Second Round of Bidding Sample Clauses

Second Round of Bidding. 1. All weeks still available on the Choice Vacation Period chart in each designated facility, shall be open for bid in units of whole weeks only. 2. Bidding shall be by designated facility seniority, as far as practical, for remaining periods. 3. At the conclusion of round two, the leave chart shall be finalized except for uncommitted weeks and the Occasional Leave (see Article 10 Section 4 F).

Related to Second Round of Bidding

  • Shift Bidding A. No less than once each year, each shift (including days off) within each section of the Water Supply and Treatment Division (Xxxxx Xxxxx Water Treatment Plant, Sunol Water Treatment Plant and the Millbrae Corporation Yard) shall be open to bid. This provision shall not preclude the scheduling of additional shift bidding periods within particular bid units upon mutual agreement of Management and the Union. The annual shift bidding period required herein shall be integrated with transfer bidding in order to effect transfers and shift selections in a single integrated process at least once annually. Each location may have up to two shifts which shall be: Shift 1, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Shift 2, 3:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The work week for both shifts at Water Supply and Treatment Division shall be Monday through Friday. B. Employees eligible to bid shall include all employees in the Water Supply and Treatment Division in class 7318, Electronic Maintenance Technician. C. At the time set by Management for the annual shift bidding period, the supervisor of each unit shall post for one (1) week shifts, and the number of employees in each classification to full such shifts, so that full-time employees described in paragraph B. above may submit their choices of shifts. Eligible employees who fail to submit timely bids, shall be assigned in the sole discretion of Management. D. Assignments shall become effective two weeks after the end of the posting period (or at the nearest commencement thereto of the next pay period) and shall be awarded in accordance with Water Supply and Treatment Division seniority in class above, except that Management may deny or delay bids that effect special projects or which require special skills or specific experience related to a specific job. E. Management shall retain the right between posting period to change an employee’s shift temporarily for training purposes or on account of unexpected operational demands. This period shall not exceed an aggregate of six (6) months for new hires and 120 days for existing 7318’s transferring in to the Water Supply and Treatment Division from other Public Utilities Commission Divisions or other Departments, provided the 120-day exclusion can be extended in the event the employee has yet to demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily perform duties. In the case of changed operational demands requiring permanent shift changes, Management shall attempt to meet its requirements to change employee’s shifts, first, through solicitation of volunteers, thereafter, by assignment by inverse seniority in the event insufficient voluntary shift changes are made to meet operational demands. Any person whose shift is changed involuntarily shall not be subject to the twenty-four (24) month exclusion rule contained in the transfer procedures notwithstanding that such employee may have been effected a successful transfer bid within twenty-four (24) months preceding an involuntary shift change pursuant to this provision.

  • RESERVE PRICE AND BIDDING AT AUCTION CONDITIONS OF SALE 1.1 This sale is made by XxXxxx (M) Berhad [196901000166 (8515-D)][formerly known as AmFinance Berhad](“Assignee/Bank”) in exercise of the rights and powers conferred upon the Assignee/Bank pursuant to the Facility Agreement, Deed Of Assignment and Power Of Attorney all dated the 4th day of May, 2017 executed by Xxx Xxx Xxx (Assignor/Borrower”) in favour of the Assignee/Bank subject to all conditions and category of land use, express or implied or imposed upon or relating to or affecting the property (“Property”) and shall further subject to the reserve price (“Reserve Price”) and the Conditions of Sale as appearing in the Proclamation of Sale. 1.2 Subject to the provisions of Clause 5 below the highest bidder for the Property described in the Proclamation of Sale if so allowed by the Auctioneer shall be the Purchaser (“Purchaser”) thereof and the Auctioneer shall have the right to reject any bid. If any dispute shall arise as to any bidding, the Property shall be at the option of the Auctioneer be put up again for sale at the last undisputed bid or the Auctioneer may decide on the dispute and the decision of the Auctioneer on all matters not provided for in this Conditions of Sale shall be final and binding in all respects if such decision is made during the course of conducting the auction on the auction date. 1.3 No bid shall be less than the previous bid and each bid shall be increased by a minimum amount to be determined by the Auctioneer at the time the Property is put up for sale and no bidding shall be withdrawn or retracted. Should there be any withdrawal or retraction from the registered bidder(s) or the highest bidder before or after the fall of the hammer, the bidding deposit (“Bidding Deposit”) shall be forfeited to the Assignee/Bank and the Property shall be at the option of the Auctioneer be put up for sale again or the Auctioneer may decide to adjourn the auction sale to another date. 1.4 In the event the subject matter offered for auction comprises more than one (1) property, the Auctioneer shall have the right to: - (a) determine or vary the order of sale; (b) offer the properties for sale either individually or en bloc or in any combination/manner as determined by the Auctioneer; and/or (c) withdraw any of the properties from the sale.

