RESEARCH PROJECT COORDINATOR. Nanogen, as the sponsoring party, shall name a Research Project Coordinator from its members on the ROC. The Research Project Coordinator shall be responsible for convening and conducting meetings of the ROC, overseeing the occasional and annual modification of the Research Plan pursuant to agreement of the ROC, sending notices of meetings to all members of the ROC, and preparing agendas for each ROC meeting. The secretary of each meeting shall be designated by the party hosting such meeting and shall be responsible for recording, preparing and disseminating minutes of such meeting to all members of the ROC. The ROC also may be polled or consulted by the Research Project Coordinator from time to time by means of telecommunications or correspondence, but no action of the ROC shall be effective unless it is by a majority vote.
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  • Joint Project Team As soon as possible after the Effective Date, the Parties shall establish a joint project team (the “JPT”) which shall be initially responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Initial Target Program. The JPT shall also be responsible for the day-to-day operations of all other Collaboration Programs when they become ***Portions of this page have been omitted pursuant to a request for Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission. effective; provided, that if multiple JPTs are needed due to different Targets or disease areas, then the Parties may establish separate JPTs for different Collaboration Programs. The JPT shall be comprised of representatives from each of GSK and Adaptimmune with the appropriate scientific expertise with respect to the conduct of the Development Plans (and such representatives may vary depending on the relevant Project Phase) and shall meet on a monthly basis (or more or less frequently as agreed by the Parties) at Adaptimmune’s facilities, GSK’s facilities or via teleconference at such times as may be agreed by the Parties during the term of the applicable Collaboration Program. The JPT will report to the JSC and will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the conduct of the Development Plans including any non-material changes to the Development Plans, overseeing the conduct of experiments and reviewing data resulting from such experiments as set forth in the Development Plans, proposing amendments to the Development Plans, proposing new Development Plans to the JSC for new Collaboration Programs for JSC approval, discussing potential Lead Candidates and Development Candidates for proposal to the JSC. All decisions of the JPT on matters for which it has responsibility shall be made unanimously. In the event that the JPT is unable to reach a unanimous decision within ten (10) Business Days after it has met and attempted to reach such decision, then either Party may, by written notice to the other, have such issue submitted to the JSC for resolution in accordance with Section 4.5. Each Party will bear all expenses it incurs in regard to participating in all meetings of the JPT, including all travel and living expenses. Each JPT shall automatically cease to exist on completion of the relevant Collaboration Programs that it supports and exercise or expiry of all Collaboration Program Options applicable to such Collaboration Programs.

  • Research Program The term “Research Program” shall mean the research program to be undertaken by TSRI under the direction and control of the Principal Investigator as expressly set forth on Exhibit A hereto.

  • Research Program Funding 3.1.1 Pfizer will fund the research to be performed by Rigel, pursuant to the Agreement, according to the following schedule: COMMITMENT YEAR ANNUAL COMMITMENT 1 $2,350,000.00 2 $2,350,000.00 The funding payments of two million three hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,350,000.00) shall support the work of the equivalent of ten (10) full time employees ("FTEs") of Rigel.

  • Project Leaders Within [**] Business Days after the Effective Date, each Party will appoint (and provide written notice to the other Party of the identity of) a senior representative having a general understanding of biopharmaceutical discovery and development issues to act as its project leader under this Agreement (each, a “Project Leader”). The Project Leaders will serve as the contact point between the Parties with respect to the Research Program, and will be primarily responsible for: (a) facilitating the flow of information and otherwise promoting communication, coordination of the day-to-day work and collaboration between the Parties; (b) providing single point communication for seeking consensus internally within the respective Party’s organization; and (c) raising cross-Party or cross-functional disputes in a timely manner. The Project Leaders shall conduct regular telephone conferences as deemed necessary or appropriate, to exchange informal information regarding the progress of the Research Program. Each Party may change its designated Project Leader from time to time upon prior written notice to the other Party. Each Project Leader may designate a substitute to temporarily perform the functions of that Project Leader by prior written notice to the other Party.

  • Development Activities NovaDel shall not be required to commence any Development Activities until Licensee has paid at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the non-refundable License Fee described in Section 4.4.

