Security of processing 8 Sample Clauses

Security of processing 8. 5 Zabezpečení zpracování (a) The data importer and, during transmission, also the data exporter shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the personal data, including protection against a breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access a) Dovozce údajů a během předávání také vývozce údajů přijmou vhodná technická a organizační opatření k zajištění zabezpečení osobních údajů, včetně ochrany před porušením zabezpečení vedoucím k náhodnému nebo protiprávnímu zničení, ztrátě, změně nebo neoprávněnému poskytnutí nebo zpřístupnění (dále jen „porušení zabezpečení osobních (hereinafter ‘personal data breach’). In assessing the appropriate level of security, they shall take due account of the state of the art, the costs of implementation, the nature, scope, context and purpose(s) of processing and the risks involved in the processing for the data subject. The Parties shall in particular consider having recourse to encryption or pseudonymisation, including during transmission, where the purpose of processing can be fulfilled in that manner. údajů“). Při posuzování vhodné úrovně zabezpečení řádně zohlední aktuální stav techniky, náklady na provedení, povahu, rozsah, kontext a účel nebo účely zpracování a rizika pro subjekt údajů spojená se zpracováním. Strany zejména zváží použití šifrování nebo pseudonymizace, a to i během předávání, pokud lze tímto způsobem splnit účel zpracování. (b) The Parties have agreed on the technical and organisational measures set out in Xxxxx XX. The data importer shall carry out regular checks to ensure that these measures continue to provide an appropriate level of security. b) Strany se dohodly na technických a organizačních opatřeních stanovených v příloze II. Dovozce údajů provádí pravidelné kontroly, aby zajistil, že tato opatření stále poskytují odpovídající úroveň zabezpečení. (c) The data importer shall ensure that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality. c) Xxxxxxx údajů zajistí, aby se osoby oprávněné zpracovávat osobní údaje zavázaly k mlčenlivosti, nebo aby se na ně vztahovala zákonná povinnost mlčenlivosti.
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Security of processing 8. Zabezpečení zpracování
Security of processing 8. 2 Zabezpečení zpracování údajů (a) The Parties shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data, including during transmission, and protection against a breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access (hereinafter ‘personal data breach’). In assessing the appropriate level of security, they shall take due account of the state of the art, the costs of implementation, the nature of the personal data, the nature, scope, context and purpose(s) of processing and the risks involved in the processing for the data subjects, and in particular consider having recourse to encryption or pseudonymisation, including during transmission, where the purpose of processing can be fulfilled in that manner. (a) Smluvní strany přijmou náležitá technická a organizační opatření, aby zajistily bezpečnost údajů, a to i během přenosu, a rovněž ochranu před porušením zabezpečení, jež by mohlo vést k náhodnému nebo nezákonnému zničení, ztrátě, změně, neoprávněnému zveřejnění nebo přístupu (xxxx xxx „porušení zabezpečení osobních údajů”). Při posuzování vhodné úrovně zabezpečení náležitě zohlední současný stav techniky, náklady na implementaci, povahu osobních údajů, povahu, rozsah, kontext a účel/y zpracování i rizika pro subjekty údajů spojená se zpracováním, a zejména zváží použití šifrování nebo pseudonymizace, a to i během přenosu, pokud lze účel zpracování tímto způsobem splnit. (b) The data exporter shall assist the data importer in ensuring appropriate security of the data in accordance with paragraph (a). In case of a personal data breach concerning the personal data processed by the data exporter under these Clauses, the data exporter shall notify the data importer without undue delay after becoming aware of it and assist the data importer in addressing the breach. (b) Vývozce údajů bude dovozci údajů pomáhat při zajišťování vhodného zabezpečení údajů v souladu s písmenem (a). V případě, že dojde k porušení zabezpečení osobních údajů zpracovávaných vývozcem údajů podle těchto doložek, vývozce údajů o xxx dovozce údajů informuje bez zbytečného odkladu ihned poté, co se o takovém porušení dozví, a pomůže dovozci údajů při řešení tohoto porušení. (c) The data exporter shall ensure that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality. (c) Vývozce úd...