  • Bidding Phase 2.8.1 The Professional, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Document Phase, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids and in award and preparation of Construction Contracts. 2.8.2 The Professional shall attend the bid opening and furnish a suitably detailed tabulation sheet for recording the name of each Bidder, the Bidder's Certificate of Responsibility Number, Bid Security, Base Bid, Alternates, and remarks. The Professional shall furnish sufficient tabulation sheets for all in attendance. Immediately after receipt of bids, the Professional shall submit to the Owner a certified tabulation of all bids received, along with his recommendation as to Contract award. 2.8.3 The Professional, following the award of a Construction Contract, shall prepare and submit to the Owner, two (2) copies of updated Construction Documents (Plans/Specifications). Each copy shall be marked OFFICIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and shall include an executed bid Proposal Form, Agreement Form, Contract Bond, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Insurance, all bulletins, Addenda, and supplemental Drawings. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Owner, one (1) copy shall be for the Contractor. Any other contract document guidelines will be distributed to the Professional at the bid opening. 2.8.4 The Professional shall also furnish the area and volume of the building computed in accordance with criteria of the American Institute of Architects; and the square foot and cubic foot costs of only the building, the mechanical system, the electrical system, special built-in equipment, and the total Project cost. 2.8.5 The Professional shall, unless waived by the Owner, also submit one electronic format copy of the updated Contract Documents (plans and specifications) in coordination with said Contract Documents in 2.8.3 above. Said electronic submittal to be submitted within thirty (30) days after award by Owner in .pdf format. The actual cost of the electronic submittal shall be paid by the Owner, with cost approval by the Owner before printing is ordered in accordance with 3.4.

  • Cost of Bidding 6.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid, and the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.

  • Successful Bidder The responsible Bidder submitting the lowest responsive Bid.

  • SCOPE OF BID 1.1 The Employer, as defined in the Conditions of Contract Part II hereinafter “the Employer” wishes to receive bids for the construction of works as described in Section 1, clause 102 of the Special Specifications –“Location and extent of the Works”) 1.2 The successful bidder will be expected to complete the Works within the period stated in the Appendix to Bid from the date of commencement of the Works. 1.3 Throughout these bidding documents, the terms bid and tender and their derivatives (bidder/tenderer, bid/tendered, bidding/tendering etc) are synonymous, and day means calendar day. Singular also means plural.

