SENIORITY CLAUSE. (1.) Seniority shall be on the basis of each store. Promotion shall be based on fitness and ability with seniority a factor only when all other things are equal. In case of layoff and promotion, seniority of full time employees shall be considered by areas previously agreed upon between the Company and the Union. Promotion from part time to full time shall be on the area basis. An employee continuously laid off for six (6) months shall be automatically terminated at the end of that period. Noth ing in the above shall be construed to take away from a returned service man any rights or benefits to which his service with the Company and in the armed forces en titles him. Employees laid off within the six (6) months period shall be placed in a pool for consideration for employment in the Unit. (2.) Respecting the employment promo tion of any member of the Union, ability and practicability shall be considered in conjunction with seniority standing. Regu lar part time employees will be given pref erence for permanent jobs, ability and prac ticability to be considered in conjunction with seniority. (3.) It is understood that the stewards of this Union shall, at all times be full time employees and shall be the last to be laid off in any case, and the Union shall furnish the Employer with a complete list of stew ards, which list shall be supplemented from time to time as may be necessary. In no event shall the xxxxxxx be empowered to call a work stoppage. (4.) School boys or girls working after school shall not be eligible to seniority standing. (5.) Presently employed employees shall have first consideration to jobs paying high er rates excepting returning ex-servicemen, who shall have preference over present per sonnel. (6.) Employees transferred from one store to another shall work for a period of six (6) months before regaining full seniority rights. (7.) Part time employees holding other regular jobs shall have no seniority rights.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
SENIORITY CLAUSE. (1.a) As to layoffs, rehiring and permanent full-time transfers, the principles of seniority shall apply, except as hereinafter provided. Seniority shall be determined on the basis length of each storeservice o f the employee with regard to experience and ability to perform the work. Promotion All circumstances being reasonably equal, length of service shall be the controlling factor. Seniority shall be considered broken when an employee:
1. Quits.
2. Discharged for just cause.
3. Laid off continuously for more than six (6) months.
4. Fails to report for work from layoff within three (3) days o f receipt of written notice.
(b) Promotions and retraining for new jobs shall be based on fitness and ability with seniority a factor only when all other things are equal. Senior employees shall have the right to demonstrate their fitness and ability.
(c) In the matter of promotions and permanent transfers to new store openings, the Employer shall have the right to exercise his final judgment after giving due regard to seniority.
(d) A seniority list for full-time employees shall be supplied the Union and supplemented as needed.
(e) Full-time employees will be given one week’s notice in case o f layoff or reduction in hours.
(f) Full-time employees shall be given three (3) days’ notice or pay in lieu thereof in case of layoff discharge for just cause, except in cases o f dishonesty, drunkenness on the job or insubordination, wherein no notice is required.
(g) An employee laid off or reduced in hours out of sen iority shall receive pay for time lost to start after one week’s notice to the Employer by the Union, until restored to em ployment, or increased in hours in accordance with seniority.
(h) Employees working full-time on other jobs shall be con sidered to have the least seniority.
(i) Stewards shall be full-time and promotionshall be the last to be laid o ff in the store in accordance with classification. The Union shall furnish the Employer with a list of stewards, seniority of full which list shall be supplemented from time-to-time as may be necessary.
(j) Seniority for full-time employees shall be considered by areas previously agreed upon between the Company Employer and the Union. Promotion from part time to full time shall be on the area basis. An employee continuously laid off for six (6) months shall be automatically terminated at the end of that period. Noth ing in the above shall be construed to take away from a returned service man any rights or benefits to which his service with the Company and in the armed forces en titles him. Employees laid off within the six (6) months period shall be placed in a pool for consideration for employment in the Unit.
(2.) Respecting the employment promo tion of any member of the Union, ability and practicability shall be considered in conjunction with seniority standing. Regu lar part Part-time employees will be given pref erence have area seniority for permanent jobs, ability and prac ticability pro motions to be considered in conjunction with seniorityfull-time.
(3.) It is understood that the stewards of this Union shall, at all times be full time employees and shall be the last to be laid off in any case, and the Union shall furnish the Employer with a complete list of stew ards, which list shall be supplemented from time to time as may be necessary. In no event shall the xxxxxxx be empowered to call a work stoppage.
(4.) School boys or girls working after school shall not be eligible to seniority standing.
(5.) Presently employed employees shall have first consideration to jobs paying high er rates excepting returning ex-servicemen, who shall have preference over present per sonnel.
(6.) Employees transferred from one store to another shall work for a period of six (6) months before regaining full seniority rights.
(7.) Part time employees holding other regular jobs shall have no seniority rights.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement