Eligible Institutions Sample Clauses
Eligible Institutions. Higher Education Institutions financed either by public or private funding ---National, regional and state libraries ---Academic specialist libraries mainly financed by public funding ---Research institutions mainly financed by public funding ---Governmental institutions ---Including any of the above mentioned types of German institutions abroad
Eligible Institutions. 1. Institutions must be state accredited.
2. All courses and institutions shall be evaluated by the Department Manager on an individual basis, and approved by the Deputy Safety/Service Director or designee.
Eligible Institutions. Eligible lnstitutions shall mean those institutions which satisfy the definition of an "eligible educational institution" under the Higher Education Act and the regulations of the applicable Guarantor. In all cases, a basic requirement is approval by the Secretary of Education as an eligible institution under the Higher Education Act and approval by the Secretary of Education for civil rights compliance. Exhibit "B" to Student Loan Purchase Agreement LENDER'S CLOSING CERTIFICATE _____________________________________________________ (the "Lender") does hereby certify that all representations, warranties and statements by or on behalf of the undersigned contained in a certain Student Loan Purchase Agreement by and between the Lender and Education Loans Incorporated dated as of July 1, 1997, (the "Agreement"), are true and correct on and as of the date hereof, without exception or qualification whatsoever; FURTHERMORE, the Lender does hereby certify that the following documents, where applicable to each Eligible Loan Financed under the Agreement, have heretofore been furnished to the Corporation pursuant to paragraph 5.D. of the Agreement: Department of Education or Guarantor application, as supplemented Interim note(s), if applicable Payout note(s), if applicable Evidence of disbursement Disclosure statement Certificate of Insurance and contract of insurance (or a certified copy thereof) with respect to each Insured Loan or notification of loan approval by Guarantor, with respect to each Guaranteed Loan (or a certified copy thereof) Guarantee Agreement and Agreement for Participation in the Guaranteed Loan Program (or a certified copy thereof) with respect to each Guaranteed Loan Any other documentation held by the Lender relating to the history of such Eligible Loan Secretary of Education or Guarantor Loan Transfer Statement Uniform Commercial Code financing statement, if any, securing any interest in an Eligible Loan to be Financed, and an executed termination statement related thereto FURTHERMORE, the Lender does hereby certify that it has in its possession evidence of loan disbursement for each Eligible Loan, and does hereby warrant that it will maintain such evidence throughout the term of each such Eligible Loan and will provide a copy thereof to the Servicer and the Trustee upon request.
Eligible Institutions. A current list of Missouri Community Colleges and Technical Schools that are eligible to receive money from the A+ Program can be provided by the A+ Coordinator or online at xxxxx://xxxxx.xx.xxx. In addition, many state universities in Missouri are now offering scholarships to students who meet A+ requirements. Therefore, even if a student does not plan to attend a community college or technical school, he/she can still benefit from the A+ Program.
Eligible Institutions. The SELECT Plan only covers services or supplies provided by a legally operated Hospital, Medicare- approved Skilled Nursing Facility or other properly licensed facility specified as covered in this Evidence of Coverage. Any institution that is primarily a place for the aged, a nursing home or a similar institution, regardless of how it is designated, is not an eligible institution. Services or supplies that are provided by such institutions are not covered. Medical equipment and supplies (including insulin), that are available without a prescription, are covered when prescribed by a Physician for the management and treatment of diabetes, or for preventive purposes in accordance with the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force A and B recommendations or for female contra- ception as approved by the FDA. Any other Nonprescription drug, medical equipment or supply that can be purchased without a Prescription Drug Order is not covered, even if a Physician writes a Prescription Drug Order for such drug, equipment or supply unless listed in the Recommended Drug List. However, if a higher dosage form of a nonprescription drug or over-the-counter drug is only available by prescription, that higher dosage drug may be covered when Medically Necessary. If a drug that was previously available by prescription becomes available in an over-the-counter (OTC) form in the same prescription strength, then Prescription Drugs that are similar agents and have comparable clinical effect(s) will only be covered when Prior Authorization is obtained from Health Net. Services that do not meet national standards for professional medical or mental health practice, including, but not limited to, Xxxxxx/The Forum, primal therapy, bioenergetic therapy, hypnotherapy and crystal healing therapy are not covered. For information regarding requesting an Independent Medical Review of a denial of coverage see the “Independent Medical Review of Investigational or Experimental Therapies” portion of the “General Provi- sions.” The SELECT Plan does not cover personal or comfort items. The SELECT Plan does not cover Physician self-treatment rendered in a non-emergency (including, but not limited to, prescribed services, supplies and drugs). Physician self-treatment occurs when Physicians provide their own medical services, including prescribing their own medication ordering their own laboratory tests and self-referring for their own services. Claims for emergency self-treatment are subject to review by...
Eligible Institutions. I represent and warrant that I am enrolled in or entering a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree program at an institution of higher education.
Eligible Institutions. Subsequent to voluntary home-state participation in this agreement, all institutions with the following characteristics are eligible to participate: • Postsecondary: The institution provides education beyond high school.
Eligible Institutions. I represent and warrant that I am enrolled in or entering an institution of higher education that offers:
(a) An undergraduate degree program at an institution of higher education located in the State of Arkansas that is related to agriculture, or
(b) A post-graduate degree program at an institution of higher education located either in the State of Arkansas or outside of the state of Arkansas that is related to agriculture or veterinary medicine.
Eligible Institutions. 4.1 All UK higher educational institutions will be invited to participate in the programme.
4.2 The IU will enter into a service level agreement with each participating UK HEI and will be responsible for managing communications with the institutions and providing institutions with any support required in order to receive scholarship holders.
Eligible Institutions. The Trustee hereby represents that it is an Eligible Institution. Every successor trustee or co-trustee which shall hold any account under this Indenture shall be an Eligible Institution.