efficiency Element and/or South Australian Water Purchase Element funded under the separate National Partnership Agreement on South Australian River Xxxxxx Sustainability Program – Part A to ensure the return of 36 gigalitres long term average annual yield water entitlements to the Commonwealth;
(d) in accordance with the Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012, ensuring that financial contributions to a building project or projects as defined under the Fair Work (Building Industry – Accreditation Scheme) Regulations 2005, are only made where a builder or builders accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction Occupational Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme is contracted; and
(e) ensuring that compliance with the Building Code 2013 is a condition of Australian Government funding.
16. South Australia agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) delivering on outcomes and outputs assigned to South Australia for implementation;
(b) monitoring, assessing and reviewing the delivery of outputs as set out in Part 4 of this Agreement consistent with the performance assessment plan;
(c) reporting on the delivery of outcomes and outputs as set out in Part 4 – Performance Monitoring and Reporting, of this Agreement;
(d) implementing appropriate governance mechanisms to ensure the administration and management of the program is equitable, transparent and robust;
(e) establishing program guidelines, application documentation and processes, eligibility and assessment criteria, and appeals processes that will allow the State to identify which projects will best meet the objectives and funding elements with reference to value for money;
(f) dev...
11. To realise the objective and outcomes of this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
12. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a financial contribution to the States for the delivery of legal assistance services by legal aid commissions and community legal centres;
(b) monitoring and assessing performance in the delivery of legal assistance services under this Agreement to ensure that outputs are delivered and outcomes are achieved within the agreed timeframes;
(c) providing national guidance, oversight and support for collaborative service planning (Schedule A);
(d) specifying Commonwealth priorities and eligibility principles for the delivery of legal assistance services under this Agreement (Schedule B); and
(e) providing a forum to facilitate information sharing with the States regarding best practice delivery of legal assistance services.
13. Separate to this Agreement, the Commonwealth will administer the Expensive Commonwealth Criminal Cases Fund, under which legal aid commissions can apply, pursuant to guidelines, for reimbursement of legal costs incurred in expensive, complex Commonwealth criminal cases.
14. The States agree to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) administering Commonwealth funding for the delivery of legal assistance services by legal aid commissions and community legal centres, in accordance with the Commonwealth priorities at Schedule B;
(b) in 2015-16 and 2016-17, distributing Commonwealth funding for the delivery of legal assistance services by specific community legal centres listed in Schedule C;
(c) determining the methodology for the distribution of Commonwealth funding for the delivery of legal assistance services by community legal centres (except for the funding referred to in clause 14(b)), informed by the outcomes of collaborative service planning;
(d) from 2017-18, distributing defined funding to community legal centres for family law services and family violence related services;
(e) ensuring that the Commonwealth supplementation for the SACS sector is distributed only to Eligible Service Providers, as defined in the National Partnership Agreement on Pay Equity for the SACS sector, through a clear and fair process that is consistent with the principles of procedural fairness set out in Schedule B of the SACS National Partnership Agreement;
(f) undertaking collaborative ser...
20. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities in regard to the regulation of early childhood education and care and OSHC care services, as outlined below and referenced in the appended schedules.
13. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
14. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for:
(a) providing a financial contribution to the states to support the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) monitoring and assessing performance under this Agreement to ensure that outputs are delivered and outcomes are achieved within the agreed timeframe; and
(c) approving Implementation Plans developed by the States.
15. The states agree to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) developing Implementation Plans in consultation with the Commonwealth;
(b) delivering on outcomes and outputs assigned to the states for implementation;
(c) ensuring that supplementation is distributed only to Eligible Service Providers through a clear and fair process that is consistent with the principles of procedural fairness as set out in Schedule B; and
(d) reporting on the delivery of outcomes and outputs as set out in Part 4 – Performance Monitoring and Reporting.
15. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
16. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a financial contribution to WA equivalent to 40 per cent of package costs to support trial participants during the trial and provide ongoing support to participants in trial sites until transition to a full NDIS commences or until an agreement is made covering ongoing support to trial participants supported during the My Way trial;
(b) covering the costs of participants who turn 65 years after entering at a younger age for the trial period;
(c) Tier 2 funding contributions to WA for appropriate participants in the trial sites;
(d) funding additional administration costs arising from the joint approach outlined in this Agreement;
(e) funding 50 per cent of the comparative evaluation of the My Way sites and the NDIS site; and
(f) facilitating WA’s access to the necessary infrastructure and systems used by the NDIA to ensure packages are consistent with those across all the NDIS trial sites. This may include planning and assessment tools, reference packages, data to assist actuarial modelling, decision support tools such as lifetime cost estimators, and training and information technology.