  • Research Program Term The Research Program shall be conducted during the period of five years commencing as of the Agreement Date ("Research Program Term"). Upon not later than seventy-five (75) days' prior written notice JT may, in its sole judgment, terminate the Research Program at the end of the third (3/rd/) year and fourth (4/th/) year of the Research Program. The RMC may terminate the Research Program any time during the Research Program Term if it unanimously determines the Research Program is no longer scientifically useful or that all potential Products would not be commercially viable. In case of such an early termination by JT or the RMC, JT shall be exempt from any payment(s) under Section 10(a) that would have become due and payable after the effective date of such early termination. Following any termination of the Research Program (i) that occurs simultaneously with the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 13 (i.e., no compound or Lead Compound has been designated previously a Collaboration Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(b) and no Independent Lead Compound is being developed in accordance with Section 3(m)) or (ii) that is followed at some future date by the termination by JT of Development or co-promotion of any Collaboration Lead Compound and/or Product pursuant to Sections 3(l) or 5(c), respectively, or development of an Independent Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(m) (A) any licenses granted by Tularik to JT will terminate, (B) JT will grant to Tularik an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license, to make, use and sell compounds, Collaboration Lead Compounds or Products under JT's interest in Program Patents and Program Know-How and (C) under the terms and conditions to be separately agreed, JT will also grant to Tularik a nonexclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license under any JT Patent Rights and Know-How to the extent necessary to practice the license granted under the Program Patents and Program Know-How in (B) (including, with respect to compounds, a limited number of JT's library compounds approved by JT); provided, however, that in the event the Research Program terminates but the Agreement has not terminated with respect to designated Collaboration Lead Compounds, Independent Lead Compounds and/or Products as provided in Section 2(g)(ii), Sections 2(g)(A), (B) and (C) shall apply only to those compounds, Collaboration Lead Compounds, Independent Lead Compounds and Products for which Development or co-promotion shall have been terminated and/or to those compounds or Lead Compounds that have not been designated previously a Collaboration Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(b) or an Independent Lead Compound in accordance with Section 3(m); provided further that in the event that JT elects to pursue a Discontinued Compound or a Non-Proposed Compound on or before the first anniversary of the expiration or termination of the Research Program Term pursuant to Section 3(b)(iii) or 3(b)(iv), respectively, Sections 2(g)(A), (B) and (C) shall not apply to such Discontinued Compound or Non-Proposed Compound until such time as JT shall have terminated the Development or co-promotion of such Discontinued Compound or Non- Proposed Compound. Tularik will then be free to pursue clinical development and registration of such compounds, Lead Compounds and/or Products without obligation to JT except as provided in Section 4(f) or Section 5(c), as appropriate.

  • Project Team 6.1.1 The day-to-day responsibilities of the Parties with respect to this AGREEMENT shall be overseen by the PROJECT TEAM, which shall be responsible for deciding operational and scientific issues arising out of this AGREEMENT and unanimously agreeing in good faith with respect to the monitoring of the compliance with this AGREEMENT.

  • Research Plan The Parties recognize that the Research Plan describes the collaborative research and development activities they will undertake and that interim research goals set forth in the Research Plan are good faith guidelines. Should events occur that require modification of these goals, then by mutual agreement the Parties can modify them through an amendment, according to Paragraph 13.6.

  • Development Diligence Pfizer will use its Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop and seek Regulatory Approval for [ * ] Product [ * ] in the Field [ * ]. Pfizer will [ * ] with respect to the Development or Regulatory Approval of Products under this Agreement.

  • Collaboration Management Promptly after the Effective Date, each Party will appoint a person who will oversee day-to-day contact between the Parties for all matters related to the management of the Collaboration Activities in between meetings of the JSC and will have such other responsibilities as the Parties may agree in writing after the Effective Date. One person will be designated by Merck (the “Merck Program Director”) and one person will be designated by Moderna (the “Moderna Program Director,”) together will be the “Program Directors”. Each Party may replace its Program Director at any time by notice in writing to the other Party. Any Program Director may designate a substitute to temporarily perform the functions of that Program Director by written notice to the other Party. The initial Program Directors will be: For Moderna: [***] For Merck: [***]

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