Performance of Service 2.1 Appendix A (General Provisions), Articles 1 through 16, governs the performance of services under this contract. 2.2 Appendix B sets forth the liability and insurance provisions of this contract. 2.3 Appendix C sets forth the services to be performed by the contractor.
Performance Adjustment One-twelfth of the annual Performance Adjustment Rate will be applied to the average of the net assets of the Portfolio (computed in the manner set forth in the Fund's Declaration of Trust or other organizational document) determined as of the close of business on each business day throughout the month and the performance period.
Performance Assessment 6.1 The Performance Plan (Annexure A) to this Agreement sets out key performance indicators and competencies that needs to be evaluated in terms of – 6.1.1 The standards and procedures for evaluating the Employee’s performance; and 6.1.2 During the intervals for the evaluation of the Employee’s performance. 6.2 Despite the establishment of agreed intervals for evaluation, the Employer may in addition review the Employee’s performance at any stage while the contract of employment remains in force; 6.3 Personal growth and development needs identified during any performance review discussion must be documented in a Personal Development Plan as well as the actions agreed to and implementation must take place within set time frames; 6.4 The Employee’s performance will also be measured in terms of contributions to the goals and strategies set out in the Employer’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as described in 6.6 – 6.13 below; 6.5 The Employee will submit quarterly performance reports (SDBIP) and a comprehensive annual performance report at least one week prior to the performance assessment meetings to the Evaluation Panel Chairperson for distribution to the panel members for preparation purposes; 6.6 Assessment of the achievement of results as outlined in the performance plan: 6.6.1 Each KPI or group of KPIs shall be assessed according to the extent to which the specified standards or performance targets have been met (qualitative and quantitative) and with due regard to ad-hoc tasks that had to be performed under the KPI; 6.6.2 A rating on the five-point scale described in 6.9 below shall be provided for each KPI or group of KPIs which will then be multiplied by the weighting to calculate the final score; 6.6.3 The Employee will submit his self-evaluation to the Employer prior to the formal assessment; 6.6.4 In the instance where the employee could not perform due to reasons outside the control of the employer and employee, the KPI will not be considered during the evaluation. The employee should provide sufficient evidence in such instances; and 6.6.5 An overall score will be calculated based on the total of the individual scores calculated above.
Covenants of Performance Measurement No interference. Registry Operator shall not interfere with measurement Probes, including any form of preferential treatment of the requests for the monitored services. Registry Operator shall respond to the measurement tests described in this Specification as it would to any other request from an Internet user (for DNS and RDDS) or registrar (for EPP). ICANN testing registrar. Registry Operator agrees that ICANN will have a testing registrar used for purposes of measuring the SLRs described above. Registry Operator agrees to not provide any differentiated treatment for the testing registrar other than no billing of the transactions. ICANN shall not use the registrar for registering domain names (or other registry objects) for itself or others, except for the purposes of verifying contractual compliance with the conditions described in this Agreement. PUBLIC INTEREST COMMITMENTS Registry Operator will use only ICANN accredited registrars that are party to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement approved by the ICANN Board of Directors on 27 June 2013 in registering domain names. A list of such registrars shall be maintained by ICANN on ICANN’s website. (Intentionally omitted. Registry Operator has not included commitments, statements of intent or business plans provided for in its application to ICANN for the TLD.) Registry Operator agrees to perform the following specific public interest commitments, which commitments shall be enforceable by ICANN and through the Public Interest Commitment Dispute Resolution Process established by ICANN (posted at xxxx://, which may be revised in immaterial respects by ICANN from time to time (the “PICDRP”). Registry Operator shall comply with the PICDRP. Registry Operator agrees to implement and adhere to any remedies ICANN imposes (which may include any reasonable remedy, including for the avoidance of doubt, the termination of the Registry Agreement pursuant to Section 4.3(e) of the Agreement) following a determination by any PICDRP panel and to be bound by any such determination. Registry Operator will include a provision in its Registry-Registrar Agreement that requires Registrars to include in their Registration Agreements a provision prohibiting Registered Name Holders from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and providing (consistent with applicable law and any related procedures) consequences for such activities including suspension of the domain name. Registry Operator will periodically conduct a technical analysis to assess whether domains in the TLD are being used to perpetrate security threats, such as pharming, phishing, malware, and botnets. Registry Operator will maintain statistical reports on the number of security threats identified and the actions taken as a result of the periodic security checks. Registry Operator will maintain these reports for the term of the Agreement unless a shorter period is required by law or approved by ICANN, and will provide them to ICANN upon request. Registry Operator will operate the TLD in a transparent manner consistent with general principles of openness and non-discrimination by establishing, publishing and adhering to clear registration policies.
