Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.
DELIVERY SCHEDULES In accordance with the "Non-State Agencies Participation in Centralized Contracts” and “Extension of Use” clauses herein, this Contract is extended to local governments, political subdivisions and others authorized by law as well as State agencies. The Delivery Schedules (based on Requirement Letter RL182) are available as a guide to indicate proposed delivery points and estimated annual requirements. Delivery Schedules may be revised or clarified as necessary. Any specific questions regarding the site conditions should be directed to the end-user at the telephone number shown on the Delivery Schedule. The Delivery Schedules are available upon request. Contractors shall be obligated to deliver under the Contract to any State agency which places a purchase order under the Contract, whether or not such delivery location is identified in the Delivery Schedules. Any political subdivision or other non-State entity which has not filed a requirement with OGS as of the date of the bid opening shall be eligible to receive deliveries at Contractor's option only, upon placement of a valid purchase order to the Contractor's address as indicated in the award. Contracts created by OGS in response to receipt of Filed Requirements are considered to be binding. At Contractor's request, Contractor will be advised in writing regarding political subdivisions or other Non-State entities which have filed on a timely basis but do not appear on the Delivery Schedule. Where “Standby” is indicated in the Delivery Schedule, this reflects those facilities which normally use a fuel supply (i.e. natural gas) other than fuel oil and will only use fuel oil when alternate fuel is unavailable.
Submittal Schedule Within sixty days after the Effective Date of the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a Submittal Schedule for review and approval of the Design Professional. In establishing the Submittal Schedule the Contractor shall take into account large submittal documents that will require longer review times, e.g., submittals with over fifty sheets of drawings. The Design Professional’s approval shall be based on conformance of the Submittal Schedule with the Overall Project Schedule, subject to change from time to time in accordance with the progress of the Work.
Escrow Format Specification Deposit’s Format. Registry objects, such as domains, contacts, name servers, registrars, etc. will be compiled into a file constructed as described in draft-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-registry-data-escrow, see Part A, Section 9, reference 1 of this Specification and draft-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-dnrd-objects-mapping, see Part A, Section 9, reference 2 of this Specification (collectively, the “DNDE Specification”). The DNDE Specification describes some elements as optional; Registry Operator will include those elements in the Deposits if they are available. If not already an RFC, Registry Operator will use the most recent draft version of the DNDE Specification available at the Effective Date. Registry Operator may at its election use newer versions of the DNDE Specification after the Effective Date. Once the DNDE Specification is published as an RFC, Registry Operator will implement that version of the DNDE Specification, no later than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after. UTF-8 character encoding will be used.
Purchase Order Number NETAPP's purchase order number must appear on all invoices, packing lists and bills of lading and shall appear on each package, container or envelope on each shipment made pursuant to such purchase order.
Contract Schedule The information set forth in the Contract Schedule is true and correct.
Shift Schedule The words "shift schedule" when used in this Agreement shall mean a timetable of the shifts and off days assigned to a position or group of positions which commences at the beginning of a pay period and includes one complete rotation of said shifts.
Completion Schedule 6.1 The proposed schedule for the completion of the Project is presented in “Attachment D” and is made a part hereof. 6.2 ENGINEER shall adhere to all time limits stated in this Agreement or included in any accepted time schedule. All such time limits shall be of the essence to this Agreement. 6.3 In all events the various stages and phases of ENGINEER’S services are to be completed in such sequence and at such times, and with approved or agreed upon time limits, as may be required to assure the timely, continuous, efficient and diligent prosecution of the work and services provided for by this Agreement. 6.4 OWNER may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the Agreement in the services of work to be performed. If ENGINEER believes that such a change justifies an increase in ENGINEER’S contract time or contract price required to perform the series under this Agreement it must assert such claim in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of OWNER’S written order giving rise to the claim. No claim for adjustment in the contract time or contract price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph. No services for which ENGINEER will charge additional compensation shall be furnished without the written authorization of OWNER. 6.5 ENGINEER shall carry on all work required under this Agreement and maintain the schedule for services during all disputes or disagreements with OWNER. No work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements except as permitted in Article 8, or as ENGINEER and OWNER may otherwise agree in writing. 6.6 If the commencement, prosecution or completion of the services under this Agreement, or of the construction of the Project is delayed by any act, omission, delay, neglect or default of ENGINEER, or anyone employed by ENGINEER, or by any damage or acts caused by the negligent acts or omission by ENGINEER, then ENGINEER shall be liable to OWNER for any and all costs, assessments, expense, liabilities or damages caused thereby, in accordance with Section 4.8. 6.7 ENGINEER shall not be responsible for any time delays in the Project, or in the performance of services under this Agreement, to the extent such delays are caused solely by any act, omission, neglect or default of OWNER or anyone employed by OWNER, or by the unreasonable delay of any review agency or utility, or for any delay or damage caused by fire or the combined action of workers and which are in no way chargeable, in whole or in part, to ENGINEER, or by any other conditions or circumstances beyond the control of ENGINEER, its employee, agent, or other persons for whose acts or omissions ENGINEER is responsible. In the event of such delay, ENGINEER shall be entitled to an adjustment in the schedules or agreed time limitations for the performance of services, and this Agreement shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim of ENGINEER for adjustment under this cause must be asserted in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim, unless OWNER grants a further period of time before the date of final payment to ENGINEER. The adjustment of time for the performance of services, as provided in this paragraph, shall be ENGINEER’s sole exclusive right, entitlement and remedy in the event of such delays, and ENGINEER shall have no claim against OWNER for adjustment for increase in costs of performance, or other damages occurred in connection therewith.
Equipment Specifications All equipment must meet the contract specifications and all federal and State safety codes and regulations in effect at the date of manufacture. All equipment must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment unless otherwise stated in the contract. All products, materials, supplies, replacement parts, and equipment offered and furnished must be new, of current manufacturer production, and must have been formally announced by the manufacturer as being commercially available, unless otherwise stated in this Contract.
DELIVERY: FOB DESTINATION, INSIDE DELIVERY, FREIGHT PAID Whenever possible, contractors should give the ordering entities 3 working days prior notice of any deliveries and/or installations. Furniture contractors will not be responsible for the removal/moving of existing furnishings unless requested by the ordering entity. Contractors should verify site readiness prior to delivery. All deliveries will be made during normal working hours unless otherwise arranged with the ordering entity. Contractor will communicate any scheduling delays and/or changes immediately. Agencies will not be responsible for any freight damage, concealed or otherwise.