Service Hours apply Sample Clauses

Service Hours apply. If no operational service is purchased or if services are to be performed outside of the Service Hours, then services can be ordered on an ad hoc basis, subject to T&M hourly rates.

Related to Service Hours apply

  • Service Hours The services shall be provided during the working hours and days as defined by the Contractor.

  • Hours Worked For the purpose of computing the number of hours worked, all time during which an employee is in paid status shall be construed as hours worked.

  • Office Hours (1) Full-time instructional academic employees shall maintain a posted five (5)-hour minimum office schedule each week. The specific office hours and office hours location shall be determined by the academic employee’s teaching schedule and shall receive the concurrence of the appropriate unit administrator. (2) Full-time academic employees whose teaching load is twenty (20) or more contact hours per week may, with the approval of the unit administrator, arrange an alternate schedule of office hours.

  • Hours of Service The minimum number of Hours of Service an Employee must complete during a vesting computation period to receive credit for a Year of Service is: (Choose (c) or (d)) [X] (c) 1,000 Hours of Service.

  • Standard Work Week The standard work week for full-time employees covered by this Agreement shall be forty (40) hours, exclusive of the time allotted for meal periods, consisting of five (5) consecutive work days followed by two (2) consecutive days off. The week shall commence with the shift that includes 12:01 A.M. Sunday of each calendar week and end at the start of the shift that includes 12:00 midnight the following Saturday. The Employer retains the right to modify the work schedules to meet operational needs.


  • HOURS AND OVERTIME A. Workweek The workweek shall consist of no more than five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) hours/day. This Article shall not restrict the extension of the regular workday or workweek on an overtime basis when such is necessary to carry on the business of the District. The District may establish a ten (10) hour/day, four (4) day work week for all or certain classes of its employees or for employees within a class if the District and the affected employees mutually agree to such a calendar. The President of CSEA Ceres #140 will be notified prior to implementing such a change. B. Work Year All employees will be required to complete a Positive Work Year Calendar for the following year. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this agreement, the work year for school site based ten (10) month employees may be assigned to begin up to fifteen (15) workdays earlier than the first student instructional day. C. Workday An employee with prior approval by his/her supervisor or a supervisor with the approval of the employee may modify the employee’s workday to accommodate a short-term (maximum thirty (30) calendar days) special need, but in no case will the number of hours worked that day be less than assigned. If an agreement cannot be reached, an employee’s supervisor may modify an employee’s workday to accommodate a short-term (maximum thirty (30) calendar days) special need, but in no case will the number of hours worked that day be less than assigned. The employee shall receive no less than a 3 work day prior written notice of the workday change. On an annual basis, a supervisor may modify an employee’s workday (starting and ending times) by no more than 30 minutes without the employee’s permission upon receiving the prior approval of an Assistant Superintendent. The employee shall receive written notice at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to this change taking place. CSEA will be consulted. D. Lunch Periods All employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to an uninterrupted lunch period after the employee has been on duty for four (4) hours. The length of time for such lunch shall be for a period of no longer than one hour nor less than one-half (1/2) hour and shall be scheduled for full-time employees at or about the midpoint of each work shift. This also applies to overtime assignments of four hours or more.

  • Overtime Hours Except as otherwise provided in this section, all hours worked in excess of the established work day, before or after an employee's regular scheduled shift, or on any regularly scheduled day off, shall be considered overtime. All paid vacation time, paid holidays, paid sick leave, compensatory time off, and paid leaves of absence shall be considered as "time worked" for purposes of this Article. Part-time employees whose established work day is less than eight (8) hours shall not be considered to be working overtime until having completed eight (8) hours of work.

  • Extra Hours For the purpose of Clause 20.13, extra hours means any hours available to be worked in excess of an employee’s regular schedule. The Corporation shall determine the extra hours it requires in each circumstance, and offer such hours to employees working in that Post Office in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. (a) On each occasion that extra hours are to be worked, opportunities to work the extra hours are to be offered to employees who notify the Postmaster beforehand of their availability, on the basis of the first opportunity to the employee who works the greatest number of regularly scheduled hours per week, last opportunity to the employee who works the least number of regularly scheduled hours per week. (b) Where two (2) or more employees are working the same number of hours per week, the opportunity shall be first offered to the employee with the longest continuous employment in that Post Office save that an employee who was formerly full-time and whose hours were reduced in accordance with Clause 12.05(a)(i) shall have priority. (i) In the application of this Clause, it is understood that a Part-Time Assistant shall be granted an opportunity to work extra hours provided that the extra hours do not conflict with her regular schedule, and provided she does not work more than eight (8) hours per day, or forty (40) hours per week. (ii) Subject to Clause 20.13(c)(i) the Part-Time Assistant who is granted the first opportunity to work extra hours should, while the opportunity lasts, end up working a total number of hours that is not less than the total number of hours worked by the Part-Time Assistant who accepts the second opportunity, and so on for each subsequent opportunity granted. (d) Where all the extra hours to be worked cannot be covered by application of the principle expressed in (a), employees may be assigned to work the extra hours that cannot be covered, and/or those hours may be covered by other means. (e) Application of this Clause entails no obligation on the part of the Corporation for equal distribution of extra hours.

  • Support Hours Subscription to support is optional and detailed in the Statement of Works and Order Form. If you subscribe to support Email support will be provided primarily by the bookinglab support team via the bookinglab Online Support Platform. bookinglab will provide support according to the table below: Priority Level Time Description All levels Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in the UK) 9:00am to 5:00pm (GMT) Email support will be provided by bookinglab Customer Support Helpdesk, for all Priority Levels.