Screen Applicants Sample Clauses

Screen Applicants. The Employer will review the applicant’s personnel and supervisory files to determine if there are documented performance issues that would disqualify them from the process. These deficiencies shall be shared with the applicant and the Union. Documented performance issues which would disqualify an employee from moving on in the process include, but are not limited to, documented repetitive violations of the WSF Code of Conduct, or discipline which has not been removed or is not scheduled to be removed from the employee’s personnel file prior to the oral exam.
Screen Applicants. The Employer will review the applicant’s personnel and supervisory files to determine if there are documented performance issues that would disqualify them from the process. These deficiencies shall be shared with the applicant and the Union. Documented performance issues which would disqualify an employee from moving on in the process include, but are not limited to, documented repetitive violations of the WSF Code of Conduct, or discipline which has not been removed or is not scheduled to be removed from the employee’s personnel file prior to the oral exam. In each annual application cycle, new master applicants/candidates whose sea-time review places them between two thousand, four hundred (2,400) hours, or three hundred (300), eight (8) hour days, and the required sea-time in Subsection 4.2 (B), may apply to be reviewed for a position on the Master’s Eligibility List, and may be placed on the list upon documented completion of the sea-time requirements, between annual review cycles providing no documented performance disqualifiers, as per Subsection 2.1 (L) have occurred in the interim.

Related to Screen Applicants

  • Applicants If the NRMP's investigation of an alleged Match violation by an applicant results in a finding that an applicant has committed a violation of this Agreement, the processing of the applicant's rank order list may be interrupted. The NRMP at its discretion may withdraw the applicant from the SMS Match. If a matched applicant is the subject of a violation investigation, the program to which the applicant matched may not fill the position with another applicant until the NRMP has issued the Final Report or granted a waiver, whichever is earlier. If the violation investigation has not concluded by the start date of training, the program shall begin training the matched applicant unless NRMP has granted a waiver or issued a deferral. The NRMP’s Final Report on the confirmed violation will be delivered to the applicant with copies to: (1) the applicant's medical school official, with a request that the Final Report be placed in the applicant’s permanent file (2) the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates if the applicant is a graduate of an international medical school (3) the NRMP institutional official and the director of the program to which the applicant matched (4) the NRMP institutional official and the director of the program to which the applicant has applied or switched (if known) (5) the party who originally reported the violation (6) the NRMP Executive Committee (7) the American Board of Medical Specialties (8) the American Osteopathic Association (9) the applicant's residency program director (10) the Federation of State Medical Boards if the applicant is to be permanently identified as a Match violator or permanently barred from future NRMP Matches (11) any parties whom the NRMP has determined are relevant to its investigation (12) state medical licensure boards, if requested by the applicant In addition, the applicant may be barred from subsequent NRMP Matches and/or identified as a Match violator to participating programs for one to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. The applicant also may be barred for one year from accepting an offer of a position or a new training year, regardless of the start date, in any program sponsored by a Match-participating institution, and/or starting a position or a new training year in any program sponsored by a Match-participating institution if training would commence within one year from the date of issuance of the Final Report. Further, any applicant who has been denied a waiver of a binding commitment and who does not accept the matched position may be barred for one year from accepting an offer of a position or a new training year, regardless of the start date, in any program sponsored by a Match- participating institution and/or from starting a position or a new training year in any program sponsored by a Match- participating institution if training would commence within one year from the date of the NRMP's decision on the waiver. The decision conveyed in the Final Report will be displayed in the R3 system Applicant Match History for one to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. Term limits of any sanction(s) imposed for the violation will be included to identify the length of time the action is in effect. The NRMP has sole discretion to determine which of the sanctions described above shall be applied in the event an applicant violates this Agreement. Failure to comply with sanctions levied as a result of a confirmed violation that is final may result in a new investigation and additional sanctions.

  • Screen Care The Chromebook screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen. 1. Do not lean on the top of the Chromebook when it is closed. 2. Do not place anything near the Chromebook that could put pressure on the screen. 3. Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the cover. 4. Do not poke the screen. 5. Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, or disks). 6. Clean the screen with a soft, dry, anti-static, or microfiber cloth.

