Dual Credit Courses Sample Clauses

Dual Credit Courses. A secondary school’s Average Daily Enrolment in Dual Credit courses shall be included in the calculation of the number of secondary teaching positions required in the Board pursuant to this collective agreement and/or any class-size regulation.
Dual Credit Courses. If the teacher also agrees to teach a dual credit course in a classroom, the compensation received by USD No. 507 from the contracting community college will be allocated to the teacher.
Dual Credit Courses. The faculties and administration of Brazosport College and Brazosport Independent School District (ISD) have reviewed the curriculum requirements and standards for each college course in Appendix A and have found that successful completion of the college curriculum identified should provide mastery of the Knowledge and Skills set out by the Texas Education Agency for the related high school course or courses. The materials reviewed include the Knowledge and Skills required by the Texas Education Agency for the high school courses and the Academic Course Guide Manual (or Workforce Education Course Manual if applicable) descriptions, and the departmental course syllabi for the college courses.
Dual Credit Courses. A classroom teacher may teach a class for which the student receives credit toward meeting his/her high school graduation requirements and simultaneously receives college credit. A teacher under this contract is not restricted from receiving compensation paid by any college or university for the instruction of this class.
Dual Credit Courses. A dual credit course is a college-level course of study developed in accordance with KRS 164.098 in which a high school student receives credit from both the high school and postsecondary institution in which the student is enrolled upon completion of a single class or designated program of study. Developmental education and remedial courses are not eligible dual credit courses (in accordance with KRS 164.098). First Year Experience Courses are not eligible dual credit courses as they are not covered in the general education transfer policy and are not transferable between institutions. It is up to [College] to determine the dual credit courses it will offer, as well as the location and/or the modality in which they are offered. Dual credit courses are [College] cataloged courses and approved through the regular course approval process. These courses have the same departmental designation, course number, title, and credits and adhere to the same course description and course content as those delivered on the [College] campus. Dual credit courses offered by [College] are listed on the college’s Dual Credit Course list. [Insert information about the local process to determine courses offered.] Students will only receive dual credit for courses included on the list. [College] is required to submit the course list to KCTCS in order for the courses to be programmed into PeopleSoft to allow students to be enrolled in new course offerings. New technical courses require KHEAA’s approval for the Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship. Students are expected to pay the dual credit tuition if KHEAA determines the course is not eligible for the scholarship. Courses can be added up until the CPE snapshot for each semester to ensure accurate data and enrollment. The deadlines are: • Fall: October 30 • Spring: March 28 • Summer: August 13 Faculty liaison site visits will take place to ensure that courses offered at the high school are offered with the same rigor as those offered on the [College] campus. [College] will submit student final letter grades (standard college letter grades – A, B, C, D, E, W, F) to the appropriate high school personnel for the dual credit courses offered. No numeric grade data will be submitted. High school faculty credentialed as college faculty teaching dual credit courses are responsible for recording grades in PeopleSoft within two business days after the end date of the college course. Dual Credit courses should be meaningful to students and t...
Dual Credit Courses. Certificated employees who teach classes for dual credit for U.S.D. #389 shall be compensated at the rate negotiated with the post-secondary training institution.
Dual Credit Courses. Certified Teachers who teach one or more Dual Credit Courses and meet the requirements of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) will receive a maximum of $500 stipend upon successful completion of each semester.
Dual Credit Courses. When RVC anticipates offering a dual credit course which involves baccalaureate credit, the appropriate Xxxx will notify the division director. Upon notification by the Xxxx, the Associate Xxxx will identify faculty within the division eligible and interested in teaching said course. This process will take no longer than 30 calendar days. Baccalaureate-level dual credit courses can be considered for load, subject to the approval of the division director and Xxxx, and with the consent of the faculty member. In a RIF situation, faculty can use baccalaureate-level dual credit courses to make load, in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of section 6.14 of the AGREEMENT. When teaching (or when teaching with a high school faculty member, if required) a baccalaureate- level dual credit course, RVC faculty will receive the full CHE's in compensation. If a dual credit class extends outside normal RVC institutional time frames, the RVC faculty member agrees to complete the instructional assignment as defined on site, for no additional pay.
Dual Credit Courses. College or university courses offered to high school students that have been approved by the Nevada Department of Education to satisfy specific high school graduation requirements.
Dual Credit Courses. In dual credit courses, a member of the teaching faculty will be assigned as the faculty sponsor of record. The faculty sponsor is responsible for all supervisory aspects of the course, including such activities as orientation of the high school teacher, registration of students, certification of attendance, review of all instructional materials, course outline and examinations, observation of classroom teaching, review of student performance in cooperation with the high school teacher, assignment of final grades, sign off of the final grade report and coordination with College administrative offices. The faculty sponsor will receive faculty contact hour (FCH) workload credit for the supervision of dual credit courses according to the following schedule: (1) FCH credit for supervision of the first high school instructor per course per site; one- half (1/) FCH credit for supervision of each additional instructor, per course, per site.