17. XX agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) introducing legislation or introducing amendments to existing legislation, to support and enable the trial in WA, with the State legislation to incorporate the agreed areas of national consistency;
(b) commencing negotiations to implement changes to the roles and responsibilities of the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments for people aged over and under 65 years, consistent with the roles and responsibilities of other State Governments as set out in Schedule F of the National Health Reform Agreement 2011, amended to reflect any changes required by the introduction of the NDIS;
(c) providing a financial contribution equivalent to 60 per cent of package costs to support trial participants during the trial and provide ongoing support to participants in trial sites until transition to a full scheme commences or until an agreement is made covering ongoing support to participants supported during the My Way trial;
(d) funding administration costs not arising from the joint approach outlined in this Agreement;
(e) procuring the comparative evalua...
23. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
16. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, the Commonwealth and Queensland have specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined in the Schedules to this Agreement. In general terms, the role of the Commonwealth and the States are outlined below. Role of the Commonwealth
17. The Commonwealth agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing a financial contribution in respect of its obligations under the NDRRA to Queensland to support the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) auditing the performance of bodies directly involved in the expenditure of NDRRA funding for flood or cyclone reconstruction and recovery activities; and
(c) monitoring and assessing performance in the delivery of activities under this Agreement to ensure that outputs are delivered and outcomes are achieved within the agreed timeframe. Role of Queensland
18. Queensland agrees to be accountable for the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) providing relevant information and documentation to the Commonwealth necessary to track the use of NDRRA funding from its source to the point of final expenditure and/or final recipient;
(b) delivering on outcomes and outputs assigned to Queensland for implementation; (c) monitoring and assessing performance in the delivery of activities under this Agreement, and reporting on this to the Commonwealth consistent with current practice, with any changes to be agreed between the Parties; and
16. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
17. The Commonwealth agrees to be responsible for:
(a) providing a financial contribution to assist the States to provide universal access and achieve the agreed performance benchmarks;
(b) monitoring and assessing the performance in the delivery of services under this Agreement;
(c) compiling and publishing an annual National Report as set out in clause 28 of this Agreement, in consultation with the Australian Education Senior Officials Committee (AESOC); and
(d) coordinating the development of new, or the amendment of existing, Implementation Plans in partnership with the States and in accordance with clause 21 of this Agreement.
18. The States agree to be responsible for:
(a) developing and/or amending Implementation Plans in partnership with the Commonwealth and in accordance with clause 21 of this Agreement;
(b) delivering on outcomes and outputs agreed in their Implementation Plan;
(c) reporting on the delivery of outcomes and outputs as set out in Part 4 of this Agreement;
(d) providing funding to support all children’s quality early childhood education participation, regardless of whether the program is delivered through schools (government and non-government), standalone preschools or long day care centres; and
(e) ensuring funds under this Agreement are expended on quality early childhood education programs and initiatives to facilitate quality early childhood education participation.
17. To realise the objectives and commitments in this Agreement, each Party has specific roles and responsibilities, as outlined below.
18. The Commonwealth agrees to be responsible for:
(a) providing a financial contribution to assist the States to provide universal access and achieve the agreed performance benchmarks;
(b) monitoring and assessing the performance in the delivery of services under this Agreement;
(c) compiling and publishing an annual National Report as set out in clause 29 of this Agreement, in consultation with the Australian Education Senior Officials Committee (AESOC); and
(d) coordinating the development of new, or the amendment of existing, Implementation Plans in partnership with the States and in accordance with clause 22 of this Agreement.
19. The States agree to be responsible for:
(a) developing and/or amending Implementation Plans in partnership with the Commonwealth and in accordance with clause 22 of this Agreement;
(b) delivering on outcomes and outputs agreed in their Implementation Plan;
(c) reporting on the delivery of outcomes and outputs as set out in Part 4 of this Agreement;