Scholarship of Discovery investigative inquiry that builds a distinctive body of knowledge within the discipline and/or field of study;
Scholarship of Discovery. The scholarship of discovery is defined as a process of creating new and unique knowledge or creative works specific to the discipline, disciplines or field of expertise. Historically, this represents the most traditional form of scholarship and includes knowledge gained through theoretical, basic and applied research. The scholarship of discovery takes the form of systematic investigation using a range of quantitative and/or qualitative approaches, the results of which create new knowledge or creativity, either by advancing knowledge or creativity into an entirely new area or by adding new understanding to something that is already known. The scholarship of discovery is central to the work of higher learning and is at the very heart of academic life. As such, all faculty members at Nipissing are expected to be or to have been engaged in discovery research to some level of recognized achievement. It must be noted that discovery research can occur within the scholarship of integration, and application, teaching, and professional practice. The key factor is whether or not new knowledge and understanding is generated and whether or not that new knowledge is recognized as significantly contributing to and advancing the discipline and/or disciplines involved. Evidence of the Scholarship of Discovery Documented evidence of the Scholarship of Discovery includes but is not limited to the following: • Xxxx reviewed publications of research based, philosophical, or theoretical manuscripts; • Xxxx reviewed presentation of papers at scientific and scholarly conferences; • Peer reviewed exhibitions, catalogues or performances for those in disciplines where creative and artistic work is the primary focus; • Peer reviewed grant awards in support of research related projects; • Provincial, regional, national, or international recognition for expertise as a researcher (including awards, honours, etc.).
Scholarship of Discovery. The scholarship of discovery is defined as a process of creating new and unique knowledge or creative works specific to the discipline, disciplines or field of expertise. Historically, this represents the most traditional form of scholarship and includes knowledge gained through theoretical, basic and applied research. The scholarship of discovery takes the form of systematic investigation using a range of quantitative and/or qualitative approaches, the results of which create new knowledge or creativity, either by advancing knowledge or creativity into an entirely new area or by adding new understanding to something that is already known. The scholarship of discovery is central to the work of higher learning and is at the very heart of academic life. As such, all faculty members at Nipissing are expected to be or to have been engaged in discovery research to some level of recognized achievement. It must be noted that discovery research can occur within the scholarship of integration, and application, teaching, and professional practice. The key factor is whether or not new knowledge and understanding is generated and whether or not that new knowledge is recognized as significantly contributing to and advancing the discipline and/or disciplines involved. Evidence of the Scholarship of Discovery Documented evidence of the Scholarship of Discovery includes but is not limited to the following: • Work conducted by traditional Indigenous methods or by other culturally appropriate data-gathering, that is reviewed by Elders and/or Knowledge Carriers/Keepers, and shared with Indigenous communities, groups and/or organizations through knowledge mobilization activities, oral presentations and/or papers, when complementary to: • Peer reviewed publications of research based, philosophical, or theoretical manuscripts; • Peer reviewed presentation of papers at scientific and scholarly conferences; • Peer reviewed exhibitions, catalogues or performances for those in disciplines where creative and artistic work is the primary focus; • Peer reviewed grant awards in support of research related projects; • Provincial, regional, national, or international recognition for expertise as a researcher (including awards, honours, etc.).
Scholarship of Discovery. The scholarship of discovery is defined as an original production or the testing of a theory, principle, or knowledge. Examples appropriate to Biology include traditional experimental, survey, quantitative and/or qualitative study and research. Artifacts or outcomes that might be used to document this activity include:
Scholarship of Discovery a.) Research productivity as evidenced by papers submitted or published in professional journals, reports submitted to granting agencies, and presentations at scientific meetings. Papers that are published or accepted in refereed publications carry greater weight than other publications.