Resource Protection. The tenant shall:
Resource Protection. (i) to comply with present and future laws, regulations and orders relating to the occupation or use of the Leased Property which shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to groundwater contamination, the application of pesticides and commercial fertilizers, the cultivation of crops and the compliance thereof, and the storage and/or disposal of any hazardous waste;
Resource Protection. 7.01 The Tenant shall:
Resource Protection. The applicant shall provide the City with a Cultural Resources Assessment at the time of submittal of the Conceptual Development Plan.
Resource Protection. The Borrower/Recipient shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that existing laws are enforced to safeguard water, forest and wildlife resources in the Programme Area. The Borrower/Recipient shall take all measures to ensure sustainability of the Programme without any detriment to the environment and shall promote natural resources’ sustainability.
Resource Protection. The Parties acknowledge and agree that resource protection provisions set forth in the City’s Zoning Code are applicable to the entire Project. The Owner and Developer understand that they shall maintain fifty percent (50%) of the existing forest resources in their natural state.
Resource Protection. (a). Owner shall comply with the LDC in all respects. In addition, to sustain hardwood hammock and maintain canopy integrity, areas within the Subject Property with the highest concentration of specimen and historic trees, shall be considered in the site development design process to minimize impacts and/or removal of the trees through avoidance and minimization within these areas. To ensure tree surveying data is accurate to meet this provision, a Certified Arborist shall review and certify that the survey is accurate. The Project Arborist shall coordinate with the City Urban Forester during the review process.
Resource Protection. 1. The contractor shall use reasonable skill and care in the operations to prevent damage to soils, roads, trails, xxxxxxx, stream banks, stream channels, lake shores or other natural features of the sale area. Montana Forestry Best Management Practices will be adhered to.
Resource Protection. 18. If project activities at the site occur from March 1st to September 15th, then, prior to clean-up activities, the Applicant shall have a qualified biologist survey all breeding/nesting habitat within the project site and adjacent to the project site for breeding/nesting birds. Two surveys shall be conducted within a 7-day period with the last survey no more that three days prior to clean-up implementation. Survey results must be submitted to the Department for review and concurrence. If no breeding/nesting birds are observed and concurrence has been received from the Department, site preparation and construction activities may begin. If breeding activities and/or an active bird nest is located and concurrence has been received from the Department, the breeding habitat/nest site shall be fenced/marked a minimum of 200 feet in all directions, and this area shall not be disturbed until the nest becomes inactive, the young have fledged, the young are no longer being fed by the parents, the young have left the area, and the young will no longer be impacted by the project. If threatened or endangered bird species are observed in the area, no work shall occur during the breeding season (March 1st through September 15th) to avoid direct or indirect (noise) take of listed species and State and/or Federal threatened/endangered species permits may be required prior to commencing project activities. This Agreement does not authorize take of species listed as Threatened and/or Endangered. Be advised, migratory nongame native bird species are protected by international treaty under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918(50 C.F.R. Section 10.13). Sections 3503, 3503.5 and 3513 of the California Fish and Game Code prohibit take of all birds and their active nests including raptors and other migratory nongame birds (as listed under the Federal MBTA).