RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS. The Board shall maintain a sound working relationship with all stakeholders in the various sector industries and SDA shall focus on relation management with all the relevant stakeholders through the communication strategy (developed).
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RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS. Following the Guidelines for the second and third edition of Erasmus Mundus, the Consortium shall frame the extensive web of relations with Law and Economics stakeholders entertained by its Partners as Associated Members/ Associate Partners of the EMLE. Associated Members (‘AMs’) / Associate Partners (‘APs’) shall include local and international law firms, NGOs active in various fields of EAL, private com- panies, public bodies and any other academic and/or professional stakeholder that can contribute to the development of the Programme and of the career of its stu- dents, graduates, and Alumni. For the purpose of this Agreement, Associated Members (‘AMs’) and Associate Part- ners (‘APs’) are used interchangeably. The decision to appoint eligible institutions as AMs is made by the Board, based on the recommendations/invitations by the Director. The appointment of new AMs shall be promptly communicated to the European Commission by the EM Coordinator, who is responsible of notifying the European Commission of any change in Associat- ed Memberships. The Partners are encouraged to submit to the Director valuable nominations for new Associated Memberships. The AMs shall be invited to interact with the EMLE in four separate, but complemen- tary, capacities: 1. Advice on the EMLE contents; 2. Participation in the training; 3. Work Placements and Internships; 4. Financial Contributions.


  • Relationship with other agreements The implementation of this Treaty shall not prejudice obligations undertaken by States Parties with regard to existing international agreements, to which they are party, where those obligations are consistent with the Treaty.

  • Our Relationship With You We are an independent contractor for all purposes, except that we act as your agent with respect to the custody of your funds for the Service. We do not have control of, or liability for, any products or services that are paid for with our Service. We also do not guarantee the identity of any user of the Service (including but not limited to recipients to whom you send payments).

  • Parties’ Relationship The parties to the Agreement are independent parties. BNY Mellon, in furnishing the Services, is acting as an independent contractor. BNY Mellon has the sole right and obligation to supervise, manage, contract, direct, procure, perform or cause to be performed, all work to be performed by BNY Mellon and its employees, agents, independent contractors and other representatives under the Agreement. At no time shall any such individuals represent himself or herself as an employee of a Fund or be considered an employee of a Fund. BNY Mellon is not a joint venturer with, nor an employee, agent or partner of the Funds and has no authority to represent or bind the Funds as to any matters.

  • INDEPENDENT RELATIONSHIP This Agreement is not intended to constitute, create, give effect to or otherwise recognize a joint venture, partnership, or formal business organization, or agency agreement of any kind, and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be only those expressly set forth herein.

  • Relationship The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is determined solely by the provisions of this Agreement. The parties do not intend to create any agency, partnership, joint venture, trust, fiduciary or other relationship with duties or incidents different from those of parties to an arm’s-length contract.

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS The ORGANIZATION, its employees, volunteers or agents performing under this Agreement are not deemed to be employees of the COUNTY, nor volunteers or agents of the COUNTY in any manner whatsoever. No officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the ORGANIZATION will hold themselves out as, or claim to be, an officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the COUNTY by reason hereof, nor will they make any claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer, employee volunteer or agent of the COUNTY. The parties agree that the COUNTY will not be responsible for the payment of any industrial insurance premiums or related claims or other benefits that may arise during the performance of services under this Agreement for any ORGANIZATION employee or volunteer, or for any consultant’s, contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee(s) or agent(s) that has been retained by the ORGANIZATION.

  • Relationships Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute either party a partner, joint venturer or employee of the other party for any purpose.

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS What is an Employment Relationship Problem? It is a problem between employee and employer. For example, it might be a personal grievance or a dispute about a provision in an employment agreement.

  • Relationship Between Parties Each party will be deemed to represent to the other party on the date on which it enters into a Transaction that (absent a written agreement between the parties that expressly imposes affirmative obligations to the contrary for that Transaction):

  • Scope of Relationship The parties agree that the relationship established by this Agreement is non-exclusive. Without limiting the foregoing and subject to the provisions of Sections 14 and 20 of this Agreement, each party hereto is expressly permitted, without the need for obtaining any further consent or approval from the other party hereto, to market, offer, sell, broker, underwrite and/or provide other products and services, including, without limitation, any other loan products and services and specifically including, without limitation, any loan products and services similar in scope and nature to the Loans and the related services contemplated by the Program Guidelines, through any of their respective distribution channels and the distribution channels of their respective Third Party Service Providers, including, without limitation, any of such distribution channels through which Loans are offered pursuant to this Agreement.

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