Bumping Sample Clauses

Bumping. (a) The Employer will identify the date that the layoff will begin. (b) The laid off employee and the first two employees affected by bumping may choose: (1) to be placed on the casual call-in and recall lists with no loss of seniority; or (2) to bump any employee with less seniority if they are qualified to satisfactorily perform the work. An employee can bump up, but not into a supervisory position. (c) Subsequent employees affected by bumping who are qualified to satisfactorily perform the work may choose: (1) (i) to bump the least senior employee in either their classification or a similar classification whose weekly hours are up to four hours more or less than the employee's or
Bumping. Employees who are laid off shall have their names placed on a layoff list for their classification. Such employees who have at least two (2) years of City seniority shall have the right to displace (bump) the employee of lesser City seniority who was last certified to progressively lower paid classifications previously held permanently (i.e., one in which the probationary period was satisfactorily completed) by the laid off employee and in which job performance was deemed by the Employer to be satisfactory which is lower than the original classification of the laid off employee. In all cases, however, the bumping employee must meet the current minimum qualifications of the claimed position and must be qualified to perform the required work.
Bumping. (a) Displaced employees can elect to bump to a position in line with seniority (subject to 2(b) below), provided the displaced employee has the capabilities and qualifications to perform the duties of the selected position. (b) Displaced employees will choose a position to bump into by designating: (i) the FTE; (ii) the unit/xxxx/program (program for community nurses only); and (iii) the shift pattern. Shift patterns are identified as days/evenings; days/nights; evenings/nights; days; nights; or evenings. They will then bump to the position held by the junior employee with the designated FTE, shift pattern and unit/xxxx/program (program for community nurses only). Employees who are bumped will be served displacement notice and treated in accordance with the provisions of Article 19.01(B). (c) Worksite Bumping Displaced employees will review their bumping options in their own worksite first and follow the bumping procedures as listed in (a)-(b) above. (d) Bumping outside of the worksite where applicable (i) Should a displaced employee not be able to bump into a position that is comparable, and they do not volunteer to bump into a non-comparable position, they will be deemed to have exhausted their bumping options at the worksite and may exercise their bumping rights, as above, at other Employer worksites. (ii) A comparable position will be defined as a position that is: (a) within a field of practice sharing a common clinical focus (e.g.: medical, surgical, extended care, intensive care, psychiatric care, etc.) with the employee’s pre-displacement field of practice; (b) +/- 0.2 FTE of the employee’s pre-displacement FTE; and (c) does not require the employee to change their status.
Bumping. 1. For the purpose of this section, maximum possible annual base compensation is base hourly rate per the salary schedule calculated at the highest step of the Employee’s permanent job classification multiplied by the Employee’s scheduled days and hours. 2. The most-senior person in a job classification that is impacted by the Board approved position eliminations/reductions will begin the bumping process by bumping into a comparable position currently held by an Employee with the least district-wide seniority within the job classification closest to but not exceeding the Employee’s maximum possible annual base compensation where the reduction or elimination occurs. If there are no comparable positions within the affected pay grade, the Employee will continue the bumping process to a job classification closest to but not exceeding the affected Employee’s maximum possible annual base compensation in the Employee’s permanent job classification or pay grade for which the Employee meets the qualifications in the job description until all such options are exhausted. Employees must bump the least-senior Employee closest to but not exceeding the affected Employee’s maximum possible annual base compensation. Employees shall not be allowed to pass a position closest to but not exceeding the Employee’s maximum possible annual base compensation to take a lesser annual base compensation in order to receive an increase in pay grade. The Employee may receive an increase or decrease in classification or pay grade in order to maintain the Employee’s original maximum possible annual base compensation so long as the Employee meets the qualifications in the job description and only if there are no available jobs in the Employee’s classification or pay grade that are closest to but not exceeding the Employee’s maximum possible annual base compensation. No Employee shall receive an increase in annual base compensation as a result of the bumping process. 3. Employees whose position currently provides health, optical, and dental benefits may bump into a vacant position that becomes vacant during the bumping meeting with less annual base compensation in order to maintain the Employee’s health, optical, and dental benefits, contract proration will apply. 4. Affected Employees to be laid off will have notices sent to the Employee at the Employee’s last known address on file with the district by express mail at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of lay off.
Bumping. It is agreed that in instances where a job is eliminated, either by automation or change in method of operation, employees affected shall have the right to transfer to a job in line with seniority provided such transfer does not effect a promotion and provided, further, the employee possesses the ability to perform the duties of the new job. Employees affected by such rearrangement of jobs shall similarly transfer to jobs in line with seniority and ability. A transfer under this section shall not be deemed to effect a promotion unless it results in an increase in the pay rate of the transferring employee in excess of three percent of his/her existing pay rate. The unions will recommend to their membership that they facilitate and expedite the job selection, placement and bumping process in the context of downsizing and labour adjustment generally. Accordingly, employees exercising a right to bump must advise the Employer of their intention to bump within seven days of receipt of the Employer's current seniority list.
