Review of Issues After Operating Information Becomes Available Sample Clauses

Review of Issues After Operating Information Becomes Available. The parties agree to review the issues raised in this Amendment and the method of billing the discharge from the County pre- treatment plant and commence discussions among themselves concerning this issue as soon as the data for wastewater operations during the 1991, 1992, and 1993 calendar years is complete, but in no event later than July 1, 1994. Although the ultimate decision of the parties is completely within their discretion, they agree that they will consider and be guided in their discussions by the effects on the wastewater rates of the City of Allentown and the Authority which are attributable to the Operation of the County pretreatment plant in a manner which reduces the loadings of the Authority’s wastewater at the point at which it flows into the wastewater system of the City of Allentown to a level below the maximum Allowable Loadings for the Authority under paragraph 3.B. of the Agreement between the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority, Lehigh County Authority, Township of Salisbury, and Township of South Whitehall, dated December 29, 1981 (the “1981 Agreement”)3. The parties agree that changes in federal, state, or local law, labor strikes or disruptions, changes in the application of indirect costs, and capital improvements or changes in debt service (other than capital improvements and changes in debt service caused by the presence of something in the discharge from the pretreatment plant which was not present in the wastewater flowing into the pretreatment plant) are not to be treated as effects of the County pretreatment plant in such review. The parties also agree that capital improvements or changes in debt service which are made to control the impacts of sulfide genera- tion/deterioration are not to be treated as effects of the County pretreatment plant in such review. However, any benefit received from the release of the environmental reserve as a result of the operation of the County pretreatment plant in the manner described in this paragraph 7 may be considered.
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