Scope of the Partnership Sample Clauses

Scope of the Partnership. The present Partnership, as indicated by the Partnership Agreement, shall have to scope of regulate the relations between the Parties, regarding the Project as outlined in Annex 1 of the present Agreement, and which has been granted by the Worth Project.
Scope of the Partnership. The Sides expect the Partnership to include activities along the entire value chain of both primary and secondary raw materials, as well as batteries and the production of renewable hydrogen. The Partnership has the focus on critical raw materials as defined in the European Union current definition or its future updates as well as a definition and classification agreed by both Sides through future interactions but includes in any case other metals and industrial minerals also important for the green and digital transition. The Sides intend to strive for close cooperation in the field of mining and processing industry, in particular, search for and evaluation of minerals, refining/processing, manufacturing and transportation. In addition, for secondary raw materials, the cooperation may cover the recycling of secondary raw materials, electronic scrap and waste disposal. Regarding specific products such as rare earth elements and rare earth metals, batteries and electronic scrap, the Partnership should contribute to the expansion of business opportunities between the value chains of both Sides, as well as a deeper understanding of the requirements governing market access.
Scope of the Partnership. Pursuant to the objective set forth in Paragraph 1, the Partners will work in a balanced partnership in support of Indonesia’s priorities regarding reducing emissions from forestry and other land use, as outlined under its recent FOLU Net Sink 2030 Operational Plan: a) Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, by strengthening forest protection and increasing community participation; b) Increasing the carbon sequestration capacity of natural forests, through sustainable forest management, forest and land rehabilitation, and social forestry; c) Conservation of biodiversity; d) Reducing emissions from fires and peat decomposition; and e) Strengthening law enforcement.