  • Vacation Bidding 1. Vacations will be bid by shifts in a Bid Area, except that in any Bid Area having less than 50 employees, vacations shall be bid by Bid Area. When mutually agreed between the Company and the local Union Business Agent/Chief Stewards/Coordinator vacations may be bid by groupings other than those listed herein. Provided that the Company will not unreasonably withhold agreement to such grouping as the local Business Agent advocates. It shall not be unreasonable for the Company to withhold agreement if the proposed grouping can reasonably be expected to materially affect the operation or any portion thereof. 2. In each vacation bidding group, the Department Head or Designee, will determine the total number of vacation weeks to be taken including regular earned vacation and deferred Holidays. For determining weeks to be bid, two (2) or less days will not be considered as a week. 3. If the total number of weeks to be taken is fifty (50) weeks or less, only one (1) person will be awarded a vacation in any given week (considered as a column). 4. If the total number is greater than fifty (50) weeks, a full column will be available for bidding each fifty (50) weeks, and if necessary, a partial column will be available for any remaining weeks in the last column. This method is used to avoid scheduling more people than necessary to be on vacation in any specific week. 5. Once a year, generally in early November, employees will bid for available vacation in the succeeding year based on adjusted Company Service Date. The Company will post notice of where and when employees will bid their initial and subsequent rounds of vacation. Employees will at that specific time, have three (3) ways to notify management of their bid preferences. They may show up in person, or telephone in their preference, or submit a written pre-bid to the designated management representative prior to any particular vacation bid round. Written confirmation will be provided to employees submitting written pre-bids. Once the entire vacation biding process is completed the vacation listings will be posted no later than December 15th. 6. Employees may bid one (1) continuous vacation period, which may include all or any portion of the vacation to which he is entitled. However if the employee is eligible for less than ten (10) working days the employee may not split the available vacation. Once an employee is eligible for ten (10) working days or more, the employee may split the employee’s vacation into separate periods of complete weeks and if a partial week remains, it will be taken in conjunction with one (1) of the employee’s complete weeks. 7. Once each employee has had the opportunity to bid, additional rounds of bidding will be permitted following the same procedure used on the initial round. 8. If an employee does not bid at all, during any given round, the employee will not be given the opportunity to bid until the next round. However if an employee misses his bid time but calls or shows up to bid before that particular round is complete, he will be allowed to bid at that time from the remaining available weeks. 9. If an employee is a member of the Military Reserve and will attend a two

  • JOB BIDDING Section 1. All job vacancies will be posted as follows: a.) The position will be posted on Kaleidascope for seven (7) calendar days. b.) The posting shall include the position (job title), posting dates, status, hours per pay period, shift, starting and ending times, pay grade and the qualifications for the position as defined in the job description for the position. A copy of all job postings will be sent to the Union. c.) Employees may not be accepted for posted positions until they have completed six (6) months of employment. In addition, an employee who has transferred to a position must remain in that position for six (6) months before applying for another posted position. Except that an employee may apply for a posted position which is at a higher pay grade without regard to the six (6) month limit. This paragraph shall not apply to intra cost center shift change or intra cost center status changes. Section 2. Posted positions shall be filled by the most senior qualified applicant from within the bargaining unit. If the position cannot be filled from within the bargaining unit, the Employer may fill the position from any source available to the Employer, provided the candidate meets all of the qualifications for hiring into that position. In all instances, the appropriate manager is responsible for the interview and selection of applicants within fourteen (14) days of the end of the posting. Section 3. A qualified applicant shall be defined as an employee who possesses the entry level qualifications in the job description and is able to do the work when required. Ability to do the work and documented performance, inclusive of disciplinary record, may be considered when awarding a position. The Employer will notify all applicants of the result of their bid in a timely manner not to exceed two (2) weeks from the date the position is awarded. Section 4. A successful bidder shall be required to serve a sixty (60) calendar day trial period exclusive of any classroom training required. At the midpoint of the trial period the employee shall be evaluated and given written notification if a problem exists. During the trial period, the employee will be returned to his/her original position if the employee elects to be returned or the Employer finds the employee is unsatisfactory in the new position.

  • PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT Promptly upon execution of this Stipulation, Lead Plaintiffs will move for preliminary approval of the Settlement, certification of the Settlement Class for settlement purposes only, and the scheduling of a hearing for consideration of final approval of the Settlement, which motion shall be unopposed by Defendants. Concurrently with the motion for preliminary approval, Lead Plaintiffs shall apply to the Court for, and Defendants shall agree to, entry of the Preliminary Approval Order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

  • Contract Closure Contracting Officer shall give appropriate written notice to Purchaser when Purchaser has complied with the terms of this contract. Purchaser shall be paid refunds due from Timber Sale Account un- der B4.24 and excess cooperative deposits under B4.218.