Breaks in Seniority Sample Clauses

Breaks in Seniority. Seniority shall be broken only by resignation, termination, retirement, discharge for just cause, failure to return upon expiration of a leave of absence, or failure to respond to a recall from layoff. Each of the above actions applies to separation from the State of Minnesota.
Breaks in Seniority. The following situations constitute breaks in continuous service for which seniority is lost: A. Discharge or removal from the bargaining unit for just cause;
Breaks in Seniority. Seniority shall not be broken by paid leaves, which include: annual leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, military leave, or miscellaneous leaves. Seniority shall also not be broken by any single incident of leave without pay of less than 160 work hours.
Breaks in Seniority. The seniority of an employee shall be considered broken, all employment rights forfeited upon such separation, and there is no obligation under this Agreement to rehire when the employee: a. resigns; b. is discharged for just cause; c. is laid off due to lack of work for more than twelve (12) consecutive calendar months; d. is disability separated as defined in Article 11.7, or is absent from work because of an illness or injury, exhausts all available paid leaves excluding shared leave, and thereafter receives less than fifty percent (50%) of their regular pay in excess of sixteen (16) weeks in a twelve (12) month period unless extended by the President; e. leaves the bargaining unit to accept a position with the Employer outside the bargaining unit excluding temporary assignments of up to twelve (12) calendar months or when returning to their former position within the bargaining unit within the first thirty (30) calendar days of promotion; f. fails to return to work upon recall from an indefinite lay-off within seven (7) calendar days after written notice via certified mail from the Employer at the employee's last known address appearing on the Employer's records. The employee shall have ten (10) calendar days following the date such notice was mailed to request re-employment; g. abandons his or her by failure to report for work for three (3) consecutive work shifts without providing notice to the Employer. The Employer shall provide written notice via certified mail to the employee's last known address appearing on the Employer's records. The employee shall have ten
Breaks in Seniority. (1) An employee’s continuous service record shall be broken by any one of the following: (a) second refusal to accept recall when notified after layoff; (b) voluntary resignation; (c) discharge for cause; and (d) retirement.
Breaks in Seniority. An employee shall lose all seniority and the employment relationship will be severed if any of the following events occur: A. Voluntary resignation or retirement; B. Discharge of an employee who has completed probation for just cause or discharge of a probationary employee at will; C. Layoff or absence from work due to off-the-job illness or off-the-job injury for more than twenty-four (24) months; D. Failure to notify the City of intent to return to work pursuant to a recall notice or by declining recall as set forth in Article 15; E. Failure to report to work upon expiration of an authorized leave of absence or, in the case of an absence due to off or on-the-job injury or illness, failure to report for available work within seven (7) business days of receipt of notice of a limited or a full medical release to return to work; F. Absence from work due to an on the job injury or on the job illness for up to three (3) years from original date of injury or illness in accordance with applicable law; G. Transfer or promotion to a position that is outside the bargaining unit, unless the employee is returned to a bargaining unit position during his/her probationary period, as set forth in Section 19.5; or H. Failure to return from military leave, in accordance with applicable law.
Breaks in Seniority. Seniority shall be broken or terminated if an employee: (1) Quits. (2) Is discharged for just cause. (3) Is laid off and fails to accept recall as provided in Section 14.6. (4) The employee shall suffer no break in seniority providing the employee registers an employee’s intent to remain on the recall list every ninety (90) days. (5) Fails to report to work at the termination of an extended leave of absence.
Breaks in Seniority. Seniority shall be deemed broken and results in loss of employment for any of the following reasons: a. Voluntary quit; b. Discharge for cause; c. Failure to return to work in accordance with the terms of an approved leave of absence; d. Layoff for a period of twelve (12) months; e. Failure to return to work within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notice by certified mail of recall from layoff as discussed in Article 7.9 above. Where the Employer has provided more than ten (10) calendar days of notice, failure to return to work within one (1) day of the noticed return date shall constitute a break in seniority f. Continuous absence from work because of illness or injury for twelve (12) months; g. Knowingly applying for unemployment compensation benefits while on a medical or personal leave of absence; h. Other causes set forth in this Agreement.
Breaks in Seniority. An employee’s Seniority shall be broken by leaving the Bargaining Unit for more than 90 consecutive days.