Report Period. For the SFY 2008 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January — December 2007 report period (and may be adjusted based on the number of months of ABD managed care membership). For the SFY 2009 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January — December 2008 report period. The first reporting period in which MCPs will be held accountable to the performance standards will be the SFY 2009 contract period.
Report Period. Name a. Name a. Name a. From (YYMMDD) b. Location (Address and ZIP Code) b. Number b. Phase b. To (YYMMDD)
Report Period. Compliance will be determined based on the annual Financial Statement.
Report Period. For the SFY 2008 and SFY 2009 contract periods, performance will be evaluated using a rolling 12-month report period. Performance Standard: A maximum of 15 points Penalty for Noncompliance: Penalties for points are established in Appendix N, Compliance Assessment System.
Report Period. In order to provide timely feedback on the omission rate of encounters, the report period will be the most recent from when the measure is initiated. This measure is conducted annually.
Report Period. April - June 2007 Excellent Standard: 5.5% Superior Standard: 6.5%
Report Period. For the SFY 2008 contract period, a baseline level of performance will be established using the CY 2007 report period (and may be adjusted based on the number of months of ABD managed care membership). For the SFY 2009 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the CY 2008 report period. The first reporting period in which MCPs will be held accountable to the performance standards will be the SFY 2009 contract period.
Report Period. For the SFY 2008 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - December 2007 report period. For the SFY 2009 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - December 2008 report period. Data Quality Standard: The data quality standard is a minimum rate of 80%. Penalty for noncompliance: The first time an MCP is noncompliant with a standard for this measure, ODJFS will issue a Sanction Advisory informing the MCP that any future noncompliance instances with the standard for this measure will result in ODJFS imposing a monetary sanction. Upon all subsequent measurements of performance, if an MCP is again determined to be noncompliant with the standard, ODJFS will impose a monetary sanction (see Section 6.) of one percent of the current month’s premium payment. Once the MCP is performing at standard levels and violations/deficiencies are resolved to the satisfaction of ODJFS, the money will be refunded.
Report Period. In order to adhere to the statewide expansion timeline, reporting periods may be adjusted based on the number of months of managed care membership. For the SFY 2007 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - December 2006 report period. For the SFY 2008 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - December 2007 report period. For the SFY 2009 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January – December 2008 report period.
Report Period. For the SFY 2005 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - June 2004 and July - December 2004 report periods. For the SFY 2006 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January - June 2005 and July - December 2005 report periods. Minimum Performance Standard: A minimum adjusted assessment rate of 85%.