Scope of Partnership Sample Clauses

Scope of Partnership. The purpose of the Partnership is to engage, subject to the limitations in Sections 3.09(b) and 3.09(c), in any business that may be lawfully conducted by a limited partnership organized pursuant to the Act.
Scope of Partnership. The specific purpose of the Partnership is to engage in the business of radio broadcasting and publishing. The general purposes of the Partnership are to do each and every thing necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of the specific purpose or the attainment of any one or more of the objects herein enumerated, either alone, or in association with, or as agent or representative for, other corporations (whether public, governmental or private), partnerships, individuals, or entities, or to accomplish any other
Scope of Partnership. 16 Section 3.02. Powers of the Partnership . . . . . . . . . .
Scope of Partnership. The purpose of the Partnership is (i) to engage in the business of providing leasing services, property management services, construction management services, development services and related services (including, but not limited to, security, asset management and space planning) for commercial real property, (ii) to do each and every thing necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of the purpose described in (i) or the attainment of any one or more of the objects herein stated, either alone, or in association with, or as agent or representative for, other corporations (whether public, governmental or private), partnerships, individuals, or entities, and (iii) to accomplish any other lawful business incidental thereto or which shall at any time appear conducive to or expedient for the protection of the Partnership.
Scope of Partnership. Under the guidance of the Department’s Facility Director, District Supervisor, or Region Superintendent (dependant on the scope of the partnership), [insert Facility (ies) Name requesting service, [insert Company Name] will provide [insert agreed upon service provided by the company.] Dates, times and duration of partnership shall be agreed upon by the Department and the [insert Company Name]. A. [Insert Company Name] will: 1. Provide the materials, recreational, and instructional supplies, and equipment necessary to implement successful programs. 2. Submit evaluation plan to the Department in writing and supply program statistics on a quarterly basis for inclusion in RAP’s Quarterly Program Report. 3. Maintain any areas designated for its use in a clean and orderly condition after program activities are concluded; 4. Reimburse the City of Los Angeles for any damages to assigned space or facility caused by [insert name of organization], its employees and/or representatives; 5. Ensure that no photographs of minors or depiction of their likeness is included in any publication without obtaining prior written consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian. The documentation of this written consent must be provided to the Department prior to photographs being taken; 6. [insert name of organization] will be responsible for all costs related to the operation of programs (see Compensation and Schedule of Payment section).
Scope of Partnership. The Parties shall commit to: • Jointly exploring opportunities to collaborate on grant applications that are mutually beneficial. • Collaborate regarding the functionality of the product. • Both Parties give consent to reference each other’s involvement with the successful development and use of ShareMy3D when relevant in the media. Neither Party is entitled to make a statement on behalf of the other Party. • The Parties agrees to maintain information regarding the partnership on its website, blogs (where relevant) and social media platforms. • The Parties are entitled to use the promotional video featuring the Museum. The Museum shall have the following rights: • Access to ShareMy3D’s software, including any updates commencing December 11th, 2015. The license of software use is non-assignable and non-exclusive. ShareMy3D shall have the following rights: • The Museum agrees to give reference to ShareMy3D during its use of ShareMy3D at conferences, competitions and other industry events. • Where appropriate, and at the discretion of the Museum, ShareMy3D will be invited to attend events to promote their product or request that promotional material be present. • ShareMy3D has the right to occasional use of 3D scanning technology at the Museum for the purposes of testing product functionality. ShareMy3D commits to cooperate fully with the staff at the museum in regards to this privilege. • The Museum agrees to provide a Letter of Reference in support of ShareMy3D. ShareMy3D may also occasionally request contact information relating to the Museum’s suppliers of 3D Scanning equipment and related technology. This includes future vendors used by the Museum that may be potential customers for ShareMy3D.
Scope of Partnership. 4.1 The Parties hereby have agreed to cooperate on the 3 phase CESR programme, as per the agreed CESR Terms of reference. The three phases are:
Scope of Partnership. 1. This MoU will focus on the incorporation of free knowledge with open source Geographic Information Systems and drone technology in promoting and bringing free access to educational content . 2. This MoU proposes areas of joint collaboration between parties i.e research, publications, advocacy, stakeholder engagements, identifying projects for local and global impact and information sharing. 3. This MoU spells out guidelines of the agreement between the parties, and is intended to cover a renewable period of 1 year. To be amended or extended in writing and upon mutual agreement among parties.
Scope of Partnership a. Students may either, upon their request, be recommended by ISKL for additional counselling with Share Resolve, or students / parents / guardians may sign-up directly with Share Resolve. b. Sessions with Share Resolve will only fall within the ambit of this partnership when students / parents / guardians sign-up via the specific and dedicated ISKL page on Share Resolve’s website and / or when a request is made for Sessions to take place on ISKL’s campus or via ISKL’s approved online systems.
Scope of Partnership. The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Partners pursuant to the partnership relationship established hereby shall be limited to those rights, duties, obligations and liabilities set out in this Agreement and, to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, prescribed in the Partnerships Act or assumed in accordance with the intent hereof in the course of carrying on the Partnership Business. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to create a general partnership between the Partners extending beyond the scope of the Partnership Business.