Related to Security of processing 8

  • Security of processing (a) The data importer and, during transmission, also the data exporter shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data, including protection against a breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access to that data (hereinafter ‘personal data breach’). In assessing the appropriate level of security, the Parties shall take due account of the state of the art, the costs of implementation, the nature, scope, context and purpose(s) of processing and the risks involved in the processing for the data subjects. The Parties shall in particular consider having recourse to encryption or pseudonymisation, including during transmission, where the purpose of processing can be fulfilled in that manner. In case of pseudonymisation, the additional information for attributing the personal data to a specific data subject shall, where possible, remain under the exclusive control of the data exporter. In complying with its obligations under this paragraph, the data importer shall at least implement the technical and organisational measures specified in Annex II. The data importer shall carry out regular checks to ensure that these measures continue to provide an appropriate level of security. (b) The data importer shall grant access to the personal data to members of its personnel only to the extent strictly necessary for the implementation, management and monitoring of the contract. It shall ensure that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality. (c) In the event of a personal data breach concerning personal data processed by the data importer under these Clauses, the data importer shall take appropriate measures to address the breach, including measures to mitigate its adverse effects. The data importer shall also notify the data exporter without undue delay after having become aware of the breach. Such notification shall contain the details of a contact point where more information can be obtained, a description of the nature of the breach (including, where possible, categories and approximate number of data subjects and personal data records concerned), its likely consequences and the measures taken or proposed to address the breach including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. Where, and in so far as, it is not possible to provide all information at the same time, the initial notification shall contain the information then available and further information shall, as it becomes available, subsequently be provided without undue delay. (d) The data importer shall cooperate with and assist the data exporter to enable the data exporter to comply with its obligations under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, in particular to notify the competent supervisory authority and the affected data subjects, taking into account the nature of processing and the information available to the data importer.

  • Description of Processing Include a description of how the disclosed information will be processed by each receiving party.

  • Duration of Processing Subject to any Section of the DPA and/or the Agreement dealing with the duration of the Processing and the consequences of the expiration or termination thereof, Data Processor will Process Personal Data for the duration of the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

  • Scope of Processing The subject-matter of Processing of Personal Data by Okta is the performance of the Service pursuant to the Agreement. The duration of the Processing, the nature and purpose of the Processing, the types of Personal Data and categories of Data Subjects Processed under this DPA are further specified in Appendix 1 to this DPA.

  • Security of State Information The Contractor represents and warrants that it has implemented and it shall maintain during the term of this Contract the highest industry standard administrative, technical, and physical safeguards and controls consistent with NIST Special Publication 800-53 (version 3 or higher) and Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 200 and designed to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of State Data; (ii) protect against any anticipated security threats or hazards to the security or integrity of the State Data; and (iii) protect against unauthorized access to or use of State Data. Such measures shall include at a minimum: (1) access controls on information systems, including controls to authenticate and permit access to State Data only to authorized individuals and controls to prevent the Contractor employees from providing State Data to unauthorized individuals who may seek to obtain this information (whether through fraudulent means or otherwise); (2) industry-standard firewall protection; (3) encryption of electronic State Data while in transit from the Contractor networks to external networks; (4) measures to store in a secure fashion all State Data which shall include multiple levels of authentication; (5) dual control procedures, segregation of duties, and pre-employment criminal background checks for employees with responsibilities for or access to State Data; (6) measures to ensure that the State Data shall not be altered or corrupted without the prior written consent of the State; (7) measures to protect against destruction, loss or damage of State Data due to potential environmental hazards, such as fire and water damage; (8) staff training to implement the information security measures; and (9) monitoring of the security of any portions of the Contractor systems that are used in the provision of the services against intrusion on a twenty-four (24) hour a day basis.

  • Security of Data a. Each of the parties shall: i. ensure as far as reasonably practicable, that Data is properly stored, is not accessible to unauthorised persons, is not altered, lost or destroyed and is capable of being retrieved only by properly authorised persons; ii. subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 8.a. ensure that, in addition to any security, proprietary and other information disclosure provision contained in the Contract, Messages and Associated Data are maintained in confidence, are not disclosed or transmitted to any unauthorised person and are not used for any purpose other than that communicated by the sending party or permitted by the Contract; and iii. protect further transmission to the same degree as the originally transmitted Message and Associated Data when further transmissions of Messages and Associated Data are permitted by the Contract or expressly authorised by the sending party. b. The sending party shall ensure that Messages are marked in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. If a further transmission is made pursuant to Sub-Clause 3. a. iii. the sender shall ensure that such markings are repeated in the further transmission. c. The parties may apply special protection to Messages by encryption or by other agreed means, and may apply designations to the Messages for protective Interchange, handling and storage procedures. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the party receiving a Message so protected or designated shall use at least the same level of protection and protective procedures for any further transmission of the Message and its Associated Data for all responses to the Message and for all other communications by Interchange or otherwise to any other person relating to the Message. d. If either party becomes aware of a security breach or breach of confidence in relation to any Message or in relation to its procedures or systems (including, without limitation, unauthorised access to their systems for generation, authentication, authorisation, processing, transmission, storage, protection and file management of Messages) then it shall immediately inform the other party of such breach. On being informed or becoming aware of a breach the party concerned shall: i. immediately investigate the cause, effect and extent of such breach; ii. report the results of the investigation to the other party; and iii. use all reasonable endeavours to rectify the cause of such breach. e. Each party shall ensure that the contents of Messages that are sent or received are not inconsistent with the law, the application of which could restrict the content of a Message or limit its use, and shall take all necessary measures to inform without delay the other party if such an inconsistency arises.

