Rule 4. Only members of the Committee (hereinafter the members) shall exercise the voting rights. In his/her absence, the Alternate shall act in his or her place.
Rule 4. Secretariat
Rule 4. If Tenant shall occupy the leased premises prior to the beginning of the term, such occupancy shall be subject to the terms of this lease. Rent shall be paid for the same period from the date of such occupancy to the beginning of said term. If Tenant occupies the premises beyond the ending date of the lease agreement, a $200 per day fee will be levied against Tenant for each day or part of day beyond the ending date.
Rule 4. Regular academic policies applicable to courses taught at the college's main campus must also apply to dual credit courses. These policies could include the appeal process for disputed grades, drop policy, the communication of grading policy to students, when the syllabus must be distributed, etc.
Rule 4. The Request (Contents)
Rule 4. If the verb precedes the subject, determine the subject and make the verb agree with it.
Rule 4. 3.4.1 A leap year is defined in ISO 8601:1988 (amended in 1991) as follows: "year, leap: In the Gregorian calendar, a year which has 366 days. A leap year is a year whose number is divisible by four an integral number of times, except that if it is a centennial year it shall be divisible by four hundred an integral number of times."
3.4.2 Thus, for example, 2000 is a leap year but 1900 is not.
Rule 4. Subleasing or subletting of any kind of the space given by RE-Rise is not allowed. Non-observance of this rule will result in immediate expulsion. If an Startup/Startup company require more space or has vacant space, a request for additional space/surrender of the space is required to be made to RE-Rise Centre Staff. The Startup company/Startups are required to provide a list, as per the following format, of their full time and part time employees at least once every month:
Rule 4. The Lessor will furnish janitor service in the common core of the building in which the Demised Premises are located and shall maintain the grounds and parking areas. Any person employed by the Lessee to do janitor work, shall, while in said building and outside of said Demised Premises be subject to, and under the control and direction of the Lessor (but not as agent or servant of the Lessor).
Rule 4. 6 of Part A shall not apply to any options granted under Part B.