DISCHARGE, SUSPENSION AND DISCIPLINE 10:01 A claim by an employee who has completed probation that he or she has been unjustly discharged shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such discharge is lodged by the employee with the Administrator or designate within five (5) days after the employee has received his/her discharge notice. Such grievance will be taken up by the Union at a special meeting with the Administrator. 10:02 It is agreed that the Chairperson of the Union Committee will be notified immediately on the dismissal of an employee in the bargaining unit. Should the Chairperson not be available at the time, a copy of the letter or notice shall be given to a Committeeperson who is available. 10:03 In the event the Employer initiates a disciplinary action against an employee that results in the suspension or discharge of the employee, the following procedure shall be followed: (a) The employee shall be notified in writing, of the action and/or penalty with a copy given to the Chairperson, if the penalty is a suspension. If the penalty is discharge then only the Union (President or his/her designate) need be notified in addition to the employee. (b) In the event the Employer is dissatisfied with the work of an employee and correction discussion has not resolved the problem, the Employer shall notify the employee in writing of the dissatisfaction concerning his/her work within five (5) working days when becoming aware of the incident giving rise to the complaint. This notice shall include particulars of the work performance which led to the complaint. (c) The letter or form given to the employee shall state the complaint or appraisal of results and contain on the bottom thereof a statement to the effect that the employee acknowledges having read the letter or form acknowledging receipt of a copy of the same, and a place for the employee to sign. The employee shall sign the letter or form and a copy shall be given to her. Prior to signing, the employee shall have the opportunity to write her comments. (d) The employee has the right to Union Representation in any proceedings under (a), (b) or (c) above. 10:04 Such grievance shall proceed directly to Step 2 of the grievance procedure and must be presented in writing, dated, and signed within five (5) working days after notice of the discharge was given. 10:05 Only those disciplinary notices that result in a suspension will remain on an employees personnel file for a period of fifteen (15) months. All other disciplinary notices, warnings or statements will be removed and given to the employee after a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the infraction. 10:06 An employee shall, upon written request, be granted the opportunity to view his/her personnel file. It is understood that such request will be granted within seven (7) days or at a time mutually agreed to by the parties. The employee may have a Committeeperson present while viewing their file, if requested. 10:07 The Union Chairperson or a Committeeperson will be present during all warnings, or counselling sessions regarding disciplinary actions of a seniority employee. When an employee is called to an interview and the subject of the interview is discipline, the employee will be so informed by the Employer’s representative when given notice of the interview, and will be advised to have her Union representative present. The interview will not begin or proceed without Union representation. A copy of any warning to be placed in an employee’s file must be copied to the Union Chairperson. Discipline is defined as a written warning, reprimand, suspension, dismissal or other disciplinary action to an employee.
Suspension and Discharge An employee who has not completed the probationary period may be released without appeal through the grievance procedure. Employees having successfully completed their probationary period shall only be disciplined or discharged for just cause. Prior to suspending or discharging an employee, provided they have completed their probationary period, such employee and the Union Xxxxxxx shall be given the reasons in writing, by the Employer, for the suspension or discharge.
DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE (a) If it is alleged that an employee has been discharged without just cause the grievance shall start at Step 3 and if it is alleged that an employee has been suspended without just cause the grievance shall start at Step 2 of the grievance procedure, within five (5) working days of the discipline or discharge being affected. The discharged or suspended employee shall be given the opportunity of seeing a Xxxxxxx and/or Union President before he is required to leave the premises, providing one is available on site. Time spent will be paid in accordance with Article 11.06(e). (b) If it is agreed or decided at any stage of the grievance procedure, except arbitration, that an employee has been suspended or discharged without just cause, the Company shall reinstate him in his job without loss of seniority. A reinstated employee is to be paid his wages at his hourly rate for the time loss limited to a maximum of the employee(s) regular number of hours per week. The provision of this Article may be waived if both parties mutually agree to other methods of resolving the grievance. (c) Where an Arbitrator has been selected to determine a question respecting an alleged unjust discharge or suspension, he shall have power and jurisdiction to: i) uphold the discharge or suspension, or ii) vary the penalty, or iii) substitute a different penalty, or iv) direct reinstatement, and in cases ii), iii), and iv) the Arbitrator may in addition order the Company to pay the employee full or partial compensation in accordance with his hourly rate. It is understood, however, that if an employee is reinstated, he shall retain his full seniority, unless otherwise directed by the Arbitrator. (a) i) Only Discipline Letters and Discharge/Suspensions shall be considered as a form of discipline and shall be subject to the provisions of the Grievance procedure. A copy of each letter shall be sent to the Union, within thirty (30) days of the imposition of such discipline.