  • Eligible Applicants Modality Eligible applicants (project promoters) Eligible partners

  • Credit Information As to each consumer report (as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Public Law 91-508) or other credit information furnished by the Seller to the Purchaser, that Seller has full right and authority and is not precluded by law or contract from furnishing such information to the Purchaser and the Purchaser is not precluded from furnishing the same to any subsequent or prospective purchaser of such Mortgage. The Seller shall hold the Purchaser harmless from any and all damages, losses, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from disclosure of credit information in connection with the Purchaser's secondary marketing operations and the purchase and sale of mortgages or Servicing Rights thereto;

  • Applicant The individual who executed the application for coverage.

  • FINAL BILLING SUBMISSION Unless otherwise provided by the System Agency, Grantee shall submit a reimbursement or payment request as a final close-out invoice not later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of the term of the Contract. Reimbursement or payment requests received after the deadline may not be paid.

  • Women’s Advocate The Parties recognize that Employees may sometimes need to discuss matters such as violence or abuse at home or workplace harassment and may feel more comfortable doing so with a female peer. They may also need to learn about specialized resources in the community, such as counsellors or women’s shelters, to assist them in dealing with any issues that may arise. For these reasons, the Parties agree to recognize that the role of Women’s Advocate in the workplace will be served by a Unifor Local 5555 female member selected by Unifor. The Women’s Advocate will meet with Employees as required to discuss problems and refer them to the appropriate agency when necessary. The Women’s Advocate will participate in an annual 3-day training conference in accordance with Article 28.01(a). The Women’s Advocate shall be given release from their regular duties as required without loss of regular pay and benefits. The amount of time required for release and the cost allocations are subject to review and agreement by the Employer and the Union. On or before December 1 of each year, Unifor will provide a detailed report to the University’s Management Liaison to the Women’s Advocate, accounting for the specific activities of the Women’s Advocate over the previous 12 months, including: i. the total number of Employees they have assisted; ii. the specific dates and times for which they have been granted release time as the Women’s Advocate; iii. an aggregate summary of the matters they have handled; and iv. an aggregate summary of the referrals they have made.

  • Identity Verification In the case that the Subscriber provides telecommunication services to any Subscriber’s Customers pursuant to Section 8.1, the Subscriber is responsible for performing and shall perform personal identification of Subscriber’s Customer. SORACOM shall not bear any responsibility in relation to dealing with such matters.

  • ODUF Physical File Characteristics 6.2.1 ODUF will be distributed to TWTC via Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The ODUF feed will be a variable block format. The data on the ODUF feed will be in a non-compacted EMI format (175 byte format plus modules). It will be created on a daily basis Monday through Friday except holidays. Details such as dataset name and delivery schedule will be addressed during negotiations of the distribution medium. There will be a maximum of one dataset per workday per OCN. If AT&T determines the Secure FTP Mailbox is nearing capacity levels, AT&T may move the customer to CONNECT: Direct file delivery. 6.2.2 If the customer is moved, CONNECT: Direct data circuits (private line or dial-up) will be required between AT&T and TWTC for the purpose of data transmission. Where a dedicated line is required, TWTC will be responsible for ordering the circuit, overseeing its installation and coordinating the installation with AT&T. TWTC will also be responsible for any charges associated with this line. Equipment required on the AT&T end to attach the line to the mainframe computer and to transmit messages successfully on an ongoing basis will be negotiated on an individual case basis. Any costs incurred for such equipment will be TWTC's responsibility. Where a dial-up facility is required, dial circuits will be installed in the AT&T data center by AT&T and the associated charges assessed to TWTC. Additionally, all message toll charges associated with the use of the dial circuit by TWTC will be the responsibility of TWTC. Associated equipment on the AT&T end, including a modem, will be negotiated on an individual case basis between the Parties. All equipment, including modems and software, that is required on TWTC end for the purpose of data transmission will be the responsibility of TWTC. 6.2.3 If TWTC utilizes FTP for data file transmission, purchase of the FTP software will be the responsibility of TWTC.

  • Audience Contractor, in collaboration with its subcontractors, shall design, and/or purchase materials and convene a series of training courses that shall serve as a local training resource for group xxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx care providers, and County staff serving Mendocino County’s federally IV-E-eligible children.