Bumping. An employee whose hours are being cut or who is being laid off may fill any vacant position or displace a less senior employee in any bargaining unit job classification within the same department, provided that he or she has the qualifications to do the job. An employee who is displaced in a layoff or has hours reduced shall also have bumping rights. A laid off employee may combine the jobs of two (2) less senior employees in the same classification, provided there is no conflict in schedule.
Bumping. (a) The Employee will select a range of bands for placement and bumping purposes. The Employee will be interviewed by the Department of Human Resources and will complete testing where required. Once the assessment process is completed, placement and bumping will commence. (b) An Employee who refuses a job offer will choose regular severance (Article 15.10) or layoff status (Article 15.11). (c) Bumping procedures will be as follows: (i) A review of the positions for bumping will commence with the person with the least seniority in the same band as the position from which the Employee received notice of job closure. If the Employee does not meet the qualifications, bumping procedures will continue to the next person with the least seniority within the band and continue until a successful position is found or the seniority of the Employee bumping is reached. (ii) If the Employer is unable to successfully find a position for which the Employee bumping is qualified, the Employer will attempt placement within other selected bands. (iii) If the Employer is unable to place the Employee within the selected range, the Employer will next review positions for bumping within the range (iv) If the Employer has been unable to successfully find a position into which the Employee can bump, the Employer will then continue to try to place the Employee within the selected range until the end of the notice period. (v) If the Employer has been unable to successfully find a position into which the Employee can bump by the end of the notice period, the Employee will then choose regular severance (Article 15.10) or layoff status (Article 15.11).
Bumping. In the event an employee is laid off or a position becomes redundant, employees affected may bump an employee with less seniority, in accordance with the terms following, provided that the employee exercising the right to bump is qualified to perform the work of the less senior employee. The right to bump shall include the right to bump up. Employees exercising their seniority rights under the provisions of this Article shall do so within four (4) days of the notice of layoff. 2005/2008 (a) Employees will belong to one of the following divisions: • Inside Division (including clerical staff and technical staff in all departments) • Outside Division • Parks Recreation & Culture Division (excluding parks workers, clerical and administrative positions) 2005/2008 (b) The divisions will include the following groups of employees: Inside Division (includes all staff within the named sections unless otherwise noted) Corporate Administration Department Planning Department Engineering Department Finance Department (including Purchasing) Fire Rescue Department Forestry Department – Schedule A (including clerical and technical staff) Inspection Services Department Parks, Recreation & Culture Department – Schedule A (clerical and administrative staff) Public Works (clerical staff) RCMP Detachment (clerical, guards, court liaison, exhibits) Shop Forestry Department – Schedule B (excluding clerical and technical staff) Parks workers (including cemetery, labourers and equipment operators) Aquatic Centre staff Program Registration/Receptionist staff Programming staff Facilities maintenance workers 2005/2008 (c) Employees exercising their bumping rights shall bump first within their division to a position that offers the same number, or a greater number of hours of work, in the following sequence: (i) the least senior employee in all of the higher pay grades within the division, or (ii) the least senior employee within the employee’s job classification, then (iii) the least senior employee within the employee’s pay grade, then (iv) the least senior employee in the next lower pay grade(s) successively within the Division (v) the affected employee(s) may always choose a position with fewer hours if they wish.
Bumping. It is agreed that in instances where a job is eliminated, either by automation or change in method of operation an employee affected shall be laid off. Any reduction in hours of one (1) hour or more in a shift shall be considered a layoff and may, at the employees option, trigger bumping rights as laid out below. Employees affected shall have the right to transfer (bump) to a job in line with seniority, provided such transfer does not affect a promotion and provided, further, the employee possesses the qualifications and ability to perform the duties of the new job. Employees affected by such rearrangement of jobs shall similarly transfer to jobs in line with seniority and ability. A laid off employee may bump the most junior employee with the same hours, in any of the existing rotations in their classification or the most junior employee in the chosen FTE and classification. For clarification of the above rights, where there is more than one employee in a classification with the same hours and rotation, then the laid off employee may only chose to bump the most junior employee within that group. A laid off employee who bumps a junior employee shall be paid at the hourly rate of the classification they are bumping into, at the rate corresponding with their previous placement in the wage grid. Concurrent with notice of layoff, the Employer shall provide affected employees a list of positions available for bumping. Laid off employees must make their bumping choices within five (5) calendar days from the receipt of the notice. An employee exercising their options under this article shall be moved to their new position at the end of their notice period, unless mutually agreed otherwise. An employee shall not incur a loss of income during their notice period. A transfer under this Article shall not be deemed to effect a promotion unless it results in an increase in the pay rate of the transferring employee in excess of five percent (5%) of their existing pay rate.
Bumping. An employee designated to be laid off may bump into a class at the same salary level within the same department in which such employee has previously held status in such classification with the County. An employee who is bumped shall be laid off in the same manner as an employee whose position is abolished.