  • Priority of Provisions If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any term, statement, requirement, or provision of any exhibit attached hereto, any document or events referred to herein, or any document incorporated into this Agreement by reference and a term, statement, requirement, or provision of Articles 1 through 8 of this Agreement, the term, statement, requirement, or provision contained in Articles 1 through 8 shall prevail and be given effect.

  • Security of Information Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the DOH Chief Information Security Officer, Contractor receiving confidential information under this contract assures that: • Encryption is selected and applied using industry standard algorithms validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program against all information stored locally and off-site. Information must be encrypted both in-transit and at rest and applied in such a way that it renders data unusable to anyone but authorized personnel, and the confidential process, encryption key or other means to decipher the information is protected from unauthorized access. • It is compliant with the applicable provisions of the Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) policy 141, Securing Information Technology Assets, available at: xxxxx:// • It will provide DOH copies of its IT security policies, practices and procedures upon the request of the DOH Chief Information Security Officer. • DOH may at any time conduct an audit of the Contractor’s security practices and/or infrastructure to assure compliance with the security requirements of this contract. • It has implemented physical, electronic and administrative safeguards that are consistent with OCIO security standard 141.10 and ISB IT guidelines to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure of DOH Confidential Information in any form. This includes, but is not limited to, restricting access to specifically authorized individuals and services through the use of: o Documented access authorization and change control procedures; o Card key systems that restrict, monitor and log access; o Locked racks for the storage of servers that contain Confidential Information or use AES encryption (key lengths of 256 bits or greater) to protect confidential data at rest, standard algorithms validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CMVP); o Documented patch management practices that assure all network systems are running critical security updates within 6 days of release when the exploit is in the wild, and within 30 days of release for all others; o Documented anti-virus strategies that assure all systems are running the most current anti-virus signatures within 1 day of release; o Complex passwords that are systematically enforced and password expiration not to exceed 120 days, dependent user authentication types as defined in OCIO security standards; o Strong multi-factor authentication mechanisms that assure the identity of individuals who access Confidential Information; o Account lock-out after 5 failed authentication attempts for a minimum of 15 minutes, or for Confidential Information, until administrator reset; o AES encryption (using key lengths 128 bits or greater) session for all data transmissions, standard algorithms validated by NIST CMVP; o Firewall rules and network address translation that isolate database servers from web servers and public networks; o Regular review of firewall rules and configurations to assure compliance with authorization and change control procedures; o Log management and intrusion detection/prevention systems; o A documented and tested incident response plan Any breach of this clause may result in termination of the contract and the demand for return of all personal information.

  • Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Maximum number of lots for which one tenderer can submit tenders: 0

  • Order Processing Any order by you for the purchase of shares of the respective Funds through us shall be accepted at the time when it is received by us (or any clearing house agency that we may designate from time to time), and at the offering and sale price next determined, unless rejected by us or the respective Funds. In addition to the right to reject any order, the Funds have reserved the right to withhold shares from sale temporarily or permanently. We will not accept any order from you that is placed on a conditional basis or subject to any delay or contingency prior to execution. The procedures relating to the handling of orders shall be subject to instructions that we shall forward from time to time to all members of the Selling Group. The shares purchased will be issued by the respective Funds only against receipt of the purchase price, in collected New York or Los Angeles Clearing House funds subject to deduction of all concessions on such sale (reallowance of any concessions to which you are entitled on purchases at net asset value will be paid through our direct purchase concession system). If payment for the shares purchased is not received within three days after the date of confirmation the sale may be cancelled forthwith, by us or by the respective Funds, without any responsibility or liability on our part or on the part of the Funds, and we and/or the respective Funds may hold you responsible for any loss, expense, liability or damage, including loss of profit suffered by us and/or the respective Funds, resulting from your delay or failure to make payment as aforesaid.

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