Saturday, Sale Day. Please park in the gym parking lot off of Little Mack, leaving the closer parking spots for our shoppers. Keep in mind, you will have to walk around to the Activity Center doors to check in. The gym doors will be locked. ∙ On sale day, check in at the Activity Center or Gym. Please check in by 7:45 am.
Saturday, Sale Day. We will no longer have a shuttle for the sale. Please park in the front lot, leaving the closer parking spots for our shoppers. You may also park in the gym parking lot, but keep in mind, you will have to walk around to the Activity Center doors to check in. The gym doors will be locked. ! On sale day, check in at the Activity Center or Gym. Please check in by 7:45 am.
Saturday, Sale Day. Please park in the gym parking lot off of Little Mack, leaving the closer parking spots for our shoppers. Keep in mind, you will have to walk around to the Activity Center doors to check in. The gym doors will be locked. ∙ On sale day, check in at the Activity Center or Gym. Please check in by 7:30 am. ∙ ** Please note the slight time change from our previous sales. New this sale - Early bird shopping begins at 8:00 to the public. ∙ You agree to have ONE adult helper. A name tag will be available for you and another adult (helper). No one (helper/lunch delivery person / replacement) will be admitted FREE during the sale without the ticket provided. ∙ Do not begin to pack up any items on Saturday before 12:30 p.m. to ensure all shoppers have fair opportunity to shop. A lot of shoppers come towards the end of sales in hopes for better deals. They are still charged the $2 admission fee, and if we advertise 130 tables, they want all tables open. No refunds. Questions? Email