Performance Appraisal The Executive’s performance may be evaluated by the Board of Directors or the Committee from time to time. The Executive shall be entitled to such additional remuneration, including but not limited to annual bonuses based on performance, as the Board of Directors or the Committee may, in its discretion, determine from time to time.
Service Credits Employees on parental leave shall be entitled to normal accumulation of service credits for the duration of the parental leave.
Excuse for Nonperformance or Delayed Performance Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, Contractor/Vendor shall not be in default by reason of any failure in performance of this contract in accordance with its terms (including any failure by Contractor/Vendor to make progress in the prosecution of the work hereunder which endangers such performance) if Contractor/Vendor has notified the Commission or designee within 15 days after the cause of the delay and the failure arises out of causes such as: acts of God; acts of the public enemy; acts of the State and any other governmental entity in its sovereign or contractual capacity; fires; floods; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; strikes or other labor disputes; freight embargoes; or unusually severe weather. If the failure to perform is caused by the failure of a subcontractor to perform or to make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes similar to those set forth above, Contractor/Vendor shall not be deemed to be in default, unless the services to be furnished by the subcontractor were reasonably obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit Contractor to meet the contract requirements. Upon request of Contractor, the Commission or designee shall ascertain the facts and extent of such failure, and, if such officer determines that any failure to perform was occasioned by any one or more of the excusable causes, and that, but for the excusable cause, Contractor’s progress and performance would have met the terms of the contract, the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly, subject to the rights of the State under the clause entitled (in fixed-price contracts, “Termination for Convenience,” in cost-reimbursement contracts, “Termination”). (As used in this Paragraph of this clause, the term “subcontractor” means subcontractor at any tier).
Level of Service Complex case management with a provider focus is appropriate for members who either choose not to be actively involved or are unable to actively participate in their health care. Complex case management targets members with two (2) or more disease states who need assistance with care coordination, making preventive care appointments, or accessing care to address the members’ chronic health conditions or members who have had an inpatient hospital stay in the last ninety (90) days or members with high dollar claims of over fifty thousand dollars (>$50,000) in six (6) months. The focus is on working with the providers to meet the needs of the individual through communication with the PMP (if applicable), other providers, and the member’s natural support system. The goal is to help members gain optimum health or improved functional capability, in the right setting and in a cost-effective manner. Complex case management with provider focus is the active coordination by the Contractor of care and services between providers while navigating the extensive systems and resources required for the member. It involves comprehensive assessment, determination of available benefits, development and implementation of a complex case management plan directed at the chronic health conditions. At a minimum, the Contractor must provide complex case management services for members discharged from an inpatient psychiatric, drug overdose, or substance abuse hospitalization, for no fewer than ninety (90) calendar days following that inpatient hospitalization discharge. The Contractor must also provide complex case management services for any member at risk for inpatient psychiatric or substance abuse re -hospitalization. Care managers must contact members during an inpatient hospitalization or as soon as practicable upon receiving notification of a member’s inpatient behavioral health hospitalization. The care manager must work with the hospital discharge planner, provider case manager and/or natural supports (i.e. family) to ensure that an outpatient follow-up appointment is scheduled to occur no later than seven (7) calendar days following the inpatient behavioral health hospitalization discharge and transportation is not a barrier to attending the appointment. Complex case management with provider focus includes all of the services and benefits from disease management and care management. In addition,
Service Level In the event that League InfoSight discovers or is notified by you of the existence of Non-Scheduled Downtime, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to determine the source of the problem and attempt to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Performance Adjustment Rate Except as otherwise provided in sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph 3, the Performance Adjustment Rate is 0.02% for each percentage point (the performance of the Portfolio and the Index each being calculated to the nearest .01%) that the Portfolio's investment performance for the performance period was better or worse than the record of the Index as then constituted. The maximum performance adjustment rate is 0.20%. For purposes of calculating the performance adjustment of the portfolio, the portfolio's investment performance will be based on the performance of the retail class. The performance period will commence with the first day of the first full month following the retail class's commencement of operations. During the first eleven months of the performance period for the retail class, there will be no performance adjustment. Starting with the twelfth month of the performance period, the performance adjustment will take effect. Following the twelfth month a new month will be added to the performance period until the performance period equals 36 months. Thereafter the performance period will consist of the current month plus the previous 35 months. The Portfolio's investment performance will be measured by comparing (i) the opening net asset value of one share of the retail class of the Portfolio on the first business day of the performance period with (ii) the closing net asset value of one share of the retail class of the Portfolio as of the last business day of such period. In computing the investment performance of the retail class of the Portfolio and the investment record of the Index, distributions of realized capital gains, the value of capital gains taxes per share paid or payable on undistributed realized long-term capital gains accumulated to the end of such period and dividends paid out of investment income on the part of the Portfolio, and all cash distributions of the securities included in the Index, will be treated as reinvested in accordance with Rule 205-1 or any other applicable rules under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as the same from time